A pace setter just joined a wonderful community


Hi loves, I'm Oyindamola, born and raised in Nigeria, one of the greatest countries of Africa.


Image source: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/african-megacity-lagos-nigeria-gm1333460374-415957017

Let me talk briefly about my name.
"Oyindamola" It was derived from the Yoruba tribe which in english means "Honey mixed with Wealth" It is one the averagely popular names in the South West region of Nigeria and because of its meaning, it is generally loved by everyone.


Let me talk about where I live currently.
Igoba, a community inside Akure the city of Ondo State. This is a place far from the town, it's a new site which is still developing, there are lots of bushes around which makes it dangerous to walk in the night. There are more grocery stores compared to books stores or food stores. There are more fashion shops compared to beauty shops. It's sometimes frustrating to stay in this area because you have to trek miles before you can get some stuffs, but it's sometimes encouraging because you tend to explore life.
I have a small crop farmland at the side of my house and also a small poultry farm inside my compound, that's one of the advantage of my area, you can easily start a farm unlike those developed areas. One of the things I dislike more about my area is that there are no filling stations nor banks, you would have to go extra miles in order to get petrol or withdraw money even though the use of POS has make the lack of banks less affecting.


Now back to myself...
I'm currently 22 years old and I'm in my 2nd year in one of the best agricultural universities in the country, my school location is in Abeokuta, another state different from where I stay. I hail from a family of seven, I'm the third child in a children of five, my dad is late but my mum is alive and not dying anytime soon😁. Being the third child and second female child, I was raised to be a little energetic and at the same time, a little dependent but when life hitted me, I learnt how to be independent and be extra industrious. I do fashion design as a side hustle and I know I'm going to expand my fashion store soon enough because it's one of my biggest goals in life.
I started my fashion designing job in the year 2018 making use of my dinning room which I converted into my fashion store and it has been like that since then.


I also love to write and that's why I write on some blogs like read cash and noise cash, I bear "honey_bch" on read cash and "oyinwrites" on noise cash.
I learnt about this platform from a sister of mine and so I decided to give it a shot, I would love to share my knowledge and my experience with this community of great minds and I will do my best to obey all the rules of the platform. I also love singing, listening to music, exploring, researching, cooking and making friends and so I will like to make friends with as a many as possible on this platform, so help me God.

I said earlier that I love to prepare food, I'm also studying something relating to food in school all because I love food even though I don't eat so much, let me show you a picture of the meal I prepared today, It is fried potatoes and egg with tomato and cucumber slices. Enjoy the meal with me.😋


Let me conclude with this..
There's this popular saying that "Rome was not built in a day" it's one of my favorite quotes. Meaning it's never too late to succeed in that thing you are doing, never give up, it has been my watch word for so long even times when I'm going through life issues or my career isn't going well, I would keep on pushing until everything goes back to normal. Just believe in yourself and keep on going, one day, everything will become history.



Hello @oyinwrites! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome! You didn't mention how you happened to find our blockchain home - did an established Hive member tell you about it? If so, be sure to tag them so they know you're part of the Hive community now.

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Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide should be helpful to you, as it is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works. For instance, there's a post in the collection called 3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive that you might find helpful.

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If you have questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

Oh wow, I'm so glad with this info, it will really go a long way, thank you so much

Welcome aboard! I'll delegate some resource credits to help you comment, vote, and post more while you get started. The best way to build a good audience is to be a good audience for others, so create conversations!

Be sure to write down your keys and keep them somewhere safe. Click here for another writer's overview of which keys do what. Beware of scammers who promise quick riches or mystery airdrops, and don't enter your keys anywhere carelessly.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't have all the answers, but I'm glad to help if I can.

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Thank you so much for your information, it is really useful.

Thank you for the credit, I'm super grateful 🙏