A Couple of Ass Hats Find Steemit!


Please read our story and we'll explain who we are and what we would like to do on this incredible platform!

How did we discover Steemit?

Well, Vicki found it first, on YouTube, watching Crypto videos and suggested (told me) that we should blog and here we are.

We are a married couple, former journalists (which means little today and we’re good with that), who spend much of our time making videos for non-profit institutions to help them raise money for their causes.

Here’s an example of a project we produced to help build an orphanage in Haiti after that earthquake in 2010.

We’re people like you with family. Our kids are not kids now, they’re all grown up and have their own lives to live. We’re proud and worked really hard for many years to give them the best start at life that we possibly could. And we always preached creativity.

Just one big happy extended family that pretty much digs each other when we have the time to get together. We hang out at the beach, collect shark teeth, eat great Cuban and Gulf Coast food and we really love to play Disc Golf!

disc golf.jpg

We live in Tampa Bay because we hate to be cold!

Please don’t take us too seriously, we’re a couple of ass hats when it comes to sarcasm and politics (which we will try to never discuss, should it ruin the blog).

We'll publish a light hearted look at the nutty events of our world today and hopefully bring a little fun into your life along the way.

And some of what we post will be quite serious in nature but others will be funny in a lame sort of way.

And so it goes. Thanks for your time, see you soon!


Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you. So far we like it. lots of very nice people here. Please follow me as I will follow your journey!

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you, we just blogged today too. We'll follow you. Just figuring it all out. Thank you!


I wish you all the best.

Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi, this way we can support each other.

Thank you Max! Nice to meet you..

welcome!follow me , God

Thank you solik. I sure will follow you. Please follow me back!!

Nice to meet you, @pickyvicki! Welcome to Steemit!

I'm starting to feel the love here. Everyone seems so friendly!. I will follow you if you follow me !

sarcasm can be fun to play with, or not

It sure can be fun... or not!!!!

URW @pickyvicki!

Have fun and good luck!

I will.. i love new things and even more a challenge

Welcome to the Steemit community!

Thanks.. Please feel free to follow our journey!

Vicki and Dave...Welcome and I enjoyed your video. I worked in the video production, television, news for 25 years and retired from it 7 years ago for health reasons.

I will like and follow you guys. Please consider coming on over to my little corner of Steemit and doing the same. We minnows have to stick together or lost at sea is out lot!


You got it brother. It is a young man's job, no doubt about it! Thanks man!

Hi welcome to steemit. You can join this new whatsapp group for help and tips for you to make it in steemit

Thanks for the invite. I'll have to check that out...I need the app first.. ?

welcome to steemit and cant wait to see more post!

This is both exciting and scary. but looking forward to making new friends along the way. Thank you for the warn welcome!

I can tell that you guys are my kind of people! Welcome welcome to steemit! Please reach out if you need anything, kick your shoes off and get comfortable !

Followed and upvoted!

Thanks hun, we cant wait to dig in and have fun along the way. Thanks for your upvote and follow.

Happy to be following along! I think you guys will really like it here, this tribe of folks is unlike any other I've met- feels good to be around other weirdos ;)

Welcome to steemit and I hope you enjoy your stay! :) Its very admirable that you helped out the poor people in Haiti. I remember 8 years ago when I made a video talking about Haiti as well. I live in Puerto Rico, not too far from Haiti actually.

Thanks d. Y'all coming along down there? We love PR. As much a state as Florida, or any other for that matter.

You mean about the hurricane? All is getting better but there are still areas that has no electricity. But where I live, we had electricity for a couple of months now after the storm. Thanks for asking.

Good to hear... !

Recovering Journalist.
You will be fine on steemit.
Be sure to look into https://d.tube and https://dlive.io for your videpo exploits! They payout STEEM as well.

Thank you for your advice. I'll be sure to look into that in the morning.. i just followed you, if you could follow my journey as well!

I enjoyed reading this! Thank you for upvoting my introduction post too. 🙂

Thank you so much..