Hi Joanna, are you Welsh, by any chance? anyway..Welcome! It is so nice to have you here with us. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I will be glad to try to help out if I can. Good luck!
Hi Joanna, are you Welsh, by any chance? anyway..Welcome! It is so nice to have you here with us. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I will be glad to try to help out if I can. Good luck!
Hello, Thank you. :) I am Asian. I will let you know if I have questions. Thank you very much. :)
OK...please do.
(The "wynd" letter combination is very Welsh.)
Oh wow, I guess that's cool and i've always thought I've given my son a very cool name. :D
My last name is actually Martin. hi five!
Seriously?...and you're Asian?
Yes, I'm actually wondering about that too.
Do you mind saying which Asian country? No problem, if not..
Philippines. :)