
Give one example so, if you can.

Derrick Broze has 30 or so investigative reports up on the site and he hasn't investigated a thing, he only repeats what others say. Also he's not an anarchist, or he doesn't know what anarchy is despite the weak books he writes on the subject.

The wikipedia for mintpress also demonstrates they report biased middle east news, their funding is a mystery and in general everything that appears on that website appeared somewhere else first. It is a news rehashing site like zerohedge or activistpost.

Washington Post is owned by amazon and the CIA, no one who works for them has a high degree of credibility from me.

I don't know why I bother, you will just flag this with your day old lvl 25 rep shill front accounts. That's what all the disinfo sites do when questioned, @dbroze admits he doesn't operate his own account, he has damon225whatever do that for me in a servant capacity, and every post I have written on the subject has had smart ass 25 rep accounts rolling in like they are some authority.

So I have learned to just mute you, bye.

lolol.. "everything that appears on that website appeared somewhere else first" - yes that is called aggregation and it is normal. ever notice an article that says "creative commons" at the bottom? that means you can grab it and repost it somewhere else. 100% normal. maybe you should study it?

please show me an investigation that does not quote or reference what someone else has to say. or just mute me.

sounds like mr. big 52 just needs to mute everyone and go talk to himself i guess? or maybe he doesn't even operate his own account. hard to tell.

While we do not endorse Media Bias Fact Check, you might be interested to know, @mindhawk, that they rate MPN "high" when it comes to factual reporting.

Don't bother. No matter how many facts or level of detail you present, he isn't going to listen. Our little paranoid pal (who seems to have endless spare time on his hands) is busy building his very own PropOrNot list and you're already on it. We're all just Russian Trolls you know !

Weird how former Washington Post bureau chief and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist Jon Jeter now reports for MintPress News, isn't it?

not wierd, most disinfo sites try to get anyone with half a reputation there for a few divisive opinion articles like the most recent by mr jeter.

reporting is not what he is doing, this is an opinion article like his other posts. there is a lot of money to be made from russian and other shill funding entities to make opinion articles that just rip on the united states in divisive ways. but it's not journalism, it's opinion.

you should study the difference, whoever you are puppeting this 25 rep account im going to mute.

lol @ your brain. i'll mute you right back, you're too W-E-I-R-D.

lol. the US doesn't need any outside help to drum up criticism. opinion journalism is a thing. and that's ok.