Introduce My Self , I Am Novita Julianti [ENG/IND]


Hello Steemian .. !!!

Good evening all ... this is my first post in steemit, let me introduce my self, my name is Novita Julianti. To be more familiar you can call me novi or just vi only. I am 19 years old. I was born in Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia. on 13 July 1998. My education started from SDN 15 Langsa, then I continued my junior high school education at MTsS Raudhatun Najah Langsa. for senior secondary education I studied at SMAS Fajar Hidayah Aceh Besar. now I'm studying at Langsa Samudera University, by choosing English study program. I live in Langsa city. My hobby is reading novels. and I really want to study abroad. that's why i choose english department. besides that also because God knows if I will get acquainted with you all ....

Well .... starting from my introduction with @foarsyad via @yunuspagan I know steemit. initially, steemit is very strange to me. but after hearing the lengthy widescreen explanation the widespread results about the steemit of @foarsyad. I feel interested and really want to join. the day after I signed up I was really waiting for an email from that would give me a login password for me. and tonight I write this with a smile on my face ... :)

In connection with my great desire to study abroad and also about my writing hobby that I think is still very bad. I believe this is one of my ways and opportunities to make it easier for me to achieve my dreams. I also believe that steemit will be a new medium that will teach me many things.

Ok guys .... I think this is enough  my introduction ... if there are errors in my writing, sorry. I expect full support from all of you ... untill you meet in the next post .... see you ...

Love @novita


Hello Steemian..!!!

 Selamat malam semua... ini merupakan postingan pertama saya di steemit,  perkenalkan nama saya Novita Julianti. Supaya lebih akrab kalian bisa memanggil saya novi atau cukup vi saja. usia saya 19 tahun. saya lahir di Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia. pada tanggal 13 juli 1998. Pendidikan saya dimulai dari SDN 15 Langsa, kemudian saya melanjutkan pendidikan menengah pertama di MTsS Raudhatun Najah Langsa. untuk pendidikan menengah ke atas saya belajar SMAS Fajar Hidayah Aceh Besar. sekarang saya sedang menempuh pendidikan tinggi di universitas Samudera Langsa, dengan memilih prodi bahasa inggris. saya tinggal di kota Langsa. Hobi saya membaca novel. dan saya sangat ingin menempuh pendidikan di luar negeri. itu sebabnya kenapa saya memilih prodi bahasa inggris. disamping itu juga karna mungkin Tuhan tahu kalau saya akan berkenalan dengan kalian semua....

Nah.... berawal dari perkenalan saya dengan @foarsyad melalui @yunuspagan saya mengenal steemit. awalnya, steemit merupakan hal yang sangat asing bagi saya. tapi setelah mendengar penjelasan panjang kali lebar yang hasilnya luas tentang steemit dari @foarsyad. saya merasa tertarik dan benar-benar ingin bergabung. sehari setelah saya mendaftar saya benar-benar menanti email dari yang akan memberi pasword login untuk saya. dan malam ini saya menulis ini dengan senyum di wajah saya... :) 

Berkaitan dengan keinginan besar saya untuk belajar ke luar negeri dan juga tentang hobi menulis saya yang saya rasa masih sangat payah. saya yakin ini merupakan salah satu jalan dan kesempatan saya untuk mempermudah saya meraih impian saya. saya juga yakin kalau steemit akan menjadi media baru yang akan mengajarkan saya banyak hal. 

Ok guys.... saya rasa cukup ini saja cuap cuap perkenalan saya... jika ada kesalahan dalam penulisan saya, mohon maaf. saya mengharapkan dukungan penuh dari kalian semua... sampai bertemu di postingan selanjutnya.... see you...

Love @novitajulianti



ORIGINAL WRITING BY ME @novitajulianti


KEEP STEEM ON ME @novitajulianti  



Selamat datang dan selamat bersenang merasa tertarik dan benar-benar ingin bergabung. sehari setelah saya mendaftar saya benar-benar menanti email dari yang akan memberi pasword login untuk saya. dan malam ini saya menulis. Salam kenal @sweett

Selamat bergabung di steemit @novitajulianti.
Semoga bisa sharing berbagai hal
Follow me @rajahar85
Thank beuh


Welcome to steemit!
I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts or in a reply below and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


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Welcome to steemit my friend do follow me and I willl support you and also do upvote you.

Welcome to steemit young lady, you look sweet how are you?

Very well sist.

Selamat bergabung ya...

Selamat bergabung

Selamat bergabung

Welcome to steemit @novitajulianti

Welcome to steemit @novitajulianti

selamat berkarya @novitajulianti
saya tunggu karya-karya terbaik anda

selamat bergabung di steemit @novitajulianti jangn lupa follback @husna28

Selamat bergabung dan salam kenal.

Selamat bergabung @novitajulianti, selamat berkarya

Selamat bergabung @novitajulianti, selamat berkarya

Welcome to Steemit. Good to know that you could finally join us. This is a good platform to share your thoughts and idea. You'll do fine here. Have fun Steeming.

Selamat bergabung neng vita..semoga betah dan sukses disini..

Welcome to steemit! I'm new here too! :-)


Yoyoyo! I noticed that you joined recently so welcome aboard. Hope this upvote helps and know that the steemit community awaits!
I know how hard it is as a fresh account so I suggest you to try out @MinnowPowerUp as you can earn up to 30% more steem power than just powering up with steem directly! It's a subscription based daily upvote bot that draws its power from a delegation pool. I also recently made this post explaining my experience with it in more depth while earning over $1 per day in upvotes.