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RE: Let me introduce myself: DJ/reverend/snowboard instructor/creative director living in a shipping container in Amsterdam

What an extensive first post! Welcome to steemit, I love that you have so much energy and are interested in so many people and subjects - seems like you embrace life.

I really appreciate your words here:

but I would love to see people profit from talent rather than from advertising revenue. Marinate on that for a moment. Look at all the free content we've all made for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc just so they could monetize it. Now think about all those funny or insightful accounts you follow, and how they sometimes slide in a "paid post" to "pay the bills" well if this steemit model takes off then content creators could potentially be able to make the content they desire without concern of offending their sponsors.

I've thought about this so much and what a revelation the Steemit model offers, looking forward to more from you!


Yes! That's the great thing about Steemit and the other platforms it will inspire. Happy that we're on the same wavelength.