What's up buddy! Welcome to the community. Cryptocurrencies led me here too and it has been a great ride so far. Enjoy yourself. For me, it is much easier to write about what I already know.
A couple things I've learned since I've been here:
Don't discount the importance of comments. Dropping the right comment, meme, or GIF can get you attention when you are new. It can also land a decent payout and gain you new followers. And it's a lot of fun . .
And check the community for any questions. There is a library of info right through the Steemit search engine. There are many people who have written things about any question you would have about the platform.
And most of all: Have a blast Steeming!
Cool, thanks for the tips, very much appreciated... As a noob, there's quite a lot to get my head around. Thoroughly enjoying it so far though!