Hello everyone,
Today I signed up to Steamit and this is my second post.
I study and teach NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming.
Here you will find the first part of the article Success and Goals:
The last time we talked about building the path to your personal success, the goals and the structure you need to create to be effective, this time, as I promised, I will tell you how to make them much more effective.
If we assume for a second that you have already built at least one goal with the way I showed you last time, all we have left is to have our subconscious mind accept them as necessary and help us reach them. When our subconscious is aware of our goals, it opens up our filters so that we can identify opportunities around us (hence the expression "self-fulfilling faith"). There are several methods in NLP to do this and I want to bring here one of the most interesting ones:
"Why" versus "Why"
Usually in NLP we try to avoid asking "why". Why? Because when we ask a person why he does something that does not advance him, he seeks meaning for his actions and must give it, even if it sounds like the greatest excuse in history. Why? Because our brain always seeks meaning in everything so that it can compare it with what it knows and thus store it for future reference. The problem with asking "why" is that when we asked "why," we only deepened a person within the behavior we wanted to help him change.
How will we use the question of "why" in our favor?
For example, "I sell at least four cars a month until January 4, 2018." Now, let's say we want to inject this into our brain and use the question "why," how do we build it up as a question?
Let's start with the word "why" (of course) and suppose the goal has already happened, meaning "people buy at least 4 cars a month." We'll connect them to "Why do people buy at least four cars a month?" And we will ask the above question ourselves.
As soon as we asked the question, what was your initial reaction?
Did you start explaining why? why is it happening? Our brain on the one hand must find meaning and therefore it tries to answer and on the other hand it must accept the premise in order to answer the question. and what happened? While he answers the question, he necessarily accepts the assumption that stands behind it as true.
What gaps and what next?
All that is left for us now, before the brain can begin to work in the direction, is to create a way for us to verify that we are indeed in the direction of the goal. How do we do that?
First of all we will check where we are currently facing the goal. If we are already skilled salespeople who sell 3 cars a month, we may need to adjust our capabilities to succeed and if you have never sold a car, you should stick with an old salesman and learn how to communicate correctly with your customer.
Once we have identified where we are, we will begin to build interim goals that we will deploy on the period until the original goal is realized. If we want to sell at least four cars a month until June 4, and we sell two a month now, we will open a calendar and mark the first target on June 4th, where we will check whether we reached the goal and the middle period (between the final goal and now) Its way to reach the end.
And what remains to be done?
to do. There is an old saying that "God helps those who help themselves." Even if you do not believe it, you will probably agree with me that a person will not win the lottery if he does not fill out a form and you can not advance at work if you do not find work first. So all that's left is to start working in the direction and see how things begin to materialize. When can we see this? On the dates marked in the diary, did we reach the goal or not? If so, excellent! If not, we must check whether we are still doing the goal or that we have moved out of the way and, if necessary, to update our goals.
In the meantime, have a good day:)
nice post have a nice night
Thank you for reminding me about the powers of NLP. My mother learnt this practice through a friend of hers and facilitated small sessions for me when I was younger. I had some confidence problems and was not as vocal as the other kids in school. I began to get very embarrassed and humiliated that I had been in a lesser reading level than the others and the teachers tried everything to get me up to speed with my classmates, and despite being bright enough, I always had problems reading aloud. NLP really changed that for me and in no time I was leading the reading!
You can change everything when you want. No one came to this world, perfect.
Our goal is to learn and improve every day.
I wish you success.@mariebellehelene I'm very glad to hear!