Mafe and the inconvenience of being born

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

My name is Fernanda Vilera, AKA Mafe, I am a medical student in the most violent city in the world, Caracas, Venezuela. . I was not brought into this world alone but I usually am, my twin says that I stole her food in the womb but in truth I keep doing it. Engineer of miniature paper boats, a careless style in a very anxious persona, a sharp eyesight, but poor hearing, thus I listen carefully, albeit I can't see the obvious.

Currently engaging on my 5th year in medicine, a major that – almost – consumes all my time and energy, hence my never-ending, sleepless study sessions, except, who am I kidding?... Browsing memes while pretending to study. Disciplined only as response to my messy nature. With a serious problem when it comes to finishing ideas, relationships, projects and...

I write as an essential exercise for those who do not know how to express themselves, a faithful believer in writing on paper; any piece, corner or receipe sentenced to be lost, but I guess I can no longer run away from my millennial self and create a blog with the delirium that someone will read me.

I'm interested in art and science, especially the way they interact and their history. So my content will be directed to these topics along with the adventures that brings me to believe I’m immortal and the experiences of a hungry heart. From time to time with the social and political touch that includes, irremediably, living in an underdeveloped country with a corrupt government and a poor and ignorant populace. Also some humor, based on sarcasm and irony to expose my disturbed unconscious.

Art as therapy for the terror thats produced by being human, science as a way of thinking and medicine as a result of its mixture, for the exposure of people in their most vulnerable state, for the supposed victory of knowledge over death, for the people, their stories, their lives.

As such during my trips from and to the hospital, I attempt to expose my mind to the most amount of poetry, paintings and literature, however possible. Its my way of survival, granting me the words that I lack and teaching me how to express what cannot be said with words. Regarding music... full volume and all the time, always rock, indie over any genre, so some people may miscall me metalhead but it's made of bones, trust me i'm a doctor. My plan is to tell you how I fair with all of this, so perhaps one day, I may learn how to express myself properly, instead of using memes.

And since its a custom here... I learned about steemit from my ex, she may hoping that by writing to you, I shall stop writing to her, what I can say for sure however, is that so far I have loved the community, the idea of expressing myself to strangers and having the guts to share what I write and find intriguing.

Mafe says hi!


Wow, powerful introduction! Can't imagine how though it must be to live under your countries condition if you are young and with goals like you! Resteemed you via @welcoming, my page for supporting promising newcomers! Greets from a medical student from Austria, @theaustrianguy

Hey future colleague!! yes, it has been rough but what else can we do... We keep fighting right? I'll be posting again soon so let's keep it touch! I review and follow your page.

Welcome to Steem Community :D

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Thanks a lot! (:

Welcome. Yes, please continue sharing.

Thanks! I'll do it as soon as I can (:

Hola Mafe! Que bueno saber que hay otros médicos por aquí, también estudié medicina en Caracas! Ánimo, que el camino es arduo pero ya falta poco!

heyyy!! que bueno encontrarnos! ya revise tu perfil y sigues aquí no? capaz hasta nos hemos visto en algún momento. Espero saber más de ti por tu blog (:

Si, aqui sigo. Seguro! Un abrazo!

I'm a 5th year medical student also. Art and Medicine are 2 things I've been passionate about :)

"Art to survive the world and science to be able to see it."-- I LOVE THIS :)

This is quite intriguing! In your post it seems as if I've seen some similarities between you and I: I'm planning to pursue medicine next year, I consider writing as my release, and I have a twin!

As I see you're already almost done with medicine, let me congratulate you! I'm just about to start next year and I'm already quite scared for all the stress and sleepless nights that are going to come. Would love to hear from you how you managed! :)

Anyway, please do keep on posting! I'd love to hear more from you. :)

Hey!! twin from another twin! don't be scared, the things that you are going to see and experience have nothing to be compare with. I also saw at your blog that we're both 21 O:! Good luck in your new beginning, it wont be easy but it's worth it (what a cliche, but what can I say.. it's the truth) keep it touch!

Woah, are you serious? 21 but you're already finishing med school while I'm just about to start! :O

I just hope I'll be able to handle the pressure, since I know it's going to be tough. Just curious, did you have time for clubs or other extra-curriculars once you were in med school? At least here in my country, they keep saying that med school will eat you alive. And that you have to really study every day and lose sleep.

Yeah haha started med school when I was 17 and I'll be 22 in two weeks so.. It's not like I began a lot earlier, that's more or less the average in my country

About extra-curriculars.. well.. first years it's even harder to do that, maybe because you are getting use to your new life.. and i don't like clubs so that's the easy part. I've been involved in scientific research since 2nd year but I don't know if you find that interesting hahah, But last year I took a decision and organized and join the climbing club at my college so I guess it's about organization. If you want something you'll get the time. Remember that you'll always need balance.

Thanks for sharing! Actually I hear similar things from my other friends who are already in med school. They say first year will be hard because you'll need to adjust. But extra-curriculars are all right to have and are even encouraged so your academics don't eat you up entirely.

Nice to hear that you have a climbing club in your college, I'd definitely want to join one as well. :)

Hey Mafe, You have deep heart and beautiful smile. Keep delivering that beautiful energy to all around you. :)

Thank you very much! (:

You are a student. Yet you have time to be here on steemit? Maybe studying medicine does not consume as much time as other subjects?

I’m sorry to preach...but you have the rest of your life ahead of you. If you pass your exams, your whole life can be better.

The younger you learn, the longer it will be valuable to you.

You should be 110% on your studies. 0% on everything else. No internet, no tv, no parties, no friends, no talking to your ex-.

My age is greater than my steemit reputation. I’m just some old fuddy duddy preaching. My career is nearly over. I can waste time on steemit.

I am comfortable thanks to exam qualification, knowledge, hard work and experience gained in my early 20s. At your age I cancelled everything to get my exams. That’s what changed my life.

Well it’s not my problem - it’s yours.

Sorry to say but I am shocked.

I will give you a big upvote, so you know I mean the best for you, but I don’t want to encourage you to be on here for the money in future. It’s a one-off. Good luck with the rest of your life.

Hey! thanks I appreciate your concern. Maybe I let my introduction sound like I don't take serious my carrer. What you do not know is that my grades are doing great, i'm also involved in scientific research and have published work, wich had lead me to be part of national congresses (Even i'm just 21). Also I'm an active volunteer in public health programs in my comunity. But I believe a person is more than just one thing, it's not healthy, "trust me i'm a doctor". I really mean it when I said I genuinely like to write, I'm not concidering doing this as a full time job, I have my priorities in order. I see it as a fun experiment. I'll leave you with this quote from Dr. José de Letamendi (1889-1946) - who was also a philosopher, anthropologist, violinist, pedagogue and painter - "The doctor who only knows Medicine not even Medicine knows"

Your welcome to this wonderful community. Keep steeming hot

Love reading introductions like yours! Bless you and take care

thanks man! see you around (:

So I can see that you already got a bunch of people to read you! That's great! :D
Welcome to this community, Mafe (: You sound like a pretty interesting person, can't wait to see what kind of content you will give us!
See you around (:

yes haha I guess it has been a good start (: stay in touch!

Really good I would say (: and for sure!

You're funny and your story is inspiring. Resteemed and followed.

thanks a lot (:

Welcome on Steemit Fernanda.
Your intro post sounds very interesting!
Looking forward to see more of you.

Wish you an awesome and successful time on Steemit.

Thank you! you'll read from me soon (:

Your way of writing is delicious! hahaha... I really enjoy it and look forward to hearing more from you! I can't imagine what it's like living in your city right now. I don't think we even have a clue of what it's really like. I hope you can use this as a way to express yourself and share with us what is going on in your country.

Thanks! Whats going on in my country is very hard to plasm in short posts but i'll try my best to give you a look (:>

Sounds good to me!

Welcome to steemit! 😊

Hi. Welcome to this wonderful group of steemit, I hope this tool helps your life better.

I invite you to visit my blog, here I leave my vote.

Hello from Ireland, Mafe. I love your sense of authenticity in your post and look forward to hearing more from you.

Welcome to Steemit. I just joined a couple hours ago and I'm checking out the community and seeing what kind of minds and personalities are on here.

I also love the idea of expressing ourselves to strangers and the liberation, possibility, and creativity that come as a result. It's such a gift.

Why did you go into medicine and do you also help you deal with the reality in this world somehow? Thanks and good bye for now.Jen

Have a nice day and good job man
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