Introducing The Showroom Restaurant

Hello dear steemit community! 

We are excited to introduce ourselves to your network today. 

The Showroom Restaurant by Dominik Käppeler is located in Munich and decorated with a Michelin Star.

In our steemit blog we'd like to take you with us on a culinary journey, provide an insight into our food creations and share our passion and dedication for dining and wining with you. 

Our concept: The Culinary Show For All Senses 

The Showroom is the culinary living room for all gourmets in Munich.

Since the 9th of January 2017 Dominik Käppeler continues the business that was introduced by Franziska and Andreas Schweiger (formerly known as "schweiger2") on his own. 

In 2015 and 2016 Dominik Käppeler already defended the Michelin Star being in charge as Excecutive Chef of "schweiger2". In 2017 he did again as the owner of the "Showroom".

Consistency and identity are our core values. 

We follow the proposition that nothing should be taken for granted and food creations have to be built on the very best that region and season are able to provide. 

We offer a 7-courses-menu that changes every 14 days and doesn't need any repetitions.

Char | Buttermilk | Pickling Onion | Anchovy | Coffee | Lime | Tarragon 

According to the quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe we believe that "life is too short to drink bad wine".

That's why the Showroom offers a modern variety of wine (mostly from Europe).
The Restaurant Manager and sommelier Florian Herbst selects and prepares them for the corresponding courses.

Extraordinary but still homelike - that's the Showroom Restaurant in Munich. 

Professionality and discipline are self-evident in our business. However, fun shouldn't be missed either.

Michelin Star Chef Dominik Käppeler | Backstage 

We are excited to meet interesting and creative people on steemit, share ideas about food and cooking, be inspired, inspire and have a pleasant time.

Looking forward! 

Dominik Käppeler 

Our official website:

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PS to our German friends: Unsere Recherche der letzten zwei Tage hat gezeigt, dass Englisch hier die führende Sprache ist. Daher haben wir uns zunächst diesem Trend angeschlossen. Wir werden aber natürlich auch gerne einmal etwas in unserer Muttersprache publizieren. 


Next time in Munich I will definitely seek you guys out! The char dish looks amazing!

It would be our pleasure to welcome you. Thank you very much steemswede!

Willkommen auf Steemit.

Ich sehe gerade, daß ihr aus München seit, da habe ich noch zwei Links für Euch. Zum einen unser Münchner STEEM Meetup/Stammtisch, der aktuell im Wirtshaus am Bavariapark stattfindet, aber den wir bei Gelegenheit auch mal bei Euch machen können :-)

Zum anderen unser deutscher Chat-Kanal. Schaut da einfach mal rein, wenn Ihr Fragen oder Probleme mit Steemit habt.

Viele Grüße,

Vielen Dank für die Hinweise, Stefan!
Wir sind überwältigt von den Reaktionen hier. Damit haben wir sicherlich nicht gerechnet.
Ein toller Start.

ja genau @showroom - das ist der gleiche Event wie von mir angerissen

Would love some provocative recipes :-)

Recipes are top secret, but we will provide you with some other interesting insights. Promised!

Welcome to steemit @showroom it will be interesting to see how your experiment pans out! ;)

Thank you azfix. We are excited, too.

If ever I'm in Munich I will be sure to visit! Also, SO COOL to see different businesses and industries joining this platform and seeing and contributing to it's potential! Yay! Happy Steeming! Upvoted and followed.

Thank you very much for your kind words and support daisyd!
We are following you, too.

Welcome! Now you need to accept steem as payment for your business. Just a tip ;)

Thank you tfeldman. Let's see how many of Munich's food enthusiasts will join us here in the crypto world. That might be an option for the future.

welcome to steemit.. Its our honur to have you here 😁

Thanks for your kindness zkalemiss.
Great latte art in your blog! Following you.

Welcome to steemit!
Servus nach München!
I like and share your core values - great ones.
Enjoy your time here and best of luck for that culinary journey.
Following and resteemed 😉

Servus surfermarly und vielen Dank für den netten Empfang!
Thanks for the warm welcome.

Wow this is great, cool to see that a renowned restaurant is getting in on the Steemit action. Welcome!

Thank you very much adventureevryday!
It's our pleasure and we are already preparing our first food blog post.

Hey, welcome to Steem! :-)

Hey demotruk! Thank you very much!

Hello Showroom's team, welcome to Steem! :-)

Thank you very much gtg, it's our pleasure!

I love it! Finally business seem the potential great stuff

Thank you very much for your kind words marcosespes1!

Welcome to Steemit

Thank you awgbibb!

Welcome to Steemit! I love your style guys... and if you do fancy entering the weekly Steemit Culinary Challenge then I post the new theme every Friday, so please just join in whenever you want!

... Actually, I'm looking for a guest judge for next week if you'd be up for it? It's very easy - just choose a theme, and then a few days later you can pick four winners. I'm thinking it would be a great way for you to meet others who love to cook! Let me know if you can do it :-)

Thank you very much for your kindness woman-onthe-wing! It would be an honor to be the judge for your next week's challenge. How might we proceed?

Ooh that's fantastic, thank you! I normally discuss everything through direct messages on Steemit Chat... you probably haven't had chance to sign up yet? You can sign up here, it's very quick and easy. Then just do a search for me @woman-onthe-wing, as I use the same name there... send me a quick "hello" message so I know you're there! Hope that's ok :-)

You are welcome, we should thank YOU.
We haven't signed up to the chat yet but will do so soon. You'll receive a message then.


Servus und hallo! Ich war schon bei Euch, freut mich Euch hier zu sehen! Wir sind ein paar Steemians in München und treffen uns regelmäßig zum Meet-Up - evtl. wäre ja Eure Location auch ne Option mal :-) oder @twinner @freiheit50 ?

Servus Uwe und vielen Dank für die nette Begrüßung. Schön, dass Du schon einmal da war, wir hoffen es hat Dir gefallen! Zum genannten Meeting gibt es weiter unten noch einen Kommentar, das ist vermutlich dieselbe Initiative?

Welcome! Enjoy steemit!
I am looking forward to your next posts!

Thank you makishart! We will try our best to entertain you with our next publications.

Welcome to steemit and happy steeming !

Thank you patelincho! Happy steeming, too.

Sehr cool. Herzlich Willkommen auf Steemit :-)
Folge dir.

Vielen Dank lichtblick! Wir folgen natürlich zurück.

Super das freut mich. Danke @showroom.
Wünsche noch einen angehemen Tag.

Vielen Dank und ebenso!

Danke sehr :-)

Welcome to Steemit @showroom!

Thank you daveks!

Wow that is awesome!!! You belong to a great community . Enjoy your stay here @showroom ;-))

Thank you very much fernwehninja! The welcome is overwhelming so far.

This will be a fun blog to follow - I am a fan. Welcome to Steemit and blessings to your journey!

That's really kind, thank you very much lydon.sipe! We appreciate your nice words.

Welcome to one of your new homes. :D

We offer a 7-courses-menu that changes every 14 days and doesn't need any repetitions.

This sounds pleasant, and I cannot wait to see what they all are (that is if you're going to post about them). ;P Looking forward to seeing what you have to offer.

Of course we will share some insights into both menu and preparation. That's the main idea.
Thanks for your kind welcome!

right on! welcome!

Thank you very much doitvoluntarily!

Nice ! I think changing menu is key positive point for success !!

That's surely an important point. Thank you for your comment!

Thank you !

Das nenne ich eine perfekten Einstieg ! Willkommen und viel Spaß mit uns bei Steemit.........

Vielen Dank! Wir sind extrem überrascht von der Vielzahl der positiven Reaktionen. Spaß ist sicher garantiert!

das ist hier eine wirklich genial gemeinschaft ..... und einer lernt vom anderen.... schaut euch mal im deutschen chat um da findet ihr echte profis .... wie @felixxx @twinner @afrog @lichtblick und viele andere....

Vielen Dank für den Tipp und fürs Teilen des Artikels!