PixelHunterSam - Introduction Post

Hello to all the busy bees here on Hive! I hope you are having a great day and vibing wherever you may be.

The time has come for me to make my first post here and tell you more about who I am. I'll do my best to make it sound more interesting than it probably is. Hopefully, you'll stick around and learn something you didn't know about me. And if I manage to make you smile at any point, I'll consider this post successful!

What's In a Name?
My legal name is Samantha Landman. No second or middle names, just a first name and surname. Before marriage, my surname was Taljaardt. I have dug quite a bit into the Taljaardt family tree to when they first came to South Africa in 1749. Though, the surname looked a little different back then. It was Taillard, and he came from Belgium.

Family tree research was quite interesting. It can give you a new perspective. Especially when you learn that some of your ancestors were knights. Imagine the giddy feeling of a history buff, such as myself, on learning cool things like that.

Now you are probably wondering about my username. It has its own background story. The first part, Pixel, comes from two different places. I have been a gamer since I was five or six years old. Given my age, (which as a lady, I will not specify) those games were largely pixel graphics. Games such as Adventure Island and Super Mario Bros were some of the first I enjoyed. The second part of Pixel, comes from the fact that I am a digital artist creating and moving pixels around on a screen to form pictures.

The Hunter part of the name also has two parts. It mainly comes from the fact that I am a huge Supernatural fan. I started watching Supernatural when it first started airing in South Africa around 2005/2006. It is a show that will always remain close to my heart, but more about that later. The second part is again around my digital art. I sometimes spend far too much time hunting stray pixels, in an attempt to make sure everything is perfect.

The last part of my username should be obvious. Sam is short of Samantha. It also is another little nod to Supernatural, where one of the main characters also goes by Sam.

If you hadn't already figured it out, I live in South Africa. In Centurion to be precise. I have lived in many different places in South Africa growing up. I have lived in four of South Africa's nine provinces. I have also been lucky enough to travel around our beautiful country. I hope that in future I get to do a lot more travelling. That said, I do very much love my home town. I have met wonderful people here, making several close friends, which feel more like family.

A few of our wedding photos from 2013

Better Half
If you read about my name, you have no doubt realised that I am married. My husband and I met online around 16 years ago. While meeting online is probably not an unusual thing today, it was back then. Cell phones had only just begun to have internet connectivity. Social media platforms did not yet exist. It all came down to a chance encounter in a small chatroom.

When we first began talking to each other online, I wasn't looking for a relationship. We did, however, become fast friends very quickly. We lived in different towns, a three-hour drive from each other. Yet those words on a tiny cell phone screen to a friend evolved into so much more.
Long story short, 16 years on we are still as close as ever. In 2013 we took the plunge and made things official by getting married. To this day, he is still my best friend and my soulmate. I could not picture my life without him.

Though my husband and I have no human children, we do have three family members that we consider our 'children' in a way. Their names are Ricky, Winston and Lily. Ricky is our eldest, a Jack Russell Terrier. Winston is a Yorkshire Terrier. And Lily, the only other female in the household besides myself, is a Bearded Dragon.

Many people see pets as just that, animals we keep around. But to my husband and I, they are individuals and very much like our children. They bring joy, and yes, sometimes frustration as well. But we love them regardless. Not to mention, they make good heat sharing buddies in the wintertime, hehe.

Winston, Ricky and Lily, our fur (and scale) kids.

My Crazy Brain
So I will not try to explain the inner workings of my mind because even I don't understand them. The best that I can do is provide a glimpse.
I was always a slightly 'strange' child. I hated making eye contact (still do), didn't enjoy playing 'girly' games and would rather play with building blocks on my own. Overall I wasn't really social. Part of me suspects now that I may actually be on the Autistic Spectrum.

When I got to Grade One and started learning how to write, I did so with my left hand. Yet my teacher literally forced me to switch and train to write with my right hand. I also remember my parents being called in and told they needed to get me to the library, as I had already read every book available on their premises at least three times.

The library was like heaven to me. I was a voracious reader throughout my school career. I would very often spend break time with my nose in a book. I openly (and sadly) admit that I don't spend as much time reading anymore. Adult life can be a bit sucky like that.

After I graduated high school, my parents could not afford to send me to university or college. But, the stubborn person that I am, I decided I would get a degree somehow regardless. So I enrolled in a distance university, completing a BSc degree while working. Working, however, meant I could only manage to study part-time, so it took me six years to complete my degree instead of the usual three years. But in the end, I did it, officially graduating in 2009 with majors in Botany and Microbiology.

A different university invited me to enrol with them and work on a river monitoring project while completing my honours and masters. Unfortunately, I did not have the funds to support myself while doing that. And by this time, my relationship with my then-boyfriend (now husband) was getting pretty serious. In the end, I landed a job as an Environmental Consultant near Centurion where my boyfriend lived. We got engaged not long after.

I worked as an Environmental Consultant for a few years. It was a job I enjoyed. In the end, political situations and some less than honest people who wanted me to 'bend' scientific reports made me leave that field of work.

I worked a myriad of different jobs in different fields since then, admin, real estate, retail. But my real passion has always been creating art. A path my parents discouraged me from taking, as they always said it was not financially viable. But that was many years ago before the internet came along. Things have changed a lot. Perhaps now, I will be able to garner a form of income from my passion after all.


Some of the crafted items I have made, a shelf from cardboard, snitches, t-shirt with my art printed, Perler beads Squirtle, and a goblin shack for tabletop war-gaming from Popsicle sticks.

My Interests, Hobbies and Creativity
I have a lot of interests and hobbies. I often think I spread myself too thin sometimes, haha. If you have read everything up to this point, you will know that digital art is one of them, if not the main one. Reading and occasionally writing are something I also enjoy.

I also really enjoy sewing. I do not consider myself a professional in this, but it is a lot of fun. I've sewn several things, most of them for my own use, like a costume for the medieval fayre. It's also a pretty useful skill to have when your favourite item of clothing needs a bit of repair TLC.

I do partake in tabletop RPGs and text RPing. I am still a gamer and play a lot of different games on my PC. I occasionally will break out my Nintendo 3DS for nostalgia.

I used to do martial arts, Karate while in school, and later in life Aikido. For fun, I would sometimes train a little with my husband, who, at that stage, was doing Muay Thai and MMA. Unfortunately, though, I tore the meniscus in my knee. It isn't the kind of injury that heals on its own and requires surgery. But the surgery doesn't guarantee it will be fixed or improve the situation. So I opted not to do it. I was told that continuing with martial arts, and certain other physical activities will risk worsening the tear. So I sadly gave it up martial arts.

I dabble in a lot of DIY crafts and especially enjoy recycling material that others would consider trash into something awesome or useful.

The Future
I am very excited about being involved in this new platform. A big thank you to @zakludick for getting me started and answering my many many questions. And a thank you to @lex-zaiya for telling me about it.

I hope to be posting art and perhaps some stories and crafts as well. I look forward to being active and involved in this lovely community. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and took the time to read my introductory ramblings! I hope you are having a fabulous day!


  • All photos with the exception of the wedding photos taken by myself.
  • Wedding photos by Brendan Stewart, his website bfotografie.
  • Photo collages created on Canva

Everyone on the blockchain is given a certain amount of "RESOURCE CREDITS" (RC) that can be "spent" in publishing posts, writing comments, etc. Everything we do requires a few RC to accomplish, similar to "mana" or "gas" on other blockchains. We are given RC depending on how much HIVE POWER (HP) we have staked. If you don't have much HP, you will use all of your RC quickly. RC recharges at a rate of 20% each day.

You have been given a temporary delegation ("loan") of HP to provide you with a greater allotment of RC, courtesy of @theterminal's RC-assist project. We ask that you:

• do not plagiarize (steal or 'spin' others' work)
• remain active
• comment/upvote others' posts to build your network
• PowerUp rewards to grow your account, do not 'cash-out' to an exchange

You may check your RC any time at https://hiveblocks.com/pixelhuntersam
The best of luck to you on Hive! 🙂

Oh my gosh! Thank you so much @theterminal I definitely plan to be active and engage the community as much as possible!

Great introduction @pixelhuntersam, I used to play Aikido long time ago (Now left with the after effects too, maybe I shouldn't have quit..).

Anyways, welcome to Hive. I'm sure you'll love it here! ✌

I do miss Aikido. Every physical activity or sport comes with the risk of injury. I have had to adjust what I can do because of the knee injury. No running, no squats or lunges, no jumping or anything high impact. But I still try to get physical activity in as often as possible.

Thank you for the warm welcome @yaziris I hope to be a regular around Hive 🙂

This is so true. Aikido is fun and it was a big part of my life (professionally) for a little bit over 7 years, I do miss it too! But I think it is somewhat more taxing physically than most other sports, especially on the joints (something I overlooked at the time, but bit me later on after many years).

It was my pleasure @pixelhuntersam, welcome again, and I hope you will be a regular around Hive too. It's a great place with one of the best communities you can find online! 😉


Excellent intro, and welcome to the HIVE blockchain! We hope you will have fun blogging here while earing a little crypto in the process! 😊

Thank you @thekittygirl I am really looking forward to hanging out with what seems like a really awesome community! Even if I am nervous as usual about sharing my art, haha!

Such a wonderful intro and you really made us feel like we got to know you a little 😉
Welcome to hive, this is a great place to be and so many amazing People to meet and many talents.
I hope you will love it here as much as I do 😊

Nice to meet you and looking forward to see more from you.
Happy weekend 🌷

Thank you! It is not my favourite thing to write about myself, but I tried to at least be open. So far I am finding this place amazing. I honestly didn't expect so much wonderful feedback on my first post. Starting to think I have really found a home here, even though I have only been around here for a few days.

It was wonderful to meet you as well.
Hope you had a fantastic weekend! 🌻

What a great introduction post! I will be looking forward to hearing more from you. With a username like that, I hope you join us in the Shadow Hunters Community!

Thank you @melinda010100! The Shadow Hunters Community? Is this around the books and series of the same name?

This is no connection to that series The community sponsors two contests each week. One for shadow photos and one for reflection photos. These are last weeks Shadow Winners.


Ah, seems fun! Photography is one of my far too many interests 🤣
Maybe this community will be what I need to pick up photography again.

Oh yes...

@melinda010100 is a dear friend and the Shadow Hunters Community is a well known and awesome place!


While I am thinking about it...

Wanted to jump on one more time, before unplugging for today. Please don't feel overwhelmed! Even though I am sure you are lol. You will have lot's of people wanting to help and offer you advice. That's the awesomesauce of the Blockchain! Just know you're among friends, and if there's something you don't understand or are unsure about. Please reach out to someone for help!

Now I'll say have a great weekend! Time to hang out with the family and grandkids!

Thank you! I am actually quite overwhelmed by the response and attention this silly introduction post has garnered. For the first time in all the time, I have been on various platforms, it feels like there are real people, nice people here. Not just faceless internet trolls.

I think I am really going to be enjoying being here! 😄


Good afternoon! Well... I can't lie and say that everyone is of a positive nature. But mind you, that's just life... yes? But we can only remain positive and do our best to help spread that mindset. A dear friend once said, "It's all about community", and I can't help but agree. True interaction, as well as engagement, is the key to this blockchain... much like life, really. Most that know me, call me many things (Nothing bad, I hope lol)...

  • The Positive Guy
  • The Thoughtful Daily Post Guy

My favorite is "Bridge Builder"... because a constant idea I have created is Building Positive Bridges. In doing so... I would like to share with you, another new shining light, that has just joined us, here on the blockchain, as well as at The Terminal. I think you will understand why I am sharing her information with you...


I do try to help everyone I am able to... and in doing so, it just creates stronger "links" in our blockchain. Hey... have a great day today!!



Welcome to ecency and Hive! Did you know that there are many different websites powered by Hive? If you enjoy travel blogging check out TravelFeed.io :) See you around @pixelhuntersam!

Thank you for the welcome! Good to know! Wish I could do some travelling. Might check it out just to quench my thirst a little! 😉


Let me just share a graphic, so as to maybe clear some confusion if you will...

Info-graphic from The Terminal Discord

The "Blockchain" is the place where all the cool kids hang out lol. Hive.Blog is the main site that most use. But PeakD, Ecency, and Palnet, etc... are various places, or "front-ends" used to interact on the blockchain. I won't keep you... just wanted to make sure you understood the different ways to interact. We will explain more should you wish to join us at the House of Help! Have a great rest of your day, my friend!


Welcome to the Hive Community Sam!

Thank you @zakludick it was scary to make my first post, but I did it! yay! 🎉

Somehow I missed your introduction post, nice to meet you and yes Hive has many South African's onboard, welcome and look forward to your enjoyment in posting and sharing here.

Nice to meet you too! Thank you for the welcome! 🌻

Amazing to met you and learn more about you, I can understand why @zakludick sent me here.. Amazing post!!

Very nice Introduction Post! It looks like it is doing very nicely too!

I also used to work in environmental consulting, hopefully we meet in person to chat about it one day!

Thank you @jasperdick I had a good example to follow in yours. Like I said before when I am in your corner of the country again, I would love to meet 74-inch Dick 😅

Hello @pixelhuntersam! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself - congratulations and welcome! And I definitely smiled a number of times, so your post is most certainly a successful introduction to our community!

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities. Based on your very awesome post, I think you'll find these interesting to start off with -


Scholar and Scribe

Hive Gaming Community

Hive Pets Community

Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide should be helpful to you, as it is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works. For instance, there's a post in the collection called 3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive that you might find helpful.

Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

I'm sure @zakludick and @lex-zaiya will continue to help you as you begin your Hive journey, but if you have any questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

Thank you so much for the community suggestions @lovesniper, and for the useful links. I will definitely give them a read through. I am finding this platform and community far more awesome than any other place I have been. Looking forward to being an active part of the community!

You're very welcome, @pixelhuntersam and don't worry if you need to ask a zillion questions after reading through the links - some Hive stuff can be really confusing, even to "old timers" like myself. Feel free to tag me on my personal account (Love Sniper is run by a team) if you need any help. 😊

Thank you so much @traciyork! I have been bombarding poor @zakludick quick regularly with questions, haha. He has been super patient and very informative in answering them. But it is great to know I can give him a break once in a while and bombard someone else 🤣

Also, I would just like to add, I absolutely LOVE your profile picture ❣️ You are making me want to do some pixel art again! And your cover image speaks the truth! (in my case though it is also turning caffeine into digital art, haha)

I am here for all those questions!

All the students that ask the most questions are doing the best. Is there a connection? I think so!

Great introduction post, PixelHunterSam. Welcome to Hive. Can’t wait to read your writing!

what a great introduction post! welcome!

One of us, one of us! Looking forward to seeing your art again.

I am starting to feel like you get the opportunity to say that phrase far too often to me. 🤣
Much love Lex. You have no idea how much you inspire me, and how much of a positive influence you are in my life 🌻

Well, when other people see your art they will agree with me!

Hi @pixelhuntersam welcome to Hive.

This post has been selected to be curated by hive learners community. Hive Learners is a community where we teach people about all they need to know about Hive.

Kindly click on the link below to visit our community and check out our discord channel.



Thank you so much! Very much appreciated. I will definitely give the community a peep. 😄

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! 🌻

Yay! 🤗
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Oh wow! Thank you @weone much appreciated!

Welcome to Ecency club. Stay Blessed!

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Its been three weeks and I hope you enjoy being here and meeting some of the terminal staff already and Zack aswell. I just saw the mermaid blog and its great,, hope you will do more , have a great weekend

Thank you! I have been enjoying it here for sure! I haven't been this inspired to draw just for the heck of it in ages.

Its so much fun and seeing the intro you made with all you like, there are so many contests you would love , and the art department here is so good that will be great to join aswell, you had me at the surname and sewing hahahah i love sewing , reading online and drawing and i am a dog mum aswell. , yep hive for us ladies is great i promise and when you have questions and zack isn’t available let me know saw you joined discord aswell, cool.

Maybe Ecency is great discord for you aswell, zack is there too