About Retroact1ve

I know this first post title might not appeal to many people here. Do I simply say “I am a senior employee at a Bio-Pharma Company that barely makes it from check to check”. I could sum it up like that, but that would be a lie. One thing I pride myself on is honesty. It’s a trait that these days is rare.

In the interest of selling their selves many bloggers, vloggers, and know-it-all authors hype their selves up. They want their readers/customers to believe they are more intelligent than they truly are. Maybe they are great at putting the right combinations of words together. Maybe they have a great background through education & journalism. Whatever the background, they are a person trying to sell their selves.

I have no education in journalism. I have only attended non-degree programs in college. Even so I do have at least 5 years of education outside of High School. Do not assume someone such as myself, without a degree is not intelligent. You would be sorely mistaken. Although I value truth and honesty I do have a tendency to under represent who I am. The way in which to describe myself to you escapes me as I am not a professional writer like some of these exaggerators you see on blog, vlogs and other social media platforms.

Keeping that in mind, I will just list a few facts about myself. I have been written about in a book/manuscript that delves into hacking and the psychology behind the motivations and ethos of hackers. It has been used in various colleges in different areas of studies. I have been using computers since the 80’s although I am only 35 years of age. From that time until now I have learnt many things about the state of security when it comes to computers, networks, and telecommunications.

At the age of 12 I was venturing off on an 8 mile walk to the local college library reading technical manuals on various subjects including network topology and telecommunications switching systems. The great people who worked there came to know me pretty well as someone who loved to read on technology and science. Since I was well mannered they did not mind at all. They would greet me as I came in, and everyone left me alone.

Around the same age I have learnt enough about electronics to be competent enough to take them apart, solder and replace components on circuit boards to fix just about anything electronic. During that age I and a friend of mine built a computer for the first time. I thought that I have been using them since kindergarten and wanted to actually build them as well.

I have been in some trouble as well along the way. I was the middle child with four brothers. My parents were not of great means. Both parents were on fixed incomes due to various health issues. They could barely clothe us. I went out at the age of 15 to try and find employment. Not many people are privy to hiring someone at that age, even in the 90’s. Frustrated I gave up looking for work at places who just viewed me as a child not worth hiring.

I sought other means earning enough money to buy my own clothes. I would never justify or rationalize what I did as right, or just. I just simply wanted to go to school without having holes in the ass of my jeans, knees or nether regions. I was fully aware of my plans being wrong, unmoral and unethical. However, I took what I have learned and taught myself to go on quite a burglarizing spree. I thought to myself that I would not want to harm people or steal possessions paid for by people who already worked hard for the money.

I thought well I might as well start with places who I tried to work for but refused to hire me, all of these places carried insurance so it would eventually be covered. So that is what I did. All told in a little over a year I probably burglarized 20–30 businesses all without leaving any signs of ‘forced entry’ with the exception of one place. All of these I did on my own, with the exception of 3 businesses one of which was a mall. The story of this perhaps I will share on here someday.

Art is a love of mine that will never go away, much like computers. There are many artists I enjoy... some of them are long gone, and some of them are still alive. Salvador Dali, Rothko, Lichtenstein, Gottfreid Helnwein, David Stoupakis, Michael Godard, Chet Zar, H.R. Giger are all artists I enjoy. That is not an all inclusive list though. Currently I am working on a series of about 11 paintings.

Normally I paint surreal and abstract paintings but I wanted to paint something nostalgic for me and a lot of other people. I decided to enlarge an old comic strip. For me the use of colours in that strip bring back the feel of the 80s and 90s. Especially the early 90s for the use of vibrant primary colours. Perhaps when finished I will share some of them here.

I hope some find this interesting enough to read all the way through. I haven’t even scratched the surface of who I am and what I have done. If I find there is enough interest in anything I say after a few posts I will continue to write here and share more. Until then, thanks for reading.


Welcome along to steemit!

Thanks, I appreciate it. :-)

Hi @retroact1ve, welcome to Steemit!

Hey thanks, like the profile pic of dog. :-)

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you. I took the time to look through some of your building pictures, they're awesome. Great work.

Welcome to Steemit @retroact1ve :-) Enjoy and explore!

Hey thanks I appreciate it. I read your post about the edible membrane made from seaweed that was interesting!

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you for the warm welcome. :-)


welcome to steemit @retroact1ve

It is a pleasure for you to join us on this awesome platform. Looking forward to your posts.

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Wow and welcome!

Welcome to best place on the internet @retroact1ve Mostly friendly people, aliens, and bots you'll find here, so post, vote, comment, follow, resteem. Manage your rewards well. Have fun. Small hint picture or photos get you attention. There are many bots, but people do read posts too....all the way to end.👍