Hi There @crypto-ExpoMuseum & Super Congrats on your journey so far with 'Steemit'
Let is #introduce Ourselves. We are a couple, a husband & wife Team @natnnelly as in Nat {my wife} & Nelly {Myself},
We come from the beautiful country Belarus that is bordered by Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania & Russia.
What a wonderful piece of write-up you have up there and we found you through the Crypto Compare website while reading the comments so we took the pleasure of dropping by and are now gladly following you. We shall go through your posts and are sure they would catch our interest!
Well, we too are quite new here and have a lot to learn, familiarise & educate ourselves with the Steemit platform alongside gather as much from the whales of Steemit. Haha! ;)
Once again its a pleasure and we hope that you too would follow us and Upvote our posts as and when we have them up here posted which are on their way soon!!!
Cheers & God Bless!
Nat & Nelly