Greetings art fans! I am Mr. Hydde! My work is a visual mix of Art Brut, and Street Art influences! I love color and pattern in my compositions. Each work starts with a "character" or "perspective". Through the use of color, texture, and imagery I explore our relationship to personal identity and the personal narratives we own which define us as individuals!
Please like my fan page and add me through your social media of choice! Thanking you all in advance for any "likes" or social media follower adds!
Facebook: darren.hyde.56Webpage:
Facebook Fanpage:
Instagram: MrHydde_artist
Tumblr: the-amazing-mrhydde
Twitter: @MrHydde_artist
You can put images of some of your work in your posts. is one place that will host the images for free and give you the markdown code to insert into the post.
Welcome to Steemit! :)
Yes! Darren be sure to post an image it looks soooo much better :D