My introduction and how Steemit changed my life

My name is John, a 30 year old guy from Sweden. This is my story :)

This I my morning view 

A few years back I went from having a good job, nice appartment and a great life overall. What I didn't know was that it would soon be all gone. I lost everything, my job, my appartment and everything I owned. The last 2 years have bin the worst and the best years of my life.

Even if I had a hard time getting money to survive I became a better person and am now chasing my dreams and passions. When I lost my job I got another thing in return, TIME. I got time to think what I really want to do because I wasn't really happy when I was working 60h a week.

"What is money without time?"

Today I am happier than ever, even if I don't have 2 coins to rub together. But I have a feeling that is going to change with Steemit. Not my happiness but I will be able to rub some coins and get some food on the table :)

I became a member in august of 2016 but had a hard time figuring out what I want to use it for. I don't want to post crappy content. One week ago I made my first proper post on some art that I have bin doing and BOOM. 50+ Dollars for one post. Next one got even better.

Thank you for all the support!

What can you expect from my posts?

I have a big passion for creating. Art and design is and has always bin a big hobby. I will be posting my creations and writing about them. I will be writing articles about Art and design in general.

I also have a passion for travel and photography. Today I have no camera and can't afford to buy one so this type of posts will come in the future :)

After the 2 year struggle I have realized that I want to help other people who have a hard time getting a place to sleep and food for the day. I can't say I have bin there but I understand where they are coming from.

Other topics will be about other interests I have like cars, motorcycles, gardening and many more.

I also want to verify that it is my art and no photoshop like some may believe :)

To end this post I want to say thank you for all your help upvoting, following and sharing :)

My next post will be a givaway for reaching 100 followers.


Welcome to Steemit John!

Amazing to read how steemit was able to change your life - thanks for sharing!

Another fellow free thinking Swede. I just lost my job 6-7 months ago. Wish you the best of luck with your endeavors. Your art looks amazing!

thank you :) where in Sweden are you from?

Malmö, how about you? :)

born and raised in Malmooeee ;) but living in Karlstad for now

Thank you for sharing your story @realitycartoon! It's great to hear that you are doing good in life, looking forward to see more of your work. Will be following!

thank you for the kind words :) following you 2

Inspiring story.
Thanks for sharing. Following you now! :)

This is very inspiring, you have a real talent! Your artwork is amazing and I'm sure you're going to succeed on Steemit! Keep moving forward :)

thank you for the kindness :)

Looking forward to more of your posts. At least you are out of the rat-race and on the path to financial freedom.

Great story and great job getting to where you have! Hope the future just gets better and better!

Thanks :) I hope so to

Great story, keep up the good work. have a very nice day !

Nice to hear :) thanks. Have a lovely day u2

u got mad skill ! nice

I WILL get better ;) started again after 15 years without drawing. Thank you

Inspirerande post :)

Tack. Var är emanuel ifrån då? Om man får fråga :)

Jag bor galet långt norrut, i Skellefteå. Var bor du?
Jobbar du med design eller, för du är ju grym på att teckna!:)

Bor i karlstad för tillfället men är från Malmö :)

Welcome aboard! Follow me at

Welcome to Steemit. You're going to enjoy it :) I'll follow you. Feel free to follow me if you want. Steem on :)