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RE: Mi presento..

Do you speak English my friend? If not try to use google translate to acquire the information that’s is gonna be contained in this post . Useful as I’d love to describe them so they had proven.

Permit me to introduce myself, I’m Mide and I’m here to share with you some useful tips to help you grow on this amazing platform of connectivity and adding value to others lives. As minnows we’ve all got to understand and know the importance of communication and that’s what’s what is contained in the next paragraph

Communication is a key factor when it comes to all types of relationship , be it interpersonal or inter communal relationship. Without communication then I wonder how two or more people could make plans either for self development or general development. Communication has presented itself as the only way to relate with others.

The key to success on this platform is communication through commenting , this is what you basically need as a starter, make friends , join communities as you’d get to find out different types of communities on this platform as you explore posts. Trying to add value to you by impacting this knowledge unto you. Take this from me and you shall be successful on this platform, welcome again