My Steemit Introduction: Move Along, Nothing to See Here

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

Have you ever noticed that when someone says, “Move Along, Nothing to See Here,” there actually IS something to see there?

Photo: Tony Webster

Well, unfortunately, this is not one of those cases. As I browse through Steemit’s posts, I see @krishtopa who graces us with her dancing and @opheliafu and @fairytalelife who are gifted artists. @indigowaltz is an amazing poet and @healthyrecipes is a smoothie genius.

Post after post showcases glory, abundance, adventure, knowledge, skill, achievement. It is life-affirming, and leads me to wonder, what can I add?

My name is Nori and over the years people just started calling me N. Perhaps because in email I sign off simply as N.

I am a woman who had a job in IT before IT was even a “thing.” I was the only woman in a department of 16 men. My title was “computer user consultant” and back then that was pretty much the blind leading the blind. To put it into perspective, it was around the time of the Commodore-64. I owned one and I thought that I had arrived.

My co-workers were like brothers, fiercely protective of me when it came to shielding me from the type of abuse you’d expect from folks trying to learn how computers worked and failing at it badly, while also teasing me unmercifully like brothers do a sister. Many days I felt like I was back in middle school again, such were their boyish antics. Fresh out of college and making my way for the first time, it was both an exhilarating and maddening time period in my life.

Eventually we all moved on and now some of those twenty-something co-workers are grandfathers!

Nah, they don't really look like that, but I have to get a jab in when I can. I, myself am the mom to two teenage girls (yikes!). A single mom after having lost my husband 8 years ago to colon cancer. Another story for another time.

Which brings me back to my talent, or lack of. Over the years I learned how to fly and scuba dive and I got my motorcycle license. Did you ever throw yourself into activities to push out the pain? These are the types of things I became absorbed in. I fell in love with diving and flying and they saved my life.

(Somewhere between PA and IA)

I also love to eat, so be on the look out for a recipe or two. I like to garden, although I wouldn’t win any awards. As I age and my bones begin to creak, I’m learning about herbs that help with aches and pains.

And of course, I could write books about the antics of my crazy and beautiful daughters.

If any of those topics interest you, I ask that you follow me @meljn. I’d love to have you along for my ride with Steemit.


Welcome to Steemit :). Great introduction!

Thank you so much. I appreciate it!

Welcome! You did a lovely introduction post - looking forward to more.

What a lovely introduction. I look forward to future posts from you. Welcome to the Steemit Community. :-)