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RE: Steemit-Based Reality Game Announced: $10 million prize pool

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

This is big guys. Matt is the guy who just sponsored the event that Michael and I spoke at in Hollywood (as described at Now he's bringing all that marketing power to Steemit and BitShares and the HERO revolution in the form of a game with a big prize. This will undoubtedly bring a big influx of new users and big boost in value - i.e. how much we all earn from posting and curating everything.

How 'bout some help for Matt in learning how to use the Steemit and BitShares blockchains for a whole new world of use cases?

Welcome Matt!



All I know is he delivered one helluva great value in Hollywood. I'm loving that he is applying that technology to drive attention to our blockchains. Gameification is the future of marketing and his whole company (which I have met and worked with) will become a powerhouse in the industry. Nice to have all that driving new people our way.

selling SEO products for $49,999 is shameful. There's nothing of value in doing that:
but without already having those skills, I will say now why i KNOW your product is a scam;

$49,999 for an online product is RIDICULOUS! what value does it has? how does it differ from other personal development program?

You said that your program is "endorsed" by the Steemit devs. We'd know what our Devs says. And they DO NOT ENDORSE your program. you outright lied to your webinar participants.

You incessantly avoid crucial questions. Where is your supposed "Gold Contract"? what is the protocol on your KARMA KOIN, how to you avoid double spending.. these questions were asked one way or another. All of them unanswered by you.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY $99 Dollars for "access to Steemit". That is outright scam. There is another term IRL (in real life) called Ticket Scalping. I cant find a better term to described what you did.

First day on Steem, and you called someone an "Asshole". NOT COOL!!

What is this supposed "Game". Did you have a developer at all? $49,999 on a beta product sounds too steep dont you think?

I'm sorry @matttrainer, I wont judge you personally because i dont know you. But your product, Mogul, is a scam.
Full post here:

You guys sound a lot like the naysayers calling Bitcoin a scam back when there was not yet any infrastructure or on ramps. If you were not a miner, it was much easier and far less intellectually challenging to just call it a scam then to try and figure out the "coloring outside of the lines" ways of buying it while it was still selling in the single digits. Thank God I didn't listen to your knee jerk reactions and started buying bitcoin for $5 in 2011

Dear @rubenalexander

You downvoted this comment because..................?

Be advised that you will either need a good reason or if you have no good reason, be hereby advised that I also know how to downvote.

Have an absolutely splendiferous rest of what's left of your day and your 15 minutes of fame :-)

what the hell you scare me now :D If I could I will double my up vote to you ahahaha

Bitcoin was launched by a genius cryptoanarchist. Mogul is (or was going to be) launched by a serial scammer. There is quite big difference, don't you think?

You have absolutely no idea by whom Bitcoin was launched. To claim you do is to display your lack of credentials to add anything meaningful to the discussion here. Good God, man, do you expect us to believe every claim on tv, radio, and online? Do you not know that there are highly paid disinformation specialists? And amateurs like you with names to make for themselves or bloated egos to feed.

What's up with the hostility? Sure no one knows who created bitcoin, but it was free to join and you only needed a CPU to mine it, not thousands of dollars up front.

whose a good man now

I wish I knew you back in 2011 so I could buy tons of BTC but here we are... the machine to go back in time doesn't exist yet

calling Bitcoin a scam back when there was not yet any infrastructure or on ramps.

How can you even compare the two? Bitcoin was open-source since 2009. There was no person going around asking other users for $10-$50,000 without any proof or details to be a part of the network.

That's because you're also a scammy fuck just like those you hang out with.

Thank you for letting us know

your welcome!

This post received a 67% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @sinned! For more information on @randowhale click here!

Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please click on.

Can I be banned from this game, please?

Original version for mobile users:

But you'll miss out on the $20 million prize pool. Wait.... how much is now?

Oh noes!!

Hahaha... good one.

Up to $25 million now.

wow I'm so sad I've missed it, giving money to some vegas praising douche. just sign here and here and it's gone, the invisible empire

please read this post to educate yourself. This may not be a good thing, but first you must learn more information:

I have first-hand experience with Matt's team the past month. Awesome great content in Hollywood. I watched the team solve problems from the inside. I want to see those technologies applied to bring the world to our blockchains.

And before that, have you educated yourself about his past work and his past projects?

I merely testify to what I personally know and have observed. I don't deal in hearsay.

You know who you remind me of right now? Your son. He refused to see that the Dollar was actively scamming people out of money. It was hard to watch......because he wanted to believe that he was a good man. He's not.

I once had a wise and faithful counselor who advised me to play the game for where things will be when the dust settles. I'm content to do that now. No point in arguing about it in the mean time.

It's not arguing. It's making a conscious choice to partner with people who have integrity. Without integrity, you'll lose everything. It's your choice, as you already know. I speak from experience, lots of experience with people. When you ignore your instincts, and decide to go for mass profit instead, your community will be divided. I would like to talk directly to this Matt, as I have a very sharp indicator of trustworthy people. I will not be bothering you, I am merely trying to help you see things that you're blind to. But carry on, you'll choose to do whatever you wish. Every action has a direct reaction. No one on this platform will be silent, though.

Well have you done your research?

Stan got paid. And got paid well.

that's a fancy way to say "i'm being disingenuous"

Super genius types are not always the best judges of character. Naive and good, trustworthy people such as yourself sometimes may have a hard time seeing reality, especially when involving your fantasy ideas of your own success. I would appreciate if you at least spent time educating yourself about Matt's past. Other scam artists have found a nice cozy home on here, and are still ripping off people. It's best to be wise about forming partnerships, as you are putting all of us at risk if you choose not to look with a critical eye.

To be fair ive seen you promote synereo as though it was an improvement upon steem...without having any idea if it could even scale.

You compare that to endorsing an obvious scam scheme on our own platform? Oh fuzzy.

I have good connections with good people in Los Angeles, who work with big names. Maybe you should find trustworthy people yourself, and form connections. Partnering with people who you barely know seems like a bad idea.

Time will tell

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." -- Warren Buffett

In December 1912, J. P. Morgan testified before Congress in the so-called Money Trust hearings. Asked to explain how he decided whether to make a loan or investment, he replied, “The first thing is character.” His questioner skeptically suggested that factors like collateral might be more important, but Morgan replied, “A man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.

This game is a scam, i think, because it sounds really fishy to me. i will think differently if you would anwser me some questions.
Where does the money come from?
Why should we trust a person with a past like this?
And some more.

@stan @abit @thejohalfiles @fuzzvest how are you guys taking this seriously. There is nothing of any real value here. Have you not heard the empty promises of a conman before? You might want it to be true but it just clearly isn't. As my dad used to say, what a crock of horseshit!

Maybe because we just pulled off one awesome event with his team in Hollywood?

Stan, you have the glaze of last night's diamonds obscuring your vision.
Please clean your lenses.

Who cares about an event in Hollywood? Why are you afraid to address the very real criticisms being lodged here. You are blindly supporting an obvious scam based on the fact that you partied with the guy?

You have no integrity.

Wow. Why u think the guy has no integrity? It seems u guys are being a bit hard on someone who just did one of the best promotional works for our tech since dan made steem.

I waited to see what would happen before passing judgement, but upon reading the initial post I was suspicious.

Then the guy bailed before 24 hours were up after making such a grand post, made threats of what appeared to be legal action simply because some people were pasting links to claims on the internet and asking questions in the comments.

It was a huge overreaction for anyone that was acting in good faith in my view. And it was a classic scammer reaction when they've been caught in their game.

I would never put money into this persons ventures. Spend a little, wow the unsuspecting ... all for the big con later.

Usually it's really bad promotion to be connected with a scam.

hmmm, maybe he had enough from his last scam to pull off the next one even bigger!

ok, why is he banning people? That sounds very suspicious.

That's only because a lot of noobs have decided to trust Matt. To intensify their trust, it is important to reject the haters. And reject them openly. That post does exactly that. A classic Internet Marketing style.

I hope and wish Matt is transparent.

Sadly it took whale votes and bought whale votes to get this visibility, so it isn't just noobs it is also others who wish to profit from this.

It's hilarious! He's like a kid throwing a tantrum. You're out of the club! @mattrainer please ban me too!

I cannot believe Stan is backing this type of person. But then again, geeks are not really good at identifiying conmen........just look at The Dollar and Dan.

Hmmm, maybe. I would like to know @dan thinks about this one.

I'm sorry to say this but Dan is a poor judge of character. people skills and figuring out who is a conman is not in his wheelhouse. this is pretty obvious.

@stellabelle Why do people keep accusing @dan of being a scammer? He's been working in the crypto space for years, he's doing public presentations all the time, would a scammer do that after being caught publicly? I don't get it, got a link with accusations or something? It keeps coming up....

no, Dan is not a scammer. But Dan is a genius type, an inventor. He's good at math and arcane topics. He is not good at judging people. I know this because he told me. I had this problem in the past too, so i know about it. It has to do with trust, and being able to see people with a critical eye. Dan is trustworthy, in my opinion, but I feel that he lacks the necessary social skills to judge people's character. But this is also my opinion. I admire and respect Dan.

She is not saying that Dan is a scammer, but Dan having a poor judge of character.

I warned him there would be trolls. He's the kind of guy who attacks when attacked. Doesn't prove anything. I'm interested in seeing if it works as a troll containment strategy. Probably not, but as a game master he certainly has the right to keep that kind of stuff from infecting his game.

labeling intelligent people asking intelligent questions as trolls is not accurate.

You do realize that conman who was previously popular in here accounted for scaring off a huge number of users on Steemit, right?

How is he a game master? He mentions nothing of the game. He appears to be trying to sell "how to's" of a game before it exists which doesn't make sense.

He's the kind of guy who attacks when attacked.

Very responsible behavior and instant trust for me to place my money on...

if it works as a troll containment strategy.

You contain trolls by ignoring them. 14 year olds streaming on twitch know how to deal with trolls better than @matttrainer. If he can't handle a few criticising comments on a decentralized platform, good luck on all others.

So much fun and so many games the past week I hardly know where to begin! A how-to guide to risk-free wealth accumulation devoid of any jail-time whatsoever, if you know the right people, of course...


Stan your vote of confidence really doesn't go far any more. For anyone that doesn't know Stan has endorsed scammers before:

Just watch and learn. No time or need to worry about such lame attempts to smear people any more.

I get it. You are profiting from this scam. This will just be another black mark on your record.

I don't know this Stan dude. And now I don't wish to know about him now.

Stan is Dan Larimer's father.

Just watch and learn.

So, let's see what happened. The guy quit already.

What can we learn about this? Maybe that it's usually a really bad idea to work with serial scammers?

I don't think he quit.
I think he's taking his innovative ideas elsewhere.
Steemit had its chance.
I warned him this would happen.
But he just loved the idea of Steemit too much.
Had to learn the hard way.

But what about all that work integrating it into the STEEM blockchain? How can someone just throw that amount of development away completely, and only 4 weeks from launch?

Exactly. This is how we know it's complete and utter bullshit. That's because the only infrastructure in place is the ICO that he launched. Pretty smart move for a scammer, scam unregulated currency and come away scot free.

Has Matt served time in federal prison?

please. Innovators don't quit because their ideas are in demand. Wake up, sir.

I think he's taking his innovative ideas elsewhere.

Good riddance.

probably that 71 year old grandma is with him now :|

seriously, people with money can be dicks, well at least now we know his evil plans and his mogul empire :)

He might have taken the "invisible" empire too serious with his game being invisible.

hi @stan,just a new guy on steemit,any piece of advice cos you guys are the boss.thanks..

You and your scammy ass friends need to GTFO. I'll be back to make sure this gets no payout.

No wonder someone buying my 0.00073 btc/steem order in DEX while current price is only 0.00054. Panic buying I guess. :)

Thank you @stan this is really cool news. - I saw the video of you speaking at that event, and it was excellent. I appreciate everything you do.

It's not cool news to get a serial scammer to Steem.

Why are you supporting this obvious scam? How much are you being paid?

No need to accuse him of getting paid, many follow other people's words and recommendations.

I'm in. Any help you need @matttrainer need with bitahares and steemit. I'll try my best.

I'm eager to see this...It would change the future for steemit as a whole... :D

Thanks guys I am listening live right now ... stopping fund freezing are what blockchains do best welcome to @steemit @matttrainer @steemboard

Let's get this game started!

There is no game.

My mom spends hours a day online doing surveys. I finally got her to sign up for a Steem account. I sent her this link. I'd love for her to find a new, fun way of earning money other than working for some advertisement company giving them valuable feedback for $0.25 for 30 min of survey work.

Online slave work.

looks like he thought we played too rough, since he edited out the original text and left this n its place 'Bye steemit. You're not ready for this.' 😉

this is very interesting and congrats on your first post this is my first comment this whole thing is very exciting

@stan @michaelx -- If you are able to give me a very brief real-time tutorial in reply, I would love that but no expectation. Since @matttrainer had few followers, etc-- and is new.. was his post basically boosted into all the action because you both curated/shared it? Was it because of the title and all the people who saw it in the introduceyourself thread? What was the key factor(s) compared to if I put out a post?

I don't think it's the post. I think it's the value to Steemit and BitShares.

Thanks @stan-- So how does it get up to $700+ is that directly related to number of votes, and replies or deeper algorithm (is there best link to learn this?) of variables? Would two posts both with 50 upvotes and 50 replies garner same amount of $ (for example) or does it go up exponentially because of curation and other variables. I am not afraid to learn by the way, and I will do my research, but I also don't mind asking if you feel there's a relatively 'easy' answer or you have a favorite link close at hand which best explains this. I would prefer to learn from the best rather than running in circles. Again, I appreciate this could be long reply, and I will continue to explore, no expectations.

The reward on a post depends on a number of factors but the most important ones are:
1-It is not the amount of accounts that are voting.
2-It's the voting power (AKA Steem Power) behind the votes.
3-The median market price of the Steem Token.

In esence having more Steem Power equates to having more votes at your disposal.

Thank you @onthewayout - that's helpful and explains (right) why people like Stan and Michael and others with lots of Steem voting have pushed the $ for Matt's post right up.

Add www. to the webpage.

we can do it without any "help" please don't rush I know you love your projects. Give them time and care, would you have liked to have steemit be the vr space game, that made grannies millionares, or would you rather have a community based on development, learning, growth and communication.

I'm going to give you a perfect example of why mat doesn't bring any trust when I see his messages here, first off hype, second off lack of any past or present success(money doesn't measure, trust does, if he really had 10mils he either got it from other people or in the impossible way earned other people more to have such an amount) , now to give you another example of a person who probably isn't so downright greedy(because that's what taste is left in my mouth after his , you are not going to play shinanigans). Have you heard of Star Citizen, the "best" upcoming game, upcoming for about 5 years or so, development, development ........ . millions in kickstarter, contests, studios, people, videos, backed and developed by serious people the main dev being in the field for over 30 years, with past "flawless" games(Wing Commander) and what have they been doing, well busting their brains making everything work I hope, hahah ridiculous "This one’s all about Item 2.0, which reworks ships so they logically work as a separate list of components.If you’re a citizen of the stars, you might like our list of the best space games. In real terms, these changes mean that lights will turn off if you power down a room’s modules, or perhaps the atmosphere will be sucked out of a room as you enter."

Just look at the site and you will see why you won't need VR they have already built a galaxy. I just hope the game doesn't flop. So please we don't need helmet people ready to throw money and be running like chickens with no heads. I'd rather have smart people that can think for themselves and do great things like you and you're son. Thank you both for your efforts and the lengths you would go to to secure dan's quote " " .

I liked your lecture but it oozed marketing and I never like that it was fun and great, but I always keep some caution when people are conquering the world. I hope this doesn't disappoint you much, I just think that neither steemit nor bitshares is ready for mindless zombies. It's going to be a year or two, before EOS and Steemit and even bitshares are kicking into full gear that's just how businesses operate. We need reliable people, apps, ideas, and real world reach. We shouldn't be aiming at VR, I like the idea, but apparently neither matt nor mitchel are the right people. There are many great people lurking in the woodwork here with better ideas, earning cents or full zeroes. Going to collage, paying bills, trustworthy, reliable people that can do much more if they are given the tools and opportunity. Support them, fuck the millions. They are followers anyway, we can't all vote for a thousand copies of a person all dressing alike and thinking alike, the Mailey and the Gaga's I'm not missing that trending part one bit.

I'm going to make this into a post and maybe earn more than 2steems, I'm not sure if you will read it, or anyone, Still I'd like to hear your thoughts, because here I've seen only arguing and no real value.

Matt is a real deal! and this launch is not usual.

Don't miss the Live Launch tonight, June 4, 2017 at 6pm PST.

Thanks to Matt for this epic launch ever,


Yessss! :D

You know this is a scam right?
Your reputation is on the line here

How is this a scam? Im very interested to know because i hear alot of people talking crap with nothing to back it up.

well well its your reputation. i love you anyway no matter what

Yessss! :D

Hello @matttrainer

It is not every time that someone makes a splash this Huge on steemit. It shows that you are Man of purpose.

Looking forward to what you have in store for us. I am going to be sharing this on Twitter.

Followed You.


I'm totally new at steemit and now totally blown away by what you've just created!

ABsolutely, light it up and let's have some fun this is the future in business and any growth!