Introduceyourself l am Selma Zahara

Hallo Steemit!

Ini pertama kalinya aku bergabung di Steemit. Maka dari itu aku akan memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu ya!

Namaku Selma Zahara, cukup dipanggil Selma. Aku berasal dari Indonesia,
Kegiatan aku saat ini lagi penuh perjuangan menuju kelulusan. Tapi di samping itu karena aku suka sekali gambar, jadi aku ya mengisi waktu luang dengan menggambar. Mungkin di lain waktu aku akan memperlihatkan proses pembuatan dan hasil gambarnya ya disini. Selain itu aku suka koleksi banyak prangko dari berbagai penjuru dunia, mungkin nanti juga akan aku kasih liat disini pas lain waktu.

Aku gatau sih di Steemit ini kebanyakan temen-temen sukanya kegiatan apa dan koleksi apa, tapi yg pasti sebagian besar suka menulis. Jadi mungkin Steemit akan menjadi wadah aku untuk belajar menulis.

Terima kasih banyak untuk @cutthara yang memperkenalkan aku dengan Steemit. Terima kasih sudah mempertemukan aku dengan teman-teman yang memiliki passion yang sama.


Hallo Steemit!
This is the first time I joined in Steemit. First of all I will introduce myself!

My name is Selma Zahara, simply called Selma. I come from Indonesia.
My activities full of struggle towards graduation. But the other side my hobby is drawing, so I use my free time by drawing. Maybe next time I will show you the process of making and the results here. Then I have the collection of many stamps from different parts of the world, maybe I will also let you see my collection next time.

Thank you very much for @cutthara who has introduced me to Steemit and bringing together friends who have the same passion!


Welcome to Steemit of you! Glad to have you on Steemit. Continue doing good post.

I am very happy with your presence in Steemit. I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Welcome to steemit society

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

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Welcome to Steemit @shelmazhr! Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message. Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Welcome to steemit

Thank you :)

Selamat bergabung Selma.. ditunggu post koleksi perangko nya hehe

Iya terima kasih :)

Welcome @shelmazhr. Your artwork would be a great way to create on Steemit and grow in the community. 🎨

Thank you. I hope you can see my next post :)

You're welcome. I will look for it.

Welcome to steemit,a community for positive people just like you,trust me you'll enjoy every bit of it.At the same time,it takes determination and consistency to succeed in steemit.

Hallo @shelmazhr.. Welcome di Steemit! Suka melihat anda berkumpul.. sudah diupvote.. =)

Hi there! I welcome you to steemit. So glad you could make it here. I look forward to reading your post.

Selamat datang Kakak :)
Enjoy Steemit.. Asik kok..

Iya asik tapi masih agak bingung akunya... hahaha

Rutin upload dan beri komentar ke teman-teman :)
Biar nilai rekomendasi bertambah..

Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are lovely and I love your glasses.

Aw! Thank you, Joe :)


Suka filateli juga ya

Halo, iya nih :)

Hi there! I welcome you to steemit. So glad you could make it here. I look forward to reading your post.

Thankyou so much, you can see my new post now :)

Selamat bergabung @shelmazhr 🙏

Iya terima kasih :)

Semoga bisa sukses di steemit dan ditunggu nih postingan art nya :)Saya sudah mendengar sekilas cerita tentang @shelmazhr dari @cutthara.

Wah terima kasih banyak nih. Semoga sabar menunggu projectku berikutnya ya :)

selamat bergabung, yuk fokus di art.👍

Ayuk mariiiiiii

Welcome Selmaaa 😸
Banyak yang gasabar untuk liat artwork kamu nih kayaknya 😸

Thank you, Thara! Iya nanti di post yaaaa