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RE: Here I am! Introduction! Marketing the Blockchain: Discovering New Roles, Strategies, and Tactics for Marketing in the Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Industry.

Truly wonderful post. It is evident that you are going to have a huge impact in the future of this planet. Thanks so much for sharing about your experiences in blockchain technologies. Every group has its own cultural mindset that seems to evolve into something very positive or maybe it just grows like bacteria in a petrie dish.


Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me that you see the value in what I am trying to do. I agree about what you said regarding groups and cultural mindsets, they evolve seemingly random much like bacteria in a petrie dish! I also think we have the power to correct our groups and steer them in the right direction when things go off course! Thank you for replying and reading. Can't wait to share more of my ideas!