Beware Of The Otter!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

The otters are arriving to take over steemit. we are the true rulers of the sea!

I'm not irrationally afraid of killer whales, I said they were dicks. And they ARE dicks. They're one of the worst species that exhibit sadism and cruelty who haven't also invented deathcamps and zyklon-b.

They're up there with Bottle-nosed Dolphins. In fact, Killer Whales aren't even whales at all, they're basically giant, slightly-less dickish DOLPHINS. And while Dolphins edge them out with their fucked upkidnap-and-gangrape-females-for-weeks routine, they at least don't lure Seal parents out to their deaths by tossing baby seals around half-dead like a terrified hackeysack.

Otters are the undisputed dicklords of the universe, though. Not only do Otters also kidnap and gangrape their own females to death, they're the only other known species that have formed little bands of redpill cuckotters. These little furry MRA otters-go-their-own-way then cruise around gangraping baby-seals to death then proceed to rape the corpse for another week.

Come at me bro, I got my rock ready!

Otters have a skin flap that forms a pocket so they can keep their favorite rock with them. They use this rock to break open mollusks when eating. Some otters go their entire lives carrying the same rock!


The introduceyourself tag is for creating a post that tells us about you. Users are encouraged to use this tag exclusively for that, and not to reuse it. Abusing tags can potentially lead to people flagging you, even from dan himself.

how was my introduction not an introduction? your flagging is bullshit. I haven't even had my account 2 hours. it was my first post how was I reusing it? how was I abusing it? like I care if dan lags me at this point. I already have a bunch of people that flag me. tell dan another new member is quiting and will be spreading the word about how this site is. bunch of bitches that flagg for no reason and wont even say why they didit. fuck steemit, you all deserve each other with your dead new site. lol

And they want to be called "Allied Athiests Alliance". Pffft. Everyone knows that "Unified Atheist League" is the best name!

Your introduction had me cracking up hard.
Killer Whales aren't even whales at all, they're basically giant, slightly-less dickish DOLPHINS