A new life in Maui

Hello Steemers, While confusing and mysterious, this new way to share information could be a trailblazing way into the future. Personally, I’m not sure what to make of it, but I know that others have encouraged me to share, write, and express myself. I hope to share my journey, maybe you’ll come with me and we will find ourselves on the trail of life together.

  Don’t feed the… spiders?   

Maui… Looking to find myself on the path of life. I had spent years of getting up at 4am, getting ready for work, getting into my car, and sitting on the freeway for hours only to arrive at a concrete stack 14 stories high. Finally, an opportunity arrived, a window of time where you can make a decision to change your life, change direction, and leave the world you know for one where nothing is certain. 4am, the alarm buzzed next to the bed, I hit it and this time, I didn’t get ready for work like I had always done. I could feel doubt and uncertainty mixing in my chest. The easier thing to do was to get ready, toast the bagel, and get on the freeway. “Come to Maui, give it a try… oh and when you get here, don’t feed the spiders”. I laughed until I actually saw the size of the spiders there. It would have to be more than just a try, it would be giving up a job, packing a bag, leaving everything else behind and starting a new life.    

 Paradise is to the left, the coffee is on the right. 

The advice I got from a friend was, drop everything, get to Maui, and worry about the rest later. Of course, there’s a little more to it than that, but that’s kind of what I did. I left life unfinished back in LA, but I suppose that is the way I had to leave it. When I got to Maui, everything ran in slow motion, the hustle and bustle was gone but your mind is still running at full speed. A friend picked me up at the airport and soon we were cruising up highway 36, she pointed out the window and said, “Paradise is to the left, the coffee is on the right”. We kept driving and stopped in a sleepy little town called Paia, which lends itself to a relaxed artist community. She lived just a ways from the main part of town, so we got out and walked around. It was nearing past sunset and people were starting to close up the shops and head home. A wind blew in and the stars above started to blink into view, I was awestruck and couldn’t speak as it seemed life just started to slow down for me.   

  I hope you brought a hat.

  The next day we got up and went out to see someone who my friend knew very well. He’s been living on the island for a long time, gave up his job in New York working for a bank while on a vacation. He got up and announced to me, loudly, “Call me Somo… Let’s talk”. My friend laughed and walked outside. Somo said he think he left his car at the airport in the late 80’s and wondered if it was still there. I wasn’t sure if he was joking as not. He walked around his little farm and pointed things out to me, wildlife, fruit, and the mountains in the distance. He asked why I came to the island and I said I was running away from a life that I didn’t think I could do for another day. He said, “let’s take a walk” and pointed down to the edge of his farm, a small reddish dirt path that skirted along a broken fence. As we came up close to the fence, he grabbed a walking stick that was propped up against it and he pulled his large straw hat down over his ears. For a time we just wandered around an old farm, there was equipment from the 40’s just stuck either half buried in mud or struggling to remain in one piece in an unwinnable battle against nature. We passed a tractor wheel and my guide tapped it with his walking stick, he glanced back and smiled as we kept going. We rounded a small hill and then went down into a small grove of trees, the ground stopped being soil and turned in a mass of solid roots.  He stopped and pointed the way with his stick, a smaller path, into a darker section of the woods we were exploring. I bounded down the trail behind him and soon we stopped at a small clearing with a small wood bench. All around us was nature and I could hear what sounded like a stampede in the distance. I asked what that sound was and he laughed and said, “I hope you brought a hat”. Just like that and about a minute later the rain came and poured down over everything. It was the rain hitting the leaves, I forgot what rain had been like, forgot what being outside in nature was like. The rain passed and Somo was standing like a guard near one of the trees. I went over to him and asked if the tree was special and he said, “It’s why I am here”.  

  Wind Ache

  Somo told me he was on a hike after coming here on vacation and found his way to this tree. The hike was magical and by the time he reached the tree, he knew he would never go back to New York. He asked me what I wanted to do in life and I sheepishly fumbled through some answer that I thought sounded good, but lacked soul. The rain stopped and we started to make our way back to the farm, we told each other stories of friends, trips, and life lessons. By the time we got back, my friend was opening a cold beer and Somo thought that was the best way to end a long hike and I couldn’t agree more. The afternoon gave way into evening and other people started to show up. I started to realize that Somo was a big deal of some kind.  People were bringing in platters of food and friends were reunited and family gathered outside to talk in circles. My friend I were getting ready to go but Somo wouldn’t hear of it, he shoved a plate into my hands and plopped down a giant crab leg on it and then went to go see about some chicken.  People swarmed about, gave me hugs and more food plopped down on my plate. Beer followed and a kind older gentleman leaned in to tell me this was just the start of the evening. Evening wore on and I found a quiet nook by the side of the house, a small garden and wood bench sat apart from everything. The friend that I came with was still inside talking with her very close friends. “Wind ache” Somo called out to me, I turned around to see him smiling ear to ear. I asked what that was and he said it was what he called this little nook on the side. “You’ll miss it” he said turning around, pulling his straw hat down over his ears and headed back inside. My friend and I drove off and back to her place as the singing of John Denver songs came out of the house. Somo waved goodbye as we bounced down the road toward the highway. 

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Are you curious how your scammed post will be affecting you and your account in the future: read and learn: https://steemit.com/scam/@stellabelle/the-scam-artists-and-blackmailers-are-killing-the-steemit-baby-softly-slowly-what-we-all-can-do

I bet @moonflower just made a few grand and run off, wallet is now empty(3 days ago Transfer 728.069 STEEM to poloniex)..just the SP left

he/she will be back for more but with a different ID

Similar to SP, SMD tokens cannot be purchased directly on an external exchange. SMD are primarily earned through contributing but can be purchased by converting STEEM tokens to SMD tokens.

Actually Steem Dollars can now purchased on external exchanges !

https://poloniex.com/exchange#btc_sbd https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-SBD

PS Abbreviation of SBD = Steem Backed Dollars
or just SD = Steem Dollars (not SMD please edit)

@elargroup, can a person purchase steem dollars on poloniex and then transfer them into your personal wallet? Just trying to figure this out... Thanks, Dave

Thanks, I don't yet understand what everything here means. I'm trying to go through the help articles people are posting. I'm still a newbie and trying to catch up, I feel like someone put in the cockpit of a 747 and said, "ok, there you go!". I printed out what you put here so I'll try to figure it out as soon as I can. Thank you! <3

Welcome abord the Steem world, a fantastic start to your sharing experience with us all. Keep on thriving and namaste :)

i knew something like this was gonna happen....
but also as you can see girls gets more attention no matter what...
especially if they look good...
which is also sad....

you ought to connect with my homey and fellow Steemian @silentpower - he's there in Maui too and an awesome guy to connect with...

looks like he just posted a new story on his journey there

Thanks for the link, I read his post and upvoted his story. Looks like there's a few of us on the island here! <3

Jayson's bad-ass. (in a gentle, compassionate way.)

really good dude to get to know. and if he recommends something, pay attention. I can't even begin describing the path he put me on, telling me to buy $5000 books to put under my bed years ago. game-change. dude's a little crazy-fun at times, but got some serious wisdom... :-)

Welcome. That's a pretty epic intro post! Enjoy Steemit, but not too much. It's like crack!

I'm still a total newbie but the community support is amazing. I could see this being something where you can lose yourself and perspective. <3

Yeah. Cool innit?!

Truth be told I'm a bit lost, but reading a lot and I have a friend who is a bit more of a techie than I am. I don't get how it works but I like to share and read so in that sense it is cool!

The secret is, there is no secret. If you contribute, engage, and enjoy yourself, you'll probably do OK. Gaming the system is getting less and less possible as the code becomes more and more refined.

You can start small, reading / immersing, making a few comments here and there, then start blogging regularly... welcome aboard!

flagging, you post this in way too many threads.

You are doing the site a good service. Hopefully people will appreciate your worth over time and give you all the upvotes you deserve.Props @steemitmod

moonflower, I'm new to this thing too. Glad to see your post. I hope to visit Maui soon as we have some friends moving there next month. We plan on visiting in January. As for now I'm just living in Washington state taking care of my dogs. Here is my first post.

hello @moonflower nice to meet you 8]

looks really nice that place!

It's such a special place, my words and pictures do not do it justice. It's one of those things that you have to do in person. I could talk about chocolate cake and send you a picture of it, but it's a million times different when you actually take a bite right? It's the same with Maui, you have to experience it in person.Nice to meet you too @gekko :D

Welcome to SteemIT! So Cute !!!!

This is amazing! Looking forward to reading more :) I'm a newbie to steemit as well, excited to see where it goes! Happy steeming :)

Moonflower, what a great post from a great place... Looking at your post, it felt that steem is like a self fulfilling prophecy and you inspired me to do this: https://steemit.com/post/@izzy/make-history-now-how-to-get-steem-to-the-limit-in-one-single-step Not sure what to make of it yet, but thought we could give it a shot!

y the date is wrong on ur photo is this copyright content of any other user

I guess this site got too popular and I couldn't sign up without an invite. By the time I got the invite today it was two days later. :/ This is my life story, I didn't copy this from anyone.

then no problem thanks for reply by the way ur too hot

Thanks! :) I love sparkly text hahahah it's like purple diamonds. :D

Who the hell reads this shit and why did she just earn $1,300 for this post in 2 hours. I'm so confused.

All the chic posts seem to get really high votes. I will go read your intro because I'm assuming you're not going to have one of these airy fairy posts. There is still some good content out there once you sift through the crap.

Can totally relate to this post. In 2013, Maui called me and one of my best friends to relocate the Hawaiian Islands and establish a home base for our conglomerate of Euphoric brands. Thank you for inspiring @moonflower

Awesome, I'm glad the post connected with someone on that level. There's a peace and tranquility to the islands, you feel drawn to the water in the day and the winds will put you to sleep in the late afternoons. I should have left LA sooner, I feel like I missed out by not getting here earlier.

Hey I'm from Oahu and I'm new to Steemit too! Happy to see some others from the islands on here, hope you're ready for all the rainfall coming this weekend :)

I've had some other island folk give a shout out to me here so I think we are in good company. Let's just say, I've got my hat now :P~

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you, I appreciate the warm welcome. Everyone has been very supportive. How long have you been part of this?

it looking cool nice thoughts wishing you best and ever best.

There are a few magical places on earth and I think Maui is one of them :) Thank you so much @shaheer001! <3

Welcome to Maui and Steemit.. Is that beach Mama's beach? We live across the street from there, see you around!

Isn't that an amazing beach? I love it... Have you been to the tide pools nearby?

Wish you the best of luck in this next phase of your life!

They say the journey is the thing, so I think this is the phase where i'm on the journey :D

Hi fab introduction, sounds fabulous would love to just pack up and leave

Thanks, I wanted to pick something close to my thoughts. Something that reflected "me". I'm sure people will think it's too sappy, but it's a new start on a new medium. I really appreciate your kind words <3

Your more than welcome just hope my introduction is nearly as good

I clicked follow on your profile so when you post I should see it :)

I am hoping to post my 1st one today , I'm hoping it's a good read and thank you

Excellent read, thanks. Looking forward to more of your posts :)

Thanks, I find these summer days and nights really evoke an emotion. I'm sure my life story will be difficult to share, it's an emotional journey that can be difficult to put into words. Thank you for your encouragement! <3

Welcome to the steemit community! Enjoy your stay...Coffe and tea In the back:)

Ooooo! I <3 tea :D I like being able to share my story, I thought it might have been too emotional for people to connect with, but thank you!

Food and paradise... i am coming

You should, I often wonder what other forks in the road that people are on in their lives. Some of the best food I've ever had in my life, I think sharing food as a group is something that people need to do.

Go eat at the 808 bistro! I was the head chef there for 3 years! And the 808 deli in the front! Get the porky panini

I'll check out next time I'm over on that side :D

Welcome to steemit @moonflower

Thanks, everyone has given me a very warm welcome. I really don't know what to make of it all yet, I'm still figuring things out :D

Wow. A very nice intro post! like it :)

Thank you, I wasn't sure how much to share at first, so kind of wrote what I felt.

hi guys, newbie here... hows everyone here?

Hi, I'm new here too... I've found that everyone here is very nice, not like facebook where you get slammed for sharing something personal. I think I've found a new home here :)

I'll be moving there this fall. ^_^ Thanks for sharing!

Crazy foods

You've got no idea, the food poured in that night with everyone sharing family style. It still makes me tear up with happy thoughts when I think about it :~)

wonderful self introduction post! those king crab looks freakin delicious !@moonflower

Thanks, much appreciated! Ohhhh yeah that crab was the best, the butter and the lemon on it... wow. :D

Excellent. congratulation! upvoted @moonflower

Thank you, I didn't expect this outpouring of support at all. I am always humbled by the kind words of others who take the time to write a note of support. <3

Welcome to Steemit. That food looks delicious.

It's amazing how people can just come together as a group and cook up an amazing feast. The food was out of this world and to be able to enjoy it in paradise was more than I can put into words. The memories and company were just as good as the food :D

Nice story thanks for sharing and welcome to steemit

Welcome to SteemIT!

I love all of your photos! Thanks for writing this great post!

I loved this post! I am trying to learn this Steemit thing and get some ideas on what to post. Good luck to you on your new adventure's in Maui :)


Welcome :D

Thanks Warrensteem! I'm humbled with all the welcome messages. :)

Enjoy, i've glanzed once at the Pacific, but i intend to get there another time and visit some islands!

those pictures look amazing!

I love the ocean, it stirs something within my soul. I'm sure I was a sea maiden in a past life! <3

too bad @moonflower left too soon (3 days ago Transfer 728.069 STEEM to poloniex) after his/her picture was found a big LIE

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