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RE: Steemit-Based Reality Game Announced: $10 million prize pool

@stan @abit @thejohalfiles @fuzzvest how are you guys taking this seriously. There is nothing of any real value here. Have you not heard the empty promises of a conman before? You might want it to be true but it just clearly isn't. As my dad used to say, what a crock of horseshit!


Maybe because we just pulled off one awesome event with his team in Hollywood?

Stan, you have the glaze of last night's diamonds obscuring your vision.
Please clean your lenses.

Who cares about an event in Hollywood? Why are you afraid to address the very real criticisms being lodged here. You are blindly supporting an obvious scam based on the fact that you partied with the guy?

You have no integrity.

Wow. Why u think the guy has no integrity? It seems u guys are being a bit hard on someone who just did one of the best promotional works for our tech since dan made steem.

I waited to see what would happen before passing judgement, but upon reading the initial post I was suspicious.

Then the guy bailed before 24 hours were up after making such a grand post, made threats of what appeared to be legal action simply because some people were pasting links to claims on the internet and asking questions in the comments.

It was a huge overreaction for anyone that was acting in good faith in my view. And it was a classic scammer reaction when they've been caught in their game.

I would never put money into this persons ventures. Spend a little, wow the unsuspecting ... all for the big con later.

Usually it's really bad promotion to be connected with a scam.

hmmm, maybe he had enough from his last scam to pull off the next one even bigger!

ok, why is he banning people? That sounds very suspicious.

That's only because a lot of noobs have decided to trust Matt. To intensify their trust, it is important to reject the haters. And reject them openly. That post does exactly that. A classic Internet Marketing style.

I hope and wish Matt is transparent.

Sadly it took whale votes and bought whale votes to get this visibility, so it isn't just noobs it is also others who wish to profit from this.

Noobs by mind. Not by numbers. ;-)

I know enough about internet marketing to know that the ones that are legit have a ton of followers and fans. They also tend to be the ones that offer free value and build trust. When you type Pat Flynn in Google the first suggested auto-fill from google is not "scam". Too bad Matt Trainer can't say the same thing. He's already been arrested for mail fraud in 2001 in St. Louis where investors lost 2.5 million.

I know all about the internet marketing world and I've met plenty of scammers like Matt. You guys are a dime a dozen.

You aren't even good scammers.

It's hilarious! He's like a kid throwing a tantrum. You're out of the club! @mattrainer please ban me too!

I cannot believe Stan is backing this type of person. But then again, geeks are not really good at identifiying conmen........just look at The Dollar and Dan.

Hmmm, maybe. I would like to know @dan thinks about this one.

I'm sorry to say this but Dan is a poor judge of character. people skills and figuring out who is a conman is not in his wheelhouse. this is pretty obvious.

@stellabelle Why do people keep accusing @dan of being a scammer? He's been working in the crypto space for years, he's doing public presentations all the time, would a scammer do that after being caught publicly? I don't get it, got a link with accusations or something? It keeps coming up....

no, Dan is not a scammer. But Dan is a genius type, an inventor. He's good at math and arcane topics. He is not good at judging people. I know this because he told me. I had this problem in the past too, so i know about it. It has to do with trust, and being able to see people with a critical eye. Dan is trustworthy, in my opinion, but I feel that he lacks the necessary social skills to judge people's character. But this is also my opinion. I admire and respect Dan.

You're right, if you have to invest all that time into being a technical genius, there's not much time left for social skills. Only makes sense right ;)

She is not saying that Dan is a scammer, but Dan having a poor judge of character.

I warned him there would be trolls. He's the kind of guy who attacks when attacked. Doesn't prove anything. I'm interested in seeing if it works as a troll containment strategy. Probably not, but as a game master he certainly has the right to keep that kind of stuff from infecting his game.

labeling intelligent people asking intelligent questions as trolls is not accurate.

You do realize that conman who was previously popular in here accounted for scaring off a huge number of users on Steemit, right?

How is he a game master? He mentions nothing of the game. He appears to be trying to sell "how to's" of a game before it exists which doesn't make sense.

He's the kind of guy who attacks when attacked.

Very responsible behavior and instant trust for me to place my money on...

if it works as a troll containment strategy.

You contain trolls by ignoring them. 14 year olds streaming on twitch know how to deal with trolls better than @matttrainer. If he can't handle a few criticising comments on a decentralized platform, good luck on all others.

So much fun and so many games the past week I hardly know where to begin! A how-to guide to risk-free wealth accumulation devoid of any jail-time whatsoever, if you know the right people, of course...