The Journey Begins, aka Steemit Red


Steemit Red

I've pounded down a few coffees, read a lot of Steemit posts and my drying eyes have turned a new shade of red. I'm going to call it Steemit Red. Maybe I'll make some clothing from it. Steemit Red cat socks, or Steemit Red boxerbriefs. But This is gonna be a great journey and I thank you in advance for jumping on it with me!




I'm an illustrator and writer (ok, trying to do the latter but by now I'm not so shit at the former :)) and have been working in video games for a long time. I stopped working officially a while back and unofficially have been freelancing for a year here and there, during which time I've also been travelling! Namely:




Almost bought a ticket to the moon then realized 'holy F shit that's expensive.'



I'm here to share some art with everyone and a bit of writing, see what people like to see better! Also, with art, I'd like to give advice to anyone who'd like some tips. I no longer paint traditionally because everything I own is in a 13kg bag, and nice tubes of acrylic paints get heavy. I'm more about the digital space, Photoshop and iPad, but fundamentals are the same. :) I'll try and post some videos of process when possible, but definitely some stories of how something came about.

I can't give much advice about writing as I'm still on my hands and knees on that one. Maybe you can give me some!



I have no idea! :) Right now I feel like this ^guy trying to drive a space ship. Support welcome. Votes welcome. Resteems welcome! Crits welcome! Welcomes welcome! Questions welcome!

Now isn't it funny that How is an anagram (drunk version) of Who? And NOW I WON can just about be read backwards?

Take care all and Keep it Steeming.

There are 2 pages


I love your art and illustrations!! That rough sketch was amazing. I'm following you right away. I'm an artist too and i really look forward to more of your post.
Check out my sketch and follow for more.

Hahaaaaa.. Nice sketch. Is that just pen? That's really nicely done. Hmmm... If you squint, those two guys kinda look the same don't they? :D

Thanks!! It's just pen; black pen.
Lol...they kinda do. One being the younger version of the other.

As they say in Thailand, same same but different

I just came from Thailand and everybody was saying that all the time! There was even a hotel or restaurant (not sure which) in Ko Lanta named "Same same but different" and in the markets people were selling clothes with that text printed on them.. Don't understand their obsession about that slogan :D

hahaha yes they do look like brothers from another mother!

Welcome to the community @oneminja! Hope you will bring some awesome content to the platform. Are those pics your design? They look so dope - great work! Let's stay connected!

@travellit Hi! Thank you! Yes, they're all my work. I have a looooot of work some of which very few people have seen, others no one has seen, and some have been around here and there. I'll be sure to share some more.

Welcome to STEEMIT... STEEMIT red "nice one"...

Soooo, this is awkward @kingoris. Because "kingori" used to be my nickname that my older brothers had for me when I was a kid. Hehe. Ask @hitwill, he's my brother. True story. It was "Kingori, King of the Black Antelopes." I have no idea why :D:D Does it have a meaning for you?

Thanks for the welcome :)

Woaw. Oris is just the short form of my name though. Nice to have same nickname when you was littler ,just that you're missing an "s" 😀..

It's a small world indeed.

welcome to the crypto-currency universe

Thank you for the welcome @lopezdacruz :)

Welcome to steemit @oneminja ! Looking forward to your art and your stories!

Hey @hitwill I hope all is well! Thanks Again for resteeming. I have done the same! It is so GREAT to have @oneminja on the GREAT STEEMIT PLATFORM! It just keeps getting better and better! Your Devoted Friend @extraterrestrial :-)

Thanks, guys! @hitwill good to hear from you, bro :) Yeah, this guy's killing it with his posts :) Thanks for the welcome @extraterrestrial! Oh man, your video. hehe love the song! When did you land on earth?

@hitwill is the MAN! Thank you VERY much! Thank you so VERY much for following me and the compliment! It means the world to me! I arrived on earth several light years ago and I even witnessed the dinosaurs LOL! :-)

Funny guys, those dinos, eh? :)

@hitwill it seems you have a passion for art, so i would be checking out your blog as soon as i drop this comment.

P.s i also have passion for arts especially photography and grahics. It's a great job @oneminaj is doing

@morgangreat, many thanks for the nice words. It's how I chose to invest in myself. Art also gave me red eyes ;) Sometimes in college I would paint 15 hours in a day. Wooooo...

Wow 15 hours a day? Now that's bloody 😂

Dude, I tried 3 different brands of caffeine pills, and I've fallen asleep walking once, and once while tutoring English.

Builds character :D

wow, you are a strong man indeed. Heads up

Nice work :) Welcome @oneminaj

thank you very much you are a very good person @hitwill

Thank You for promote valuable content , You are great person ☺

Welcome to steemit @oneminja
stemeet has brought us to share history, culture, tradition and the environment. steemit worldwide have been in the minds of us to share. We each have different friends and family to know and share different experiences. with different traditions. always see from eye to eye. About what we don't look for an opportunity. I am also grateful for what it has built in Steemit for all of us. The opportunity to share what we love and learn new things and find interesting people.
I hope a lot of friends here
Greeting steemian all
My new leader just joined three days ago
Thanks you so much @hitwill
You are the beast

A HUGE WELCOME TO THE GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! It is a HUGE blessing to have you here! Out of this world art and writing! EXTREMELY talented! You have been to amazing places! I absolutely love the space ship! The moon is one amazing place LOL! I'm already a HUGE fan of yours! Thank you @hitwill for resteeming! I can't wait for more of your posts! I'm proudly resteeming, commenting, upvoting and following! All the VERY best! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :-)

Oh man, thank you kindly! Much much appreciated! I hope I'll keep you excited and entertained with my doodles going forward :) Thank you for resteeming, commenting, upvoting and following :)

I'm excited to meet you on this platform. Welcome to Steemit. Explore and have fun.

Thank you, greatness! And what a name you have!

welcome to steemit!

Thank you @aaronnn47. Glad to be here!

Wonderful introduction, and Welcome to the community @oneminja! I've just recently taken up art, and drawing in particular. Let me say that it takes mounds of skill to do what you do, so much love! What kind of video games have you gotten the chance to work on?

Hey sperm! You are one in a million! (hahaha!) Appreciate the nice words. Art's great, keep at it, it's worth it.

I've worked on mostly sports games (those which have been released) like Tiger Woods PGA tour, Need for Speed (kinda sports), Bike Unchained and The Fourth Phase on mobile. But also a VR game called Awaken. Also worked on some other sci-fi/fantasy titles that, because it's games, they never got released. That happens more times than you can imagine. Maybe every 1 game released has about 6 that aren't released.

One in a million indeed ;) looks like you have a good sense of humor as well Hahaha! I've always wondered how much time it takes for the artists of video games, talk about detail! Glad to have you in the community, I'll be checking your stuff out so make sure to keep it up man!!!

Sperm tells me to make sure to keep it up, it sounds like a threat hahaha.

Challenge accepted :)

welcome dear! love your content—will surely follow you—its fun to read. keep it coming!

Thank you @michellpiala :) Look forward to keeping you entertained!

looking forward for that too. :)

Excellent introduce. I like the art and travels. I follow you

Thank you!! I appreciate the kind words :)

Welcome to Turkey. I live in istanbul. Did you like turkey :)

Thank you! I loved it! I was only in Bodrum and only about 6 days, but man. I loved it proper! I plan to return one day and give the country a proper look. :)

I really like your artstyle and I enjoy video games myself so I appreciate what your provide to that industry.

Hey thanks! Funny enough, I hardly play video games anymore :) I used to play a lot but I think working in them was like seeing backstage at the magic show ;)

Great ! l like your post.

Thank you @lucia97! I'm glad you like it

Welcome to steemit, hope we can work together in this steemit Greetings know best regards. @acha

Hi @acha. Thank you for the welcome! I'm sure we will :)

This looks promising! Can't wait to look at more of your art! Welcome also, from a first-timer steemit illustrator too :)

Thank you and welcome as well :) I like your first post, Pedro. And I love your country. I haven't been far south, but so far I like where I have been, Lisboa, Porto, Aveiro, Braga.

Welcome to Steemit, bro! You have amazing content - art and writing and video - and its so good to see that people will start to discover and enjoy it here! Karibu sana, @oneminja! I know this is gonna be fun for all of us :)

@dcgikandi Ahhh thanks, bro! :) Well. 5 point seatbelt, here we come :D

Awesome talent, hope i have them too😁 followed.. welcome to steemit

Thank you @john02el. :) I feel well welcomed!

Welcome home to Steemit. Great illustration and photoshop work. I love how dynamic the works are.

Thank you, @nwjordan. Appreciate the kind words. More work to come :)

Welcome to steemit!! Hope you have great time in this community. Because we all do! Congrats and best wishes to you! :)

Thank you :) I'm sure I will. Looking forward to learning a lot about this space.

:-) cool!

Thank you :) Glad you like!

Good. Welcome!

Thank you sir :)

Welcome to Steemit world @Oneminja. I'm sure you will write a lot of different writings. I look forward to your sharing.

Thank you @atakan57. That's the plan! Hope to keep you and others entertained long into the journey!

Awesome Illustrations @oneminja! I've really likes them!

Thank you @vozo :) I'm glad you like them. More to come!

Welcome to the community

Thank you for the welcome! Glad to be here.

Welcome @oneminja! It looks like you have some interesting stories to share. I'm looking forward to see them!

Thank you! Yes, maybe some are more interesting than others hehe. But, ok I'll share just those ones ;)

Sure they´re all good ones! ;)

Welcome welcome welcome :) :) :)

Thank you thank you thank you @taqi :)

welcome to steemit sir! enjoy!

Many thanks to you :)

you are welcome :)

Hi @oneminja! Welcome here in Steemit! ;)

Thank you, @lugiatype26! It's gonna be a good ride.

woaw, nice art work.. you're good bro.
steem on.

Thank you, @paragonlite :) Appreciate the thoughts!

Excellent artworks you shared here @oneminja. Steemit needs artists like you to be successful. Upvoted, resteemed and followed happily. Peace and Loves from Spain, bro.

Hey @funworlding! Man, thanks so much! I'll do my best to bring art to steemit over the next while.

Good Luck

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Hello! and welcome to steemit's amazing community. I hope you have a great time!

Thanks for the welcome!

Keep it up bro this is super inspiring. Your artwork is dope btw great use of colors

@yungsatoshi Thank you, man. Be inspired! STAY inspired! I'm glad I could help.

Very excited to see commission work from you soon, @oneminja 👍✨

Thanks for the confidence, @herorasseru!

I like to read every post you !

Thank you for the kind words, @steemem!

You got a 22.36% upvote from @upmyvote courtesy of @hitwill!
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Thanks @upmyvote. Er... I only half know what that means, It's been about 20 hours on Steemit. I need time. I need timeeeee! hehehehe.

You got a 16.13% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @hitwill!
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Hey there @oneminja. I am very much looking forward to your writing and art pieces. I don't know if you are the author of all images you've posted but I personally love the last one. Very nice. And welcome again!

Hi @jalayn. Yes I am. I have a looootttt of work just sitting around, so I'm gonna be sharing it as we go along. Keep coming back and you should see some new stuff regularly :) Thanks for the welcome!

This is a great post, welcome to Steemit.
I can't wait for more content from you!
If you are looking for practical crypto advice check out my blog..

Hi! Thanks for the welcome and the kind words :) I'll be sure to check out your blog for tips on crypto. It's all a lot to take in!

Congratulations @oneminja, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 13759 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $3419.80. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Congratulations @oneminja, this post is the third most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 13759 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $3419.80. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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That's great news, thanks for the update! :)

@oneminja Welcome :)

Thank you thank you :)


Cool illustrations! :)

hello Stimiano very good job also I invite you to go through my blog

Welcome @oneminja you're going to fit in quite nicely, I can tell :-)

Thanks for the welcome, @positiveninja! A bit of a lot to take in but I like it :)

I've been here for 44 days, it's been a whirlwind! Just keep being you though, is the best advice I can give

great first impression and reading your first post, i wouldn't have guessed that you have a problem with writing. Welcome to the community brother ;)

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah I'm not so shit at writing either ;) But writing and writing a book are completely different things hehe

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