Let me introduce myself : My First steemit post [ENG-IND]

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hello steemian!!! Let me introduce myself, my name is Rifal was born in gampong Teungoh right her on 25 January 1996 and I am in a happy little family with blew me who always give adequacy for myself along with my younger sister and brother. the four of us siblings and I was the third child of our parents, there is a saying indonesia says "could not know it was a shame, a pity it was not love, just love it is not married, not married then eventually will be single forever", HAHAHAHA sorry saying nothing I add the real adage that only reads tech know it was dear so in indonesia hasa tradition that every citizen that his had to introduce themselves to be more familiar and easy to greet each other. 

hello steemian!!! izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri, nama saya Rifal lahir di gampong Teungoh tepat nya pada tanggal 25 desember 1996 dan saya di besarkan dengan keluarga kecil bahagia saya yang selalu memberi kecukupan untuk diri saya dan kakak beserta adik saya. kami berempat bersaudara dan saya anak ketiga dari orang tua kami, ada pepatah indonesia mengatakan "tak kenal maka tak sayang, tak sayang maka tak cinta, tak cinta maka tak menikah, tak menikah maka akhirnya akan melajang selamanya", HAHAHAHA maaf pepatah ada yang saya tambahkan sesungguhnya pepatah itu hanya berbunyi tek kenal maka tak sayang jadi di indonesia mempunya tradisi yang setiap warga nya itu harus memperkenalkan diri mereka agar lebih akrab dan mudah untuk saling menyapa.

stories about myself, I love to play the game every day of my time in the content with playing games so from that I would like to transmit my hoby was fond of playing games to review and give info about the games I play and I will give you all the Science I I understand with my gaming experience. 

cerita tentang diri saya, saya suka bermain game setiap hari waktu saya di isi dengan bermain game maka dari itu saya ingin menyalurkan hoby saya yang gemar bermain game untuk me review dan memberikan seputar info game yang saya mainkan dan saya akan memberikan semua ilmu saya yang saya mengerti dengan pengalaman bermain game saya. 

I know steemit is from one of my friends that is @albianmubarak and @muhammadarsyad and they are the one who invited me to join in a community which upholds the creativity of writing and provide information to the friend have the same hobbiesand love to write. enough of introductions I today if want to see tips and how to play the game is reliable can follow and read each of my post may be useful to you, I say thank you good night and good bless God Almighty. 

saya mengetahui steemit ini dari salah satu teman saya yaitu @albianmubarak dan @muhammadarsyad dan mereka lah yang mengajak saya untuk bergabung di suatu komunitas yang dimana menjunjung tinggi kreatifitas menulis dan memberikan informasi untuk para teman yang memiliki hobi sama dan gemar menulis. cukup perkenalan saya hari ini jika ingin melihat tips dan cara main game yang handal bisa ikuti dan baca setiap postingan saya mungkin berguna bagi anda, saya ucapkan terima kasih selamat malam dan semoga dalam lindungan tuhan yang maha esa.






Indonesia is a nice country especially in Bali I'm so amazed by the beaches and the scenery. Welcome to steemit and have a great day!


hi welcome to steemit @rifal happy to be friends with you

iam happy,.
thanks my friends

welcome to steemit :)

thanks brother,...

welcome dear bro

Thank you again bro

Hey Rifal!
Welcome to the Steem World!
I have recently made an orientation video that will help you in your journey here - and will hopefully answer all the questions that took me months to figure out.

I wish you all the best here on Steem!

I will also use the tag : @originalworks for this post, this will summon a robot that, if you wrote this original article, will give you an additional upvote. :)

hey back,.
thanks my friends

Helo @rifal.. Selamat datang di Steemit! Suka anda kumpul.. diupvote.. ;)

Hey Rifal lots of great accounts coming from the indo lately Welcome, I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a contest post to make it simple to do just scroll down Here

Thank you and I will try him

Welcome brother

thank you very much brother

welcome to steemitsteemit normal.png

cooperation must be interwoven with you