Big HELLO from Austria!! A new vegan ~ food ~ lifestyle ~ travel ~ blogger here :)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi, everyone! My name is Karin and I just recently found out about this (somewhat) new and fast evolving platform here where everybody seems to be very welcoming & supportive. So I'm really excited about becoming part of this community :)


I live in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria, and I’m interested in everything veganism & health related.
I’m a big foodie and just recently discovered my passion for cooking. I like to try out new things in the kitchen, but most of the time I enjoy very simple dishes. Just potatoes alone can make me very happy ^^

I’ve been fully vegan since January 2016, but vegetarian/mostly vegan for some time before that. The ethical aspect was the main reason for me to transition to a plant-based lifestyle, but lately I’ve been focussing more and more on the health benefits as well. I’m hoping to cure my thyroid and hormonal issues by following a whole foods plant-based diet. However, I still enjoy the occasional chocolate & fast food - it's just too darn delicious :D Veganism is about more than only food, though. I try to avoid animal products as best as I can and live a more sustainabe life in general.

Mental health issues have also been a big part of my life. I’ve been struggling with depression & anxiety for as long as I can remember. Only slowly am I finding my way towards a healthier state of mind and more balance in my life. I’m convinced that focussing on self-love, defining & setting priorities and not letting others define what matters most to you is the way to go.

I’m also a huge book nerd and love being surrounded by books. I just wish I had more time to read (something I need to make a priority again). There’s nothing like getting lost in a story or another world ~ ~ ~

I’m in love with traveling and seeing what the world has to offer, so whenever I get the chance I visit new (and old) places and explore new things – which hasn’t been a lot lately, but I’m hoping for more adventures in the future.

I can't wait to share the things I'm passionate about with you and connect with like-minded souls 🙂

You can also find me on Instagram -> ^^



Welcome Karin.

Thank you :)

Welcome to the land of Steemit. I wish you much success here on the Forum.

Very kind of you!! Thank you :)

Meditation helps with my anxiety. I specifically like transcendental meditation. I hope it can help with your anxiety. Much love Jay.

I've been having a hard time getting into it, but I'm not giving up, 'cause I've heard how beneficial it can be ... especially when battling mental health issues. Never heard of transcendental meditation, though. I'll definitely look into it! Thank you so much for recommending it :)

welcome to steemit world . Always Remember 5 points..
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I wish you success
You can follow me @be4u

Thank you so much!! Very kind of you :)

Welcome to Steem it, hope you will have fun here
Follow me and i will do the same, keep in contact

Follow the following helpful posts for beginners and do upvote

Good luck in Steem
feel free to ask if any confusion

Thank you so much for linking some helpful posts!!
Good to know there's someone I can turn to in case questions should arise :)

hello hello pretty girl welcome to the steemit community, is never too old to start new financial alternatives. I wish you the best.
do not forget to follow me
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give me up vote and comment.
together we can help each other

Thank you so much for the kind welcome!! All the best to you too :)

do not forget to follow me
I invite you to see my post I know you like it, share it with your friends and family
please give me up vote, reward and comment
we together can help each othe

Done :)

hello friend I invite you to see my post I know you like it, share it with your friends and family
please give me up vote, and comment

Welcome to Steemit Karin! :) Hope you enjoy discovering and sharing with the community.

Thank you so much!! I really do - love how nice & welcoming everybody here is :D
Hope you're enjoying your time here too :)

Schön immer mehr Österreicher hier zu sehen. Bin aus Linz und jetzt schon einige Zeit dabei, ist eine sehr coole Community. Folge dir und einen Upvote gibt es auch von mir. Viel Spaß auf Steemit.

Hi Florian - vielen lieben Dank!! Ja, echt toll so viele Österreicher hier zu sehen ^^ Bin übrigens ursprünglich auch aus Linz :) Schön zu hören, dass es hier wirklich so cool zu sein scheint, wie es auch auf den ersten Blick wirkt! Wünsch dir auch weiterhin viel Spaß hier!!
Followed & upvoted ebenfalls ;)

Hi Karin! Good to meet you. I am also vegan and I also live in Vienna. :) I will certainly follow you. CU!

Hi Chris, thank you so much!! Always good to meet more vegans from Vienna :)
Following you too ^^

Hi @plantyjourney :) Welcome to the vegan community here! It's quite huge, supportive and inspiring as you'll soon find <3 There is a huge growing need and want for encouragement to a healthier way of life! I love connecting with other people who are trying to show that and make their own small changes in this world :) Happy to connect with you and hope you enjoy it here <3

Hi Cece and thank you so much for the warm welcome :) It's amazing to see so many vegans here - wasn't expecting the community to be so huge already. I'm really looking forward to being part of it and can't wait to connect with all these wonderful human beings here :D
Following you too and already love the content you're putting out there <3

You are most welcome! I got on here in June and I thought the vegan community was big THEN but NOW it's just exploded! I think someone put out a message to vegans everywhere to get on here :P I used to have my blog as primarily vegan inspiration but I was traveling for a couple of months and so, my mind is on that just for now. But I will be back with recipes and inspiration again very soon :P Hope to see some wonderful things from you!

Haha, yeah I guess the word got out :D
Oh, I love traveling - wish I could do so more often!! I'm always interested in seeing/reading about other people's travel experiences. The world is such a beautiful place and there's so much to discover - more than anyONE can do in a lifetime. But by sharing you let others be part of your experience, so please keep doing so ❤ :)

You are so right! I have been traveling and traveling and traveling, far more than anyone I know and it seems like I still haven't been anywhere :P This world is so vast and incredible! I'd love to be able to see it all but you're right, having others to see it for us and share certainly makes it a lot easier ;) <3

Welcome to Steemit! Hope you feel at home here. Lovely photos.

Thank you for the warm welcome :)

just followed and resteemed your post, please follow back :)

Thank you!! Very kind of you :)

Hello from Tampa, FL. Have a great time here on the #steemitblockchain.

Thank you! I'm sure I will :)

Hi @plantyjourney, welcome to steemit, let's surf in steemit. Good luck, regards know @ jamilfian.

Thank you :)

just followed and resteemed your post, Follow me back and upvote my posts

Thank you so much :)

Oh , noch ein Wiener. I hope you find your time on steemit rewarding, and I really do hope you find the time to read more books. It's the very best thing. In the beginning things seem to move slowly here, but if you stay motivated and active great things are going to come your way!
Wünsch dir einen wunderschönen Tag Karin!

Oh, hallo - von Wien nach Wien ^^ Ja, muss definitiv mehr Zeit zum Lesen finden ... einer meiner liebsten Beschäftigungen. Man muss einfach Prioritäten setzen und schauen, dass man eine Balance findet.
Und herzlichen Dank!! Hoffe, du hast hier auch weiterhin viel Spaß :)

Hi Karin, it's great to have another awesome vegan here on Steemit! Looking forward to your posts! ⭐️ I have followed you too over on Instagram 📸

Hey, you guys - thank you so much!! Seems like there's a huge vegan community on steemit and it's so exciting to be part of it :D Just followed & upvoted you too :)
You're putting out great content and I'm looking forward to seeing/reading more from you <3

Welcome on Steemit, Karin! You will definitely find some great inspiration for vegan food on this platform, since you are exploring your passion for cooking these days ;)

Since turning vegan and more so since my raw food journey, I've experienced a great shift to a happier mindset. I'm convinced that healthier foods have an impact on our mood and it would be exciting to hear your experiences, following this healthier lifestyle further on.

Vienna is quite a hub for vegan food, isn't it? Currently living in Germany, I always wanted to travel there for all the great plant-based restaurants, but somehow never made some time for it. Well, Vienna is hopefully getting more amazing with age :D

Hi, Anais - and thank you so much :) I'm looking forward to finding even more inspiration on this platform as well as contributing to it myself.

I did actually experience improvements in the beginning - I'm sure, because I was eating better & healthier - but then my eating habits changed for the worse and so did my mental state. This is why I'm hoping to - with proper nutrition & care - change things around again as I am a firm believer in "you are what you eat".

Oh, it sure is! Being vegan in Vienna couldn't be easier - you should definitely come visit :) But Germany's quite similar, isn't it? Especially Berlin is supposed to be amazing - kinda the "vegan central" of Europe ^^ Hope I'll make it there someday!!

Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar und alles Gute auf deinen Reisen!! Bin schon gespannt auf deine weiteren Posts 😊

You are what you eat - I can definitely sign that! We all have our ups and down especially in our eating habits and it is never to late to change for the better. I am sure with even with a light transition you can do so much good for your body ;)

Well, if I lived in Berlin, I would think the same way about vegan restaurants in Germany :D Unfortunately my town is a bit smaller and therefore not quite there yet, but you see the movement growing everywhere!

In a few weeks I am fleeing into to sun and will spend the next months in South East Asia, but Vienna stays on my list for sure.

Thank you so much, I just now realize that you of course speak German - dein Instagram Account ist absolut wunderschön, ich freue mich schon darauf, auf Steemit ähnliche Posts von dir zu sehen :)

Haha, ja hab mir das mit dem Deutsch dann auch gegen Ende gedacht ^^
Ist halt ein bisschen ungewohnt, wenn sonst fast alle Englisch schreiben, gel?

Asien wird sicher genial!! Und dort wird es bestimmt keine Probleme geben pflanzliche Leckereien zu finden, yum! Wünsch dir jetzt schon mal ne ganz tolle Zeit und bin gespannt auf all die Einträge von dir :)

Vielen lieben Dank <3 Werd dir auch gleich mal auf Insta folgen, damit ich nirgends was verpass :)

Oh jaa, soll ja bekanntlich ein Paradies für Obstverliebte sein ☺️ Vielen lieben Dank dir, ich werde auf jeden Fall meine Reiseabenteuer teilen!

Welcome to Steemit Karen, great to meet you! You'll do great here with your content :)
Followed you and am enthusiastic to see more from you

Thank you so much for the warm welcome!! Followed you right back - it's always great to meet other food & travel enthusiasts :)

Hey welcome to steemit upvoted you and following you :)

That's so very kind of you - thank you :)

Hey there! So nice to see other vegan bloggers out here! I hope you enjoy Steemit!

Hi Astrid, thank you!! I'm also always excited to meet other vegans and connect!
Following you and looking forward to seeing/reading more from you :)

Welcome! Looking forward to following your journey

Hi, thank you so much :) Following you too <3

Hello Karin, welcome to Steemit! Best of luck to you on your journey and have fun!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Mike! I wish you all the best as well :)