No One Said Startups are Easy - From Scratch to Prosperity


From Scratch to Prosperity

Startup businesses require an idea after thaT it needs a goal. Everything between idea and goal is what i call the journey.
The journey is the actual "Do" phase of any startup. So for the last month all I have been doing, is the "Do" part of my Bakery Business and another startup project I'm collaborating with my friends on. However its not easy to just copy a "successful formula" from one start up and take it into another. You have to treat each startup as its own individual Beast.

My first start up is my Bakery Business, which in its entirety is just a sideline business. At the moment it's just a way to make some extra cash, however in no way will it replace my primary form of income stream which is my job. The Bakery Business idea was to create Cakes and Cupcakes only with the intent of keeping variety low. When I formulated this Bakery Business, my first mistake was that I wanted to do everything and sell everything within the cake world. I basically baked cakes and made cupcakes which were not tested to the local tongue. After weeks of "Research and Development" I narrowed down my recipes to products that were always high sellers and baked only products that catered to the local Tongue. What I learned was that always do your research before going in and while you are in it, always try new things and scrap things don't work, and keep things simple. This is how I formulated a successful bakery startup only having 3 items on the menu which are Chocolate and Carrot cakes and cupcakes. The third item would be my bread menu which consists of Filipino Pandesal and Cinnamon bread.
So that is the formula, as simple as it is, it works for this side line business.

My 2nd Start up requires a bit of my talent in the IT field and some quick understanding into video streaming. So not to dwell too much into the details of my Startup business but it basically is just how to make streaming profitable through two services.
The first software is called, Open Broadcast Software:

obs suite.JPG

and the second service is DaCast:


Now using both services hand in hand I can come up with really awesome ways to make lots of money. Some of you might think Twitch or Youtube ad streaming, easy money right? Only problem is I need a certain amount of followers to make it a decent amount just off Ad revenue alone. Which I'm currently thinking of doing. However Twitch is something I might want to do more since I love to game all day any way. The point is the formula from my baking businesses can't totally be copy and pasted into this new startup business.

What I can take with me are the principles of Keeping things simple, do what sells, and find something you like to do that buyers will always want to come back to buy. So basically that narrows down my 2nd startup to just using Twitch and Streaming my video game feeds.

What I don't tell you is that there are some companies here in Asia that are willing to buy specific type of streams and not the adult related stuff like Voyeurism. I"m talking about legit companies wanting certain streams in other countries and they will pay a high prices for that stream on a monthly basis. However I can't disclose that information with you, however its totally doable and the cost to me is relatively small. What I plan to do with this 2nd Startup is dwell a bit more on newer technologies and newer and costly effective ways of pulling of this "specific" stream. This is where research comes in. Simplifying the technology so that we can still pull off awesome streams with mid-tech gadgets. Then finding what kinda of streams sell well and marketing that stream.

I can honestly say for every startup idea that i want to make happen, it feels like an eternity to get off the ground, however what is great about startup businesses is there is a sense of pride that this project is totally deserving of my time and efforts. The payout will be phenomenal if I can get buyers. However I know now that every succeeding startup that I create will take just as long as the last, however the goal is really to make money and provide something everyone needs.



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Come on in and start making some $$$ that is, if you like blogging and embracing the challenge of getting people interested in your most important issues. So best of good luck. I place here the link to one of my posts .. hope you can address it and leave some comments.

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Good luck.


Welcome to Steemit . A see a non stop spirit . That's a handy characteristic to have . IMHO .

Hey! Enjoy steemit!! Followed. Follow me back 😘

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