Countless people rotting in prison for the non-crime of posessing or distributing drugs, while the biggest drug dealers (big pharma and government) live like kings. Government runs the drug trade. from Iran/Contra to Fast and Furious to Afghanistan. They don't like competition. Same with the illigitimate "Federal" "Reserve" money system. Anywhere money changes hands they will bring the hammer down. It has nothing to do with protecting people from drugs, or the psychiatrists and Pharma companies would be first in line for prison.
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Neill Franklin of LEAP told me that the economy would crash if we stop the drug war.
Yep. Another government "make-work" program. Keep that chump change flowing into the inner cities, while extracting pounds of flesh for the prison profiteers.
The transition to "second-smartest-species" on Earth will be too humbling for most egomaniacs to handle. But it will happen, because there's an economic pressure to make it so. Markets don't like the kind of waste that is wasting your son's mind. So, how do we get super-intelligent market-oriented minds involved?
One way is to access existing systems (difficult) another is to build super=intelligences and be good parents to them (also difficult). I don't know of any other ways, but one of them will work.
The folks at the Open AI initiative have the right idea: When every super-AI is as smart as the benevolent people who want Ross released, the prison profiteers will be no match for those systems. ...But it's not just Ross that needs to be freed. It's all 2 million+ victimless non-criminals in prison. It's all those on probation whose lives are interfered with by the police state.
It's those whose careers are compromised by a government that pays well for sociopathic applications of science that could be benevolent. (Something Ayn Rand got wrong: John Galt can be purchased too easily.)
Agreed, it's not just Ross. I am speaking for all the people I know in the prisons who don't have my microphone. There are thousands upon thousands of us, and 2.5 million children who have an incarcerated parent. This system has wide implications.
The answer to that is simple: Just pay the DEA to build and raid some fake houses all day. At least then it will have no impact on the economy from an employment point of view, and would stop all the harm. Of course this is (almost) as ridiculous as continuing the drug war for this reason.