I'm Not Alone - Thoughts from a Struggling Dad

I don't know where to begin but because blunt objects have always fascinated me, I'll be blunt.

30 some-odd years and I'm starting to come to grips with a few central themes about myself:

  1. I'm a lousy but devout Christian
  2. I'm a terrible but loving husband
  3. I'm an absent but invested father
  4. I'm an experienced but unprofitable employee
  5. My bowling game has really gone to crap these past few years

I'm also NOT depressed, NOT suicidal, and NOT hopeless.

But like so many people I listen to, read about, and talk with, the more I realize: I am not alone.

So that brings me to Steem. For better or worse, good or ill, profit or bankruptcy, fame or infamy - I'm going to share the thoughts of a struggling dad.

If you were hoping for a whiny, emo stream of consciousness, I promise I won't do that. What I will do is share what I've done, pull out nuggets of learning, and hopefully demonstrate to myself and the community some progress.

Why read my posts? Because they're entertaining! More than that, they're real stories. You can't make-up the crap I've done.

I'll cover my addictions, inabilities, anxieties, and personal paralysis. All of it will fall within the context of being a 21st Century American husband and father who's failed at nearly every business he's tried, been fired 6? times, and now is relegated to starting out all over again - not by by choice but by necessity.

I'll offer no self-help guides, no words of wisdom, and certainly no cure-alls. I'll share what works for me with no guarantees that it will work for you.

But what you might get is a companion. You might learn a strategy or tactic to try out on your own struggles. You might find out that you're not alone.

I've got no interest in revealing who I am - too much potential damage to family and friends... damage I quietly clean up or hide every day. So don't expect a "big reveal." Really, I'm a nobody. A common man. A struggling dad.

So read-on. Flame away. Follow. Unfollow. Offer support. Judge. Up/down-vote. Get out of me and my content whatever you want.

I'll be here. Every day. And as long as we're both here - neither of us are alone.