Getting started

I'm Adedokun Sheriffdeen, a student, passionate lover of nature, want a world devoid of violence, can't stop dreaming about cohabition where your race, religion, skin colour, belief does not matter, what matter most is that one love we share. C360_2018-01-04-16-12-23-303.jpg C360_2018-01-03-08-05-44-883.jpg C360_2017-12-26-08-08-45-024.jpg


Hi, Adedokun! Nice to meet you. Beautiful post, hopefully we can make progress towards a world like that.

Yes bro... Nice meeting you too, yes hopefully we get there, when we preach it to people around us.

Welcome bro. Together we can make the world a better place to live in.

@promo-steem @bottymcbotface