Всем привет! Hey everyone
My name is Natasha and I'm very excited to join SteemIt community.
Im 29, was born and raised in Russia, 7 years ago I visited Boston MA as an exchange student and felt in love with the world across the ocean. It was hard to start from 0 in a country where you have no family and barely know the language. But I was determined to make it work.
Years later here I am, still here in Boston, thinking that moving here was the best decision I made in my life and I'm pretty damn proud of myself for making it.
I consider myself a very interesting person, I'm very practical and honest, creative and positive. I love art of any kind and always happy to support my friends in their projects. Especially I love to participate in those that involve makeup, hairstyling or body paint .
Sometimes I get comments like '' oh Life is easy when you have a pretty face'' when I start telling ppl my story. Usually I'll be just standing there smiling but boiling inside and prob won't ever talk to that person again. But here... I don't want to make the wrong first impression. So Let me say it from the very beginning, I'm not a spoiled lil brat. I was raised in a below average income family in outer part of Nizniy Novgorod, Russia but I was raised with love and support, I worked since I was 15 and know the value of money. In my first years here in USA I think I worked every possible job an immigrant could find lol I needed money badly to survive so I did it all : cashier, waiter , bartender, promo girl , babysitter, house cleaning, occasional gigs here and there . at some point of my life I had 3 part time jobs plus taking some English classes. So don't think I got it all easy. Yes, pretty face helps but hard work precictance is why I was able to build my life here.
So here's couple things about me
❦ My zodiac sign got it all right!
''Aquarius personality is independent, mysterious, free-spirited and eccentric. Aquarius women have a unique sense of humour and a practical outlook in life. However, inconsistency is a constant problem for women born under the Aquarius zodiac sign.''
Yep that's me ! And that constant Inconsistency means changes .. I love changes... In everything , starting from the color of my hair and finishing furniture in the apartment. I move it around every 3 months btw lol I need to make new movements and search for some new emotions and things to do all the time to be happy.
❦ Right now I work as a creative director of one of Bostons downtown nightclubs. Dancing Is a big passion of mine and will be a forever be a part of my life. I love being in nightlife industry because I get to work with so many talented people, listen top DJs every weekend and sometimes gogo myself. My team is awesome! We always have a blast performing.
❦ Im addicted to traveling. I strongly believe that money spent on traveling is money well spent. I've traveled by plain, train, boat, bikes and legs! My goal is to visit as many countries around the world as possible. My top dream places to visit are Iceland, Australia & New Zealand. My most recent trip was to St. Petersburg, Russia. It's the 2nd largest city and is the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world with a population of over one million. And the city architecture is absolutely stunning. We walked around for 3 days and still didn't see all its wonders.
❦ I love animals, especially felines, big and small, domestic and wild. I think they are very intelligent and fascinating creatures, and don't laugh, but I feel somehow very connected to them deep inside. I use cruelty free cosmetics, do not wear fur & try to support organizations fighting against animal cruelty. I have two cats of my own that I consider my kids!
❦ Living in Boston you can't ignore the sport addiction of this city's locals. Going to the games is probably the most popular thing to do around here. And even tho I don't consider myself a super crazy fan, I will never miss a chance to go watch a game. It's always fun times with friends, feels so cool to be a part of something big, the huge stadium, the massive cheering crowd, the joyful & tense atmosphere . An awesome escape and reenergizing experience we all need time after time.
❦ I've recently got extremely interested in living a healthy lifestyle. Not the one with stressful & exhausting diets. I do believe that anyone can be and eat healthy if given proper tools and information even with super crazy life routine. I love to cook, experiment with ingredients and invent new recipes.
So what can you expect to see in my posts?
Some useful life hacks, travel reports, healthy recipes and exercises for all levels, night life adventures, some cute cats pics and an everyday girls random thoughts.
Hope I got you interested, cuz I'm excited to share my lil stories with you
Upvoting for Boston purposes. Steemit welcomes you, have a good time, make good things, and hopefully make the site grow, too.
another bostonian!
She did a great job with this post. It's a shame I don't have more voting power.
Hey neighbors :) yes, I'll try to do my best
Hello neighbors! Look at all of us from the Boston area... how rad!
yeah this really awesome!
privet privet
Здравствуйте! I am in Boston too!
Привет привет 😜
mmm brussel sprouts, great imagery looking forward to more!
Yummy photos! Didn't notice the brussel sprouts tho
That looks incredible!Great post @nat4ka I am glad to welcome you to this amazing community. What is atop your salad? Fennel?
Yaaaay! Awesome! There will be more I promise 🍽
It's the internet Natasha, we need more pictures of your cats, please deliver OP!
But nice to see that you seem to be doing quite good despite raised in a below income family. Now you're living the american dream, yay! Welcome to Steem!
Haha okay 😺 In this case I probably should just put up a new post about my kitties

Great to have you here.
Yay, I'm so excited!
Best of luck to you. Good pictures.
Thank you 😁
Great use of steemimg.com ;) & Great Post!
Thank you 💜
love to the russian girlswelcome @nat4ka 8]
Thank you ! 💁🏼🇷🇺❤️
hi there.
hello there =)
thanks =)
Big Vote Up for most inventive & creative verification message!
thank you very much!
четкие фотки !
Спасибо 😜
Welcome, nice intro post, have a nice journey here :)
Thank you Thank you ! I struggled the whole day to put it together haha
Made brussel sprouts look delicious, got my upvote!
Hehe yaaay! Thank you! I know they are not among the most loved veggies but if cooked properly they are super delicious and can really boost your health 💚
Welcome Natasha :) Great 1st blog, can't wait to see with what will you come up next.
Thank you, I'm so excited to be here :)
Welcome! You got my upvote :P
Thank you 😜
Hello ! Natasha ! Like You)
Good luck to you all!
С меня палец в верх...
Но фоток от души накидала...:)))
Хехе ну много не мало :)))
This is a great introduction. I like how you were willing to paint yourself for Steemit and you even used the right colors.
I hope you would be willing to considering buying and wearing the Steemit t-shirt in one of your future pictures? It's okay if no, but the idea is to bring as many new people to Steemit as possible in order to build the community and with that your payments can increase too.
thank you=) I tried to be creative=)
I actually like the idea of a t-shirt.
You know what, lets hope this post will get me at least $30 then I will totally get one haha
Привет! Я тоже с России! Классные фото, но на фото с кошкой тебе тоже надо было одеть футболку женщины - кошки )))
Хаха надо будет поискать, точно пригодиться 👍🏼
Welcome to the party. And fantastic post!
thank you!! i tried to make it interesting but now I think its too long ;/
non sexy
Yeah, sorry, no boobs pic here 🙄😏
Привет всем русскоговорящим, ну и конечно тебе!!
Привет привет!! 🇷🇺🙋🏼
Picture with Nicky Romero, cool! :D
Looking forward to all your backstage stories!
Haha thanks, literally got him running out of the club. He's a hard to catch 😜
Privet! Very inspiring story, i enjoyed reading it, because just like you I came to England alone from Latvia and I didn't even speak english. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me and now I'm a food blogger and youtuber living in London. I am also Aquarius hahah :)) Anyway lovely to meet you, I will be doing my first post soon :) Alla x
Hey Alla, omg sorry I didn't see your comment earlier! its very nice t meet people like me who just follow their dreams and don't give up in life!! Love Aquarius's! Everyone I met such talented people! I looooove food so I def will be checking out your posts!!! Good luck!
What an interesting introduction and story. I had just seen a documentary of someone traveling by ship through Russia and they went though your home town too!
I'm German and lived in Chicago for ten years... quite happy to be back home since the begin of the century again :-b
Always had a big interest in Russia, the rich culture and the genuine and deep nature of the people. I have a few Russian (artist) friends and when we meet its always quite an experience. Some of the most wonderful and interesting people I have ever met!
Wishing you a bright beautiful future!
Oh you found my very first post haha 😘 I would be interested to watch that documentary. Do you happen to remember the name? Oh I'm so glad to hear you have Russian friends! I hope they already took you to Russian banya and fed you blnchiki with caviar or pelmeni.
The documentary was a German production "Von Gorodez bis St. Petersburg" They went from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea, showed a lot of interesting sights along the way and interviewed the people they met.
I grew up in cold war Europe, but even in our so called western world, we always had Russian friends. My grandfather was a brilliant chess player and he was in contact (by written letter !) with people from all over the world. His best friend was Russian and I remember him as one of the friendliest men I ever met.
We enjoyed a few extraordinary meals, although I wouldn't be able to name the dishes. Actually, my wife wants to do "Russian weeks" in her café and we could use a few good ideas for breakfast..
I'll look for that documentary, it sounds very interesting. Russian breakfast is a wonderful idea 👏🏼 There are so many options!! I'll put something together for you and your wife 🍴
Thank you! Awesome video btw 👌🏼
Привет привет 🙋🏼
hehe hello! =)