Good evening all Steemians, may you always be given the health to continue to share in every platform, amen. On this occasion i permit to introduce myself to the Stemians of all, because an old saying says "do not know then no love", therefore I will try to introduce myself. Okay Stemian, introduce my name Jufrizal, I come from a small village in North Aceh, mountain climbing became one of my hobbies. For me, being able to dedicate myself to nature is a satisfaction in itself, because many of the sciences we can absorb from a journey or adventure of the outdoors either in terms of togetherness, endurance, the way we survive in the wild and still many science another science that we can get from being Nature Lovers.
Selamat malam para Steemian semua, semoga kalian selalu diberikan kesehatan untuk terus berbagi di setiap platform, amin. Pada kesempatan kali ini izin kan saya memperkenalkan diri kepada para Stemian semua, karena sebuah pepatah lama mengatakan "tidak kenal maka tidak sayang", oleh sebab itu saya akan mencoba memperkenal diri saya. Oke Stemian, perkenalkan nama saya Jufrizal, saya berasal dari sebuah desa kecil di Aceh Utara, mendaki gunung menjadi salah satu hobi saya. Bagi saya, bisa mendedikasikan diri terhadap alam itu merupakan suatu kepuasan tersendiri, karena banyak ilmu-ilmu yang bisa kita serap dari suatu perjalanan atau petualangan alam bebas baik itu dari segi kebersamaan, ketahanan, cara kita bertahan hidup di alam bebas dan masih banyak ilmu-ilmu yang lain yang bisa kita peroleh dari menjadi Pecinta Alam.

I am a member of the Nature Lovers Organization at one of the universities in Aceh - Indonesia. In our organization many learn a very useful science for the future such as Navigation, Mountaineering, Management of a journey, the conservation of natural resources and others. Not only the science that we get by joining the organization, there are many sports activities that we can wrestle such as rock climbing, cave crash, white water rafting and more.
Saya merupakan anggota Organisasi Pecinta alam di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Aceh – Indonesia. Di organisasi kami banyak mempelajari ilmu yang sangat berguna untuk kedepannya seperti Navigasi, Mountainnering, Management dari sebuah perjalanan, Ksda (konservasi sumber daya alam) dan lain-lain. Tidak hanya ilmu yang kami peroleh dengan bergabung dengan organisasi, banyak juga kegiatan olahraga yang bisa kami geluti seperti panjat tebing, susur goa, arung jeram dan lainnya.

Actually I have long joined in Steemit, my first account named @rizal.konoha2 can not be accessed again because my account password Steemit lost in because the email I used to store the password has been hacked and I can not access the email again. Therefore, after I consulted with some of my friends and seniors at Steemit, they recommended creating another account in order to join and contribute back to Steemit.
Sebenarnya saya sudah lama bergabung di Steemit, akun pertama saya bernama @rizal.konoha2 tidak bisa di akses lagi berhubung pasword akun Steemit saya hilang dikarenakan email yang saya gunakan untuk menyimpan pasword tersebut telah diretas dan saya tidak bisa mengakses lagi email tersebut. Oleh karena demikian, setelah saya berkonsultasi dengan beberapa teman dan senior saya di Steemit, mereka merekomendasikan untuk membuat akun lain agar bisa bergabung kembali ke Steemit.

Steemian, probably enough so my first acquaintance on this occasion, my great hope to continue to join in Steemit and share useful postings and become a reference for myself and also for the all Steemian.
Steemian, mungkin cukup sekian dulu perkenalansaya pada kesempatan ini, besar harapan saya agar terus bisa bergabung di Steemit dan membagikan postingan-postingan yang bermanfaat dan menjadi referensi untuk saya sendiri dan juga untuk para Steemian semua.
Hello rizalkonoha! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:
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Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.
All the Best!!!
Welcome to Steem @rizalkonoha.
Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.
All the Best!!!
Welcome to Steem @rizalkonoha.
Welcome to the platform Jufrizal! This is a great place to network and make friends while becoming a better writer. Also the rewards can be awesome once the ball gets rolling!!! Stick through it and post great original content. Reach out to others and get involved in conversations. Best of luck bud!!
Thank you buddy, It's great that I can contribute back here.
Stick with it. I’ll be watching to see what you can do!! Enter contests as well. Lots of good prizes given out.
Thank you buddy, I will do my best, I also kindly support and help to be able to contribute well here.
I’m currently running a contest. Try and enter. It’s literally guessing the price I paid for something. Enter things like that. The reward for mine is 2 shares of @steembasicincome which is something you’ll want to stock up on over time as it’ll upvote all of your posts for life.
Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.
All the Best!!!
Welcome to Steem @rizalkonoha.
Thank you @steemladder, I will read and understand it, and I will also try to do my best in steemit.
Welcome to Steem, @rizalkonoha!
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Welcome back sense 😊👍
terimakasih Juragan .... :D :D
terimakasih juga atas nasehat dan ilmunya selama ini... :)
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Hello you are welcome to steem community keep posting
Welkombekser 😎
Yes pleas my piyoh
Welcome to the steemit.. konoha is like one of anime names.. 😊😆
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Turut sedih dengan berita hilangnya akses ke akun yang lama,, semoga ke depan lebih hati2 dalam menyimpan master key. Saran saya jangan pernah menyimpan secara online, tp simpanlah secara offline. Selamat bergabung kembali dan ditunggu cerita alamnya. Barakallah.
Posted using Partiko Android