Introduceyourself| i daily give update about steem price and other cryptocryncy related materials

Introduceyourself| i daily give update about steem price and other cryptocryncy related materials

Hello Steemit friends! How are you?

I am a new blogger and I am enjoying Steemit a lot.
Lots of people are helpful here. That's the thing I like the most.
And, I do not have much to tell you guys about me. I do not have any special thing to tell you.
I am from country "Pakistan".
That's fine. I am on SteemIt to blog about cryptocurrency. Mostly about ICO. 😋 Actually, to get some bounty tokens. haha!

And, I do not mind when I don't get some upvotes as I said I am not here to earn from Steemit. 😊
But, It is really amazing to be a part of this site.
Thanks, guys.
You guys are amazing.
I do not know much about Steemit.
looking forward to learn something from seniors around here

I will post daily about steem price and other crypto cryncy. So, follow me @steemprices for daily updates.


The steemit website is such a really nice blog for sharing everything what you know to share your most favourite this like art and sketch photos. So,it is very help full for all. That's why i like it very mutch. I want to share most favourit sketch art that' made by me. I hope that i will get response to all for my post


Hi @steemprices, you have made an impressive intro, I just put your intro reference in my post, if you like it then please upvote and follow me, otherwise please comment in that post, then i will remove your link.