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RE: Matthew Rosenquist, Cybersecuirty Strategist is on Steemit!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

People who toss around "cyber" and "thought leader" so often have little idea wtf they're talking about or any original thoughts or opinions to contribute. Much like those fleshtoned throat mikes favored by motivational speakers the world over, it's a signal of buzzwords-over-content.

Not once have I ever seen an actual thought leader self-apply the term.

How much did your 50k linkedin followers cost? You have 522 followers on twitter and your blog posts here thus far have been regurgitated news items easily available elsewhere without any useful insights or original commentary added. Most of the people I know who are active and actually contributing in infosec have at least 10-15k+ organic twitter followers. You say you've been around for 20 years but so have I and I've never heard of you. AFAICT you've just been at Intel that whole time doing "strategy", which generally means "not engineering".

Self-aggrandizing money grabs are what Steem is supposed to resist, right?


@sneak, thanks for your passionate opinions and inquiry to my professional background. I take questions, inquiries, and comments very seriously. I want to provide a through response to your comments and questions. I have posted my response on a separate thread as the length would be unwieldy in the comments section on this post.

Please navigate here to see my full reply:

I welcome your further interaction, debate, and interaction.