My story of sex, drugs and well gym and watching friends all night..

Hey steem. Rachel here.

When it comes to copy I'm the tits.

A spunky young copyrighter with a quirky twist.. Kinda like a pink sherbet martini

I have had the most amazing career and been privileged enough to write for clients such as Nine West, Kenneth Cole, Jones Jeanswear, and Quicken, along with editorial clients such as Cosmopolitan, Playboy, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

But this is not an #introduceyourself post.

The person that introduced me to #steem wants to stay unknown but he said I should write an intro post..

Being in journalism long enough I am wary to do that on sites like this...

Only because anyone can really claim to be me, photoshop my images (As there are many of me online and off) and claim to be me... But this is a different topic all together and I may write about it.

So I thought the best way to post on #steem is just to write a great article. That way my content speaks first. so here goes nothing. I will tell you a story.

One that is personal to me, but also saucy and spicy for all you lady readers out their.


So enjoy #steem readers... Here is something I thought you would enjoy.

I tried "sex dust" and I liked it.

Sex Dust was created by Amanda Chantal Bacon

And include ingredients such as, Cistanche, Cocoa, Maca, Schisandra, Stevia, Ho Shou Wu, Shilajit and, my personal favorite, Epimedium (Also known as Horny Goat Weed). Each ingredient –excluding the stevia, which as we know is a sweetener, is said to increase on increasing blood flow and virility,

Of course, all these claims any backing excepting the one given by the creator; but at least the famous Gwyneth Paltrow endorses this products, so there’s that. Even so, I still wanted to give this product try, to see if it could give me the sex-drive of an 18-year-old boy flipping through the pages of an adult magazine.

A few days after I placed my order...

The product arrived in a small cylindrical jar, label with the cutest typography I’ve ever seen on a container like this one. I was already raring to try it out; surely if the product quality is as good as the container’s design, then I am in for quite a treat! The product inside the jar looks like powder indeed, so at least they weren’t lying about the dustpart. At a glance, the color and consistency remind me of those powdered chocolate drinks that you only have to add milk to in order to unlock the chocolaty goodness.

Since the product itself advertised that it could be mixed into any beverage, I decided to add the instructed amount into my morning glass of milk. If it looks like chocolate, has cocoa, and is sweetened with stevia, then maybe if it doesn’t give me the libido boost it promised, then at the very least I will have enjoyed a low-calorie and savory chocolate treat.

Boy, was I sorely mistaken.

Things started to go south just after the first swig. Instead of tasting the Toddy-like substance I expected, the Sex Dust tasted like powdered mung beans which, in a normal situation I would have no problems with, but it being mixed with my morning glass of milk is where I draw the line! Still, I consider myself a trooper of sorts, and thought that if Gwyneth could do it, then so can I; so I reluctantly finished my glass of mung bea- er, Sex Dust laced milk. After all, who cares about sacrificing a few taste buds if I’m going to get a sex drive that would make the Hef look like a teenage virgin in comparison, right?

Being the thorough researcher that I am, I experimented with Sex Dust in four different situations. The one I mentioned above was just before heading to work. Was it a bad idea to take what could be the female equivalent of Viagra before going to the office? Let’s find out!

At The Office

My job isn’t that fun, not by a long shot. If it would be, I wouldn’t call it my job! Despite this, in the morning in which I took the Sex Dust, I felt quite energetic, just like if I had drunk a cup or three of coffee. Could it be the Sex Dust? Or a possible placebo effect? The product claims that it increases blood flow, so perhaps the increased energy –and productivity that came with it, could be one of its fortunate side effects? In any case, since I obviously can’t capitalize on the product’s true purpose at work, I decided to channel the burst of energy it gave me into the tasks I was assigned. It’s important to note that, at this time, I felt only increased energy, and not the overwhelming need to procreate that the product said it would cause.

At the DMV Line

Fortunately for the sake of this article –but not for my own mental health, I needed to take a day off work to run some errands at my local Department of Motor Vehicles branch. I figured that “hey, there’s no way on this Earth that I am going to stand in that line without first having some coffee, so why not mix some Sex Dust into it while I’m at it?” and, going against the screams of agony of my taste buds, I did it.

Have you ever done a line at the DMV before? It makes the idea of watching paint dry sound like a wedding reception in comparison. Nothing could be less sexy than standing in line at the DMV for whatever purpose. But I digress; I brewed caffeine-laced mung bean juice and set off to run my errands. A few hours later, I didn’t feel more aroused that how I usually felt on a normal day. But I did manage to pull an all-nighter watching reruns of Friends, so there’s that.

At the Gym

Since the Sex Dust hadn’t improved my sex drive like it had promised me from the beginning, I figured that maybe I was drinking it the wrong context. So I decided to brew up another batch and head to the place where strong, buff men often hang out. It’s not that I’m shallow or anything, but there’s something about sweaty men that have always got me going. Once again, I took a deep breath and chugged down the horrid-tasting substance. The results were pretty much the same; while I didn’t feel the overwhelming desire to hump any of the guys working out then and there, I did get a great energy boost, which I promptly invested into working out.

With a Man

This was the ultimate test I could think of. If Sex Dust didn’t improve my libido while on a date with my significant other, then perhaps the product doesn’t work as intended; at least not for me. So, a half hour before meeting up with my man, I forced myself to drink a brew of the Dust. We went to the movies that day which, for me, features some light petting and making out in the back seats anyway. I won’t regard this fact as an effect of the Dust, because I can’t remember a time when I was on a movie date and didn’t make out anyway. However, I was expecting to feel something, anything, out of the ordinary. But alas, even after heading home and my man giving me what was coming to me, I never felt as aroused as I thought I would by drinking the Sex Dust.

In Conclusion

The Sex Dust DID give me tons of energy, but in my experience, it wasn’t the aphrodisiac it said that it was. The effects felt like mixing some liquor into your coffee; like energetic, but with a slight buzzy feeling. I can understand how this product may help you if you have a low sex drive. But as a person with an already considerable libido, it just gave me a boost of unwanted energy; like raining over water, redundant.

Nevertheless, Sex Dust’s reviews on Amazon are mostly 5 stars, so maybe I’m just the unfortunate exception (I wanted to have sex drive boosted, dangit!). But, like I mentioned, I just guess it doesn’t work for people with an already healthy sex drive. I never finished my jar of Sex Dust, but I gave to a friend who was struggling with her libido, and guess what? She got laid that night.

If you enjoyed read my blog.. you will like it. I promise!

I know a different kinda sex dust. It begins with C and rhymes with shhplocaine

Did you ever try the begin with M and rhymes with vitamines ? :D


I think she meant methamphetamine.

Could you please provide some verification that this is actually your account?

Just linking to the website is something anyone could do. :)

I have outlined my reasons for not verifying above. From now on I will not link to any of my other blogs or writings. I want my writing to stand on its own value anyway and not just get paid on here for being "verified" .. Whatever that means. (I have been a journalist for a long time and I have never had to "verify" myself to write.. My writing stands on its own and if you do not like it simply do not read it.. Thank you. ) - On hindsight I should have just put my pen name on here anyway but my friend told me to be open so I was.. I am sorry you do not like openness.

Ugh.. calm down, all I asked was verifying you are:
Many come here, pick random instagram/facebook/pinterest profile and pretend to be them to reap the rewards. Just verifying that this is indeed the person from that site writing on here is enough for verification, and people will be more open to give you their vote without thinking they are being cheated. No need to become all victimized...

In case you still didn't understand what I meant:

I feel very identified with you , you can always count on me for everything, I lived a similar situation.

Thank you carman. :) I hope we can get to know each other through steemit.

Good article. I am not a chemistry-nerd but I guess that all stimulators for us who are men in the street can be divided into two basic groups: those that "warm up" body functions only (i.e. blood pressure, tonicity, muscle constrictions, etc.) and those which affect brain provoking emission of endorphin in high volumes. The last one are pure drugs which eventually evokes habituation. All other stuff we can quit easy but the effect of "happiness" (thus increased libido and other savory bonuses) much lower or even completely insignificant. Be careful with such kind of powders. Even though it is not a drug it might really affect Central Nervous System and target organs, such as heart, liver, kidneys and blood-vascular system. We had a lot of terrible cases of teenagers' death in my country whose hearts could not bear overload after intake of "energizing cocktails" at night on disco.. Better to try unblock our minds in other way and the result of body response will be amazing at the X-moment ;-)

I agree. I think the way we eat can also be very important to a healthy labido. When ever I detox I tend to have better sex as well. :)

I don't think that female equivalent of Viagra may exist. Good reviews on Amazon comes from women who love to experiment, but do not necessarily have a problem with sex drive.

Very true. If you find something let me know!

Thank you wang, I will give these a read when I get some time.