Sweet! I don't particularly have any majorly honed skills in any of these departments, but I am a sponge for information and want to learn everything about this platform.
I've had limited experience with crypto, a friend and I started up our own fledgling altcoin mining operation, but after the bitcoin bust, we didn't see the cause in running up huge power bills that weren't being covered by the tiny amount we were making.
Used to make webpages a long time ago, like, well before the turn of the century, HTML was my jam, but Java lost me. I saw that as a world changing far too fast to keep up with (being a punkass teen who only wanted the ladies' attention) so I walked away from that, and regretted it ever since. I worked with the Dogpile team, who if any remember, were THE meta search to use before Google even existed! AltaVista was just a slackass copy, and they paid their price. Pretty sure Google "pulled a Napster" on that one but that's another story for another time...
I can do graphics, albeit I'd need some modernising scrub-up time, as I've always had an interest in it, always playing with chops of cars, or modding games, or even just creatively making cool macros which grew to be what's now known as memes. Yeah I was one of those 4chan dicks that created a sensation hahaha!
Sound is my shit. I don't do it anywhere near as much as I should, thanks to having two young children, but I used to actively produce beats, hip-hop, rnb, industrial etc but I got really good at making what could only be described as "game theme songs"...
So yeah technically I'm a mixed bag of weak skill sets, but any of those can be picked up and improved upon wherever needed, and when I get something going, I don't stop thinking about it. I'm working with a good crypto trader over the next few weeks to retrain myself in the market and get up to speed with the way things move these days...
Not sure if I have anything to offer, but I do have time. And that's the most essential and expensive resource on this planet...
Responding here due to comment depth issues.@bobdownlov
I can totally understand where you're coming from. Interesting you worked at dogpile. That was one of the first search engines I took to regularly before the googocalypse.
Present skill level isn't a big issue. We all learn together. Also being into sound believe it or not has a direct 1:1 mapping in AI since an outsized portion of the AI space is concerned with signals normalization, filtering and digitial signal processing, all of which steal shamelessly from the world of audio.
So you're probably a lot more valuable than you think.
As for your skills to help. Well frankly I suck at markdown syntax, but I hear it's pretty easy to pick up. I could sure use a post edit pre posting formatter to put some spit and polish on my posts. I was looking at @dana-edwards history and noticed that the difference between a $100 post and a $1000 post is in 2 things. The eye candy level of the intro graphic, i.e. "does it pop!" and also the quality of the markdown formatting used. If you're willing to learn that stuff so I don't have to, drop me an email at admin@steembots.com and I'll start sending you stuff to work on and pay 20% of whatever it earns.
@sigmajin Ok agreed that is better, but considering the time of day when I posted it, I was lucky to have a coherent enough train of thought to even try :D
Welcome aboard @positive !
After giving this the proper time of day and mindspace to read it effectively, you've convinced me.
Where do I sign up, and what can I do for you?
Thanks and welcome aboard @bobdownlov best thing to do would be to tell us about your skills and how you would like to help.
Sweet! I don't particularly have any majorly honed skills in any of these departments, but I am a sponge for information and want to learn everything about this platform.
I've had limited experience with crypto, a friend and I started up our own fledgling altcoin mining operation, but after the bitcoin bust, we didn't see the cause in running up huge power bills that weren't being covered by the tiny amount we were making.
Used to make webpages a long time ago, like, well before the turn of the century, HTML was my jam, but Java lost me. I saw that as a world changing far too fast to keep up with (being a punkass teen who only wanted the ladies' attention) so I walked away from that, and regretted it ever since. I worked with the Dogpile team, who if any remember, were THE meta search to use before Google even existed! AltaVista was just a slackass copy, and they paid their price. Pretty sure Google "pulled a Napster" on that one but that's another story for another time...
I can do graphics, albeit I'd need some modernising scrub-up time, as I've always had an interest in it, always playing with chops of cars, or modding games, or even just creatively making cool macros which grew to be what's now known as memes. Yeah I was one of those 4chan dicks that created a sensation hahaha!
Sound is my shit. I don't do it anywhere near as much as I should, thanks to having two young children, but I used to actively produce beats, hip-hop, rnb, industrial etc but I got really good at making what could only be described as "game theme songs"...
So yeah technically I'm a mixed bag of weak skill sets, but any of those can be picked up and improved upon wherever needed, and when I get something going, I don't stop thinking about it. I'm working with a good crypto trader over the next few weeks to retrain myself in the market and get up to speed with the way things move these days...
Not sure if I have anything to offer, but I do have time. And that's the most essential and expensive resource on this planet...
Responding here due to comment depth issues.@bobdownlov
I can totally understand where you're coming from. Interesting you worked at dogpile. That was one of the first search engines I took to regularly before the googocalypse.
Present skill level isn't a big issue. We all learn together. Also being into sound believe it or not has a direct 1:1 mapping in AI since an outsized portion of the AI space is concerned with signals normalization, filtering and digitial signal processing, all of which steal shamelessly from the world of audio.
So you're probably a lot more valuable than you think.
As for your skills to help. Well frankly I suck at markdown syntax, but I hear it's pretty easy to pick up. I could sure use a post edit pre posting formatter to put some spit and polish on my posts. I was looking at @dana-edwards history and noticed that the difference between a $100 post and a $1000 post is in 2 things. The eye candy level of the intro graphic, i.e. "does it pop!" and also the quality of the markdown formatting used. If you're willing to learn that stuff so I don't have to, drop me an email at admin@steembots.com and I'll start sending you stuff to work on and pay 20% of whatever it earns.
Thanks a ton for stepping up!
@sigmajin Ok agreed that is better, but considering the time of day when I posted it, I was lucky to have a coherent enough train of thought to even try :D