INTRODUCING MYSELF - Hello everybody! Steemit, here i come :) / Hola a todos! Steemit, allá voy :)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago


Everything started on a hot summer night, the boat moved with the incessant waves that suggested a restless future. He stood on the prow under the moonlight, almost seemed to be talking to her. Suddenly, a rumble came from the horizon leaving an immense light as reply… Like a foreshadow about what was about to happen. 

Oops...! Wait, I’m in the wrong section, this is supposed to be my introduction to Steemit, :P get down from the clouds Monts! Ok, let's start again.  

A bit about me


Hi everybody :) my name is Montse and I was raised in a town from the outskirts of Barcelona, Spain. Sorry, it is not as exciting as the story as I started the post :P. My main language is Spanish so forgive me if my English writing is not very accurate. I will write my posts in two languages to reach as many persons as I can.

I am currently living in the Netherlands. I moved here because I met someone special and it was impossible for me to say no to my heart.  Leaving my comfort zone seemed easier than I thought, but now I don't regret it at all.

Thanks to that I have had time to search within me. I've been trying to find my way, fighting against myself, trying to find a way to make a living by being true to my inner self and to the things I believe in. I wanted to do something that fullfilled me and with what I felt happy about, without taking profit from others or boosting consumerism.  

I was looking for something that would give me freedom to decide when and where to work. Work becoming something that I really want to do, not just something I have to do. On this trip I decided to learn how to build websites and I'm still improving the art :) I'm not an expert but I manage. I believe that being able to build websites opens many possibilities. 

I like to do different things, one of them which I enjoy very much is to look for information that is interesting, learn and grow as human being. One of the things that intrigue me the most is the mystery of life itself. If you stop and think it's crazy how everything is organized in there... Not to mention the brain! Most of the time we do not think about the incredible world happening inside of us, I think we should take a look more often. 

My brain is almost always active, let's say I do not get bored easily :P. At the same time I also like to sit in a quiet place and enjoy how beautiful the Earth is, or take some photos and eat something yummy. I consider myself Irremediably curious, with a noble spirit and an animal lover. 

My two lions




They seem difficult to distinguish but Max is a bit more brownish :) You will see them on my future pics.

How I found Steemit and some thoughts 

 I recently heard about the Steemit community through a very good friend @lucianfvaizer. He is my brother's best friend and we grow up together, so he is like an older brother. He told me about Steem, Steemit and this world that was completely new for me. 

-Hey, I have found something really interesting, seems made for us. A place where you can be rewarded writing what you like. It looks like an "RPG" – He said. And it was true. At first glance it seemed like a kind of MMORPG (online role-playing video game in which a very large number of people participate simultaneously). How many of us have spent hours and months playing these games? :P  

I come from a generation that has enjoyed the birth of innumerable virtual games, riding between generation X and Y or called millenials. It would be great to find a way to live enjoying the "Game" we like and using the resources we have to achieve a life that satisfies us. Providing our value, whatever it may be. Sharing tutorials (I will never be able to thank enough to the people that creates them haha, they are my salvation), news, economy, coaching, humor, programming, lifestyle or whatever we like and we are good at.  

Let’s let the monkey climb the tree to look at the horizon and the elefant carry the weight that the monkey can’t take :).   

We also know that technology is moving forward, nowadays we live together in the network with bots that do many tasks! Some of the jobs that we are now occupying will pass into their hands in a foreseeable future. The old model of teaching and working has to change progressively. We have to take advantage of the human capacity to think abstractly and leave the automated tasks for them.

My impressions and intentions  


As I have seen Steemit seems a rather fun and kind place, with active people that interacts and lots of variety and subjects. Also meme contests or science riddles. Ha ha! just great.  

I do not know much about markets or currencies (Oh yes, I have a lot of things to read :P), but that's not what made me start writing here. Steemit seems like a small ecosystem. With lots of information, a bit confusing, but with a community that attracted me since the first moment. I feel very comfortable here. 

Just the idea of being part on the growth of a community and a currency that can decentralize the money concept and give other perspectives seems already a very interesting idea to me. I want to get involved and know more about it. I would like to participate and give ideas about how can we improve and make it evolve together.  

I think I can contribute by doing what I like. Giving ideas, sharing my personal experience as a human being and learning from others as well. I want to share interesting things that we don’t usually know or think about. I will write about them at the same time as I investigate and learn. 

I am interested in many things, but the areas that attract me the most are science, psychology and mysteries of the world, like the ancient civilizations. Does anyone know how they managed to carve and build gigantic meticulous and precise buildings, pointing or representing celestial bodies? Smh.  

I may also share my thoughts, something that I find funny or just photos I take :).  


My internal desire is actually to change things a bit hehe, help to open our minds and put them a little upside down. Extending our beliefs package and giving a twist to what we assume that we can’t change. I want to contribute into a changing process, building a more conscious and united world, less individualistic and selfish. 

I definitely still have to learn a lot about steem, steemit and all the things that surround it, but the best way to do it is to start, dive in the pool (or in the sea in this case :P). The only thing holding you back is yourself, said a friend. Thanks @empath for that kind first contact with a Steemian and for encouraging me to get started. 

Final thoughts and my presentation pic    

My heart beats thinking about the idea of releasing my first lines here... I have tried to be as honest as possible, sharing a little bit about myself, without thinking too much about writing the "right thing" but taking care of my introduction. I want to flow and let myself go, swim inside Steemit and discover it little by little, like a small fish that I am. I will write when I am inspired or when I have something to say, enjoying the journey. If I manage to reach and touch some hearts my heart will resonate as well. Oh yes, I'm a romantic one sorry :P  

Here is my introduction pic for finishing my intro on Steemit.


Oh sorry, that was Tom wearing some funny paper shoes :P

Here comes mine:


Thanks for reading! :) 




Todo empezó una calurosa noche de verano, el barco se movía con las incesantes olas que sugerían un agitado porvenir. Se situó en la proa bajo la luz de la luna, casi parecía estar hablando con ella. De repente, un estruendo provino del horizonte dejando una inmensa luz como respuesta… Parecía presagiar lo que estaba por suceder. 

Ups…! Espera, me he equivocado de sección, esto supuestamente es mi introducción a Steemit, baja de las nubes Montse! Ok, empecemos de nuevo.   

Un poco acerca de mí 


Hola a todos :) mi nombre es Montse y crecí en un pueblo en las afueras de Barcelona, España. Siento que no sea tan excitante como la historia como con la que empecé el post :P. Mi idioma principal es el Español, pero voy a escribir mis posts también en Inglés para llegar a tantas personas como pueda.  

Actualmente estoy viviendo en los Países Bajos. Me mudé aquí porque encontré a alguien especial y fue imposible para mí decirle no a mi corazón. Dejar atrás mi zona de confort me pareció más fácil de lo que pensaba, pero ahora no me arrepiento en absoluto. 

Gracias a eso he tenido tiempo de buscar dentro de mí. He estado intentando encontrar mi camino, luchando contra mí misma, tratando de encontrar una manera de ganarme la vida siendo fiel a mi interior y en las cosas en las que creo. Quería hacer algo que me llenara y con lo que me sintiera feliz, sin aprovecharme de otros o potenciando el consumismo.  

Buscaba algo que me diera libertad y pudiera decidir cuándo y dónde trabajar. Que mi trabajo pasara a ser algo que realmente quiero hacer, no simplemente algo que debo hacer. En este viaje me propuse aprender a construir sitios web y todavía estoy mejorando el arte :) No soy una experta, pero me las apaño. Creo que poder construir websites abre muchas posibilidades.  

Me gusta hacer diferentes cosas, una de ellas que disfruto mucho es buscar información que me resulta interesante, aprender y cultivarme como persona. Una de las cosas que más me intrigan es el misterio de la vida misma. Si te paras a pensar es una locura como se organiza todo ahí dentro… ¡Por no hablar del cerebro! La mayoría de las veces no reparamos en el increíble mundo sucediendo en nuestro interior.  

Mi cerebro casi siempre está activo, digamos que no me aburro con facilidad :P. Al mismo tiempo también me gusta sentarme en un lugar tranquilo y disfrutar de lo bonita que es la tierra, o hacer unas fotos y comer algo rico. Me considero una curiosa sin remedio, con un espíritu noble y amante de los animales. 

Cómo conocí Steemit 


Hace poco me enteré acerca de la comunidad Steemit a través de un buen amigo @lucianfvaizer. Es el mejor amigo de mi hermano y crecimos juntos, lo considero como un hermano mayor. Me habló acerca de Steem, Steemit y de este mundo que era completamente nuevo para mí.  

-Hey, he encontrado algo realmente interesante, parece hecho para nosotros. Un sitio dónde puedes ser recompensado por escribir acerca de lo que te gusta. Se parece a un “RPG”- Me dijo. Y era verdad. A simple vista si que me pareció una especie de MMORPG (online role-playing video juego, en el cual un gran numero de personas participan simultáneamente). ¿Cuantos de nosotros nos hemos pasado horas y meses jugando a algún juego de estos? :P

 Vengo de una generación que ha disfrutado del nacimiento de innumerables juegos virtuales, a caballo entre la generación X y Y o llamados millenials. Sería genial que encontraramos una manera de vivir disfrutando del “Juego” que nos gusta y usando los recursos de los que disponemos para conseguir una vida que nos satisfaga. Aportando nuestro valor, sea del tipo que sea. Sean tutoriales, (Nunca podré agradecer suficiente a la gente que los crea jaja, son mi salvación), sea compartir noticias, economía, coaching, humor, programación, lifestyle… O lo que sea que nos guste y que se nos de bien.  

Dejemos que el mono suba a los arboles para otear el horizonte y al elefante cargue con cosas que el mono no puede llevar :). 

Todos sabemos también que la tecnología avanza, ¡Ahora convivimos con bots en la red que hacen multitud de tareas! Sabemos, que algunos de los puestos de trabajo que ahora ocupamos, pasaran a sus manos en un tiempo no tan lejano. El viejo modelo de enseñanza y trabajo tiene que cambiar progresivamente. Tenemos que sacar provecho de la capacidad humana de pensar en forma abstracta y dejar las tareas automatizábles para ellos.   

Mis impresiones e intenciones


Por lo que he visto Steemit parece un lugar bastante divertido y amable, con gente activa que interactúa y mucha variedad de temas. También concursos de memes o adivinanzas de ciencias. Ha ha! Simplemente genial. 

No se mucho acerca de mercados o monedas (Oh si, tengo un montón de cosas por leer :P), pero eso no es lo que me hizo empezar a escribir aquí. Steemit parece como un pequeño ecosistema. Con mucha información, un poco confusa, pero con una comunidad que me atrajo desde el primer momento. Me siento muy cómoda aquí.  

Sólo la idea de formar parte en el crecimiento de una comunidad y una moneda que puede descentralizar el concepto del dinero y dar otras perspectivas ya me parece muy interesante. Quiero involucrarme y averiguar más, me gustaría participar y dar ideas sobre cómo podríamos mejorar la comunidad y hacer que evolucione entre todos. 

Creo que puedo contribuir haciendo lo que me gusta. Dando ideas, compartiendo mi experiencia personal como ser humano y aprendiendo de otros también. Quiero compartir cosas interesantes que normalmente no se suelen saber o no pensamos en ellas. Escribiré sobre ellas al mismo tiempo que yo misma indago y aprendo.  

Me interesan muchas cosas, pero Las áreas que más me atraen son la ciencia, la psicología y los misterios del mundo, como las civilizaciones antiguas. ¿Alguien sabe cómo se las apañaron para tallar y construir gigantescas edificaciones meticulosas y precisas, apuntando o escenificando cuerpos celestes? Smh.   Puede que también comparta mis pensamientos, algo que me parezca gracioso o simplemente fotografías que tomo :).  

Mi deseo interno es cambiar un poco las cosas jeje, ayudar a abrir un nuestras mentes y ponerlas un poco patas arriba. Ampliando nuestro paquete de creencias y dandole un giro a lo que asumimos que no puede cambiar. Quiero contribuir en un proceso de cambio, construyendo un mundo más consciente y unido, menos individualista y egoísta. 

Definitivamente todavía tengo que aprender mucho sobre steem, steemit y todas las cosas que lo envuelven, pero la mejor manera de hacerlo es empezar, sumergirme en la piscina (o en el mar en este caso :P). Lo único que te retiene eres tú misma, dijo un amigo. Gracias @empath por ese grato primer contacto con un Steemian y por alentarme a empezar.     

Reflexión final y foto de presentación


Mi corazón late ante la idea de soltar mis primeras líneas aquí... He tratado de ser lo más honesta posible, compartiendo un poco sobre mi, sin pensar demasiado en escribir lo “correcto” pero cuidando mi introducción. Quiero fluir y dejarme llevar, nadar dentro de Steemit y descubrirlo poco a poco, como pequeño pez que soy. Escribiré cuando esté inspirada o cuando tenga algo que decir, disfrutando del camino. Si logro alcanzar y tocar algunos corazones mi corazón resonará también. Oh sí, soy una romántica :P.

Gracias por leer! :)   



Welcome to Steem @moonray I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you! :D

bienvenida a esta plataforma.

Muchas gracias, espero hacer buenas amistades aquí :)

Hi! Your account seems new so I wanted to give you my welcome. This post was nice so I upvoted it and I hope you will some day do the same!
As you only recently joined the steemit community it can be hard to recieve lots of steem power so I suggest you to try out @MinnowPowerUp as you can earn up to 30% more steem power than just powering up with steem directly! It's a subscription based daily upvote bot that draws its power from a delegation pool. I have more info on my experience with the system in this post where I explain how I earn over $1 a day from upvotes.

Thanks for the welcome :) I still have to get used with the bots, seems like a lot of people is using them with success here so I will definetly try. I also wanted to know how to buy steem so your post was very helpful . Thanks you for upvoting, commenting and also sharing useful info!

Welcome Moonray, such a kind person to chat with. I am happy that you are feeling better and for the introductory post :D Steem On!

Thank you! :D Steem On! Right On! ;)

Bienvenida a esta gran comunidad @moonray, te deseo muchos éxitos en ese nuevo comienzo, disfruta mucho tu tiempo aquí. Saludos desde Venezuela

Muchas gracias muy amable :) aún tengo que aprender mucho pero voy con ganas.

Welcome and thanks for stopping by the #libertarian channel on!

Thank you finnian! :)

Great Post and for someone whose mother tongue is not English you done fantastic :)

:D :D :D This made me sooooo happy

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Welcome to Steemit. Aww! that’s a cute cat. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

:D thanks! Yes, they are so cute and lovely :3

Bienvenida a Steemit! :) Espero que disfrutes esta plataforma y que conozcas a mucha gente nueva. Te he dado mi upvote!

Steem on!

Gracias! Que sorpresa que también hables Español :)

Hey ! Welcome to Steemit, I hope you will have lots of fun interacting with the community. Have a great time, I have upvoted your post n do follow me @manish22rai ....Cheers !!

Little Secret: This Steemian follows you right back after you follow him :D

Thanks :) I really appreciate all the comments, a pleasure to be here!

I thoroughly enjoyed your introduction post! The picture of sunflowers and borage is awesome! I look forward to reading more from you!

Thank you! I'm happy that you liked it :D following you as well

Welcome to steemit! I'm also relatively new here and I enjoy it! Those are some beautiful cats you have! I have an orange kitty as well but his bottom side is all white. His sister is all white with an orange tail. I have pics of them in my posts as well. And I love the sunflower pic. Hilarious that your cat was wearing paper shoes. Mine would probably try to scratch my face off if I put some on them!! Must be easy going cats. Anyway, nice to meet you!

Thanks @apanamamama :) Yes, my cats are so sweet and they always want to be with us, I really enjoy their company <3 I saw White Kitty pic, she is really beautiful. Nice to meet you as well!

This is a very well-done introduction post. New members should take note!

I wish you the best with all of your endeavors on Steemit and beyond.

I definitely still have to learn a lot about steem, steemit and all the things that surround it, but the best way to do it is to start, dive in the pool (or in the sea in this case :P).

This is definitely the right attitude to have as you move forward. I also think you're doing well to have found #theUnmentionables because it's a group that will help you succeed!

Thanks @ethandsmith :) it's a pleasure to be in the group! I really like it in there. Thanks for passing by :D

Congratulations @moonray! You received a personal award!

Happy Birthday! - You are on the Steem blockchain for 2 years!

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Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Thank you :) great tips, I understood what you say

Thanks! More comming :) I came across you some days ago, I like your style