Hi Lexi, welcome to Steemit! I wish you the best of luck on your transition, and look forward to reading about it on your blog. I guess you already know from your mom that steemit is a warm and welcoming community.
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences with social media. I'm not the biggest fan of it myself. Your introduction is doing quite well, but please don't be discouraged if afterward you notice a major drop off in engagement for a while. Steemit likes to give a warm welcome, but it still takes some time to gain a following here. In the mean time you can settle in to the community by interacting on other people's blogs. Many of them will follow you back and at some point you will have an engaged community on your own blog!
I say that last bit by faith, as I'm still in the early stages myself. But compared to my efforts on other platforms, steemit seems far and away the easiest to get going on!
Hi Shawn, thank you for the kind welcome. I appreciate your honesty. Like any venture in life, I'm sure this will be an uphill one. I'm excited to try and apply the skills I've learned about humans and the way we consume content on a platform that doesn't have the traditional barriers to entry. I'm really looking forward to having a lot to learn :)