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RE: IntroduceYourself: Sassy Sarcastic Korean American Seeking Joy

UMMMMMMM @joeyrocketfilms THAT. IS. INCREDIBLE. I need to see this place! I've recently taken up diving (something that has freaked me out in the past) and told people one of the things I love about it is that it makes me feel like I'm visiting another planet. Laguna Grande is def another planet. Thanks for the tip!


So so amazing right!! There are 2-3 places on the island that are like that from the plankton that glow when touch or disrupted . It was one of the most amazing feelings I've ever had to see this water and see it sparkle down my arm. I went in a glass bottom kayake. Unfortunately I could get any amazing pics like the ones you seen. It was too difficult. I did get some of me in the kayak. I'll do a post about it when I get some time.

That sounds incredible! Can't wait to read your post when you do it!