I'm Maruchan and I want to kill myself


Hello Steemit

I'm Maruchan and I want to describe myself with simple facts:

  • I'm 24 years old and I'm already tired of living
  • I've quit the psychiatrist and pills but everyday I try hard to wake up because I recently found a reason to live: I want to start a new life at the other side of the world (easy, right?)
  • Sometimes I want to be a child again
  • I love video games but I suck
  • I hate my job
  • I think about suicide everyday
  • I'm extremely jealous
  • I like cartoons
  • I have sex on the first date
  • When I was a teenager my [gambling addict] father sold my things (electric guitar, computer, tv) to keep betting.
  • My english sucks and you know it

Thanks for reading :) I'll be posting again soon
Bye bee


If you need someone to talk to let me know. Life is already short, which is why we need to focus on the positive side. Making new friends, sharing ideas, and being close to people should take your mind off of things. Watching funny videos on youtube can help. You can watch pranks, or funny pet videos. I am here if you would like to talk.

Hey thanks. I've already watch funny videos for money. I send videos to a bloopers show. But thank you for your words, I appreciate.

Hello, Maruchan, In case this has been your first Introdusemyself Post i'm here to welcome you to Steemit. I hope you have a lot of fun here and you may follow me. Have a great time @rightuppercorner

Wow. This is sad. I don't know if you are bluffing girl, i sincerely hope you are. If you want to talk about life, love or anything, feel free to contact me. Maybe some sexting will cheer you up? lol kidding. Please do not die.

Nice to meet you, @maruchan! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

welcome on board

Never give up hope. Things will get better for you. Always look ahead never look back. Take baby steps instead of big ones. To change your life today.
There are things you can do. help Thy Neighbor. Do a good deed for the day
you could help out in the food bank. Or you could just volunteer
But I have a question for you? Where are you from, you're from the same place is me planet Earth

Die Hoffnung nie aufgeben. Die Dinge werden besser für dich. Schauen Sie immer wieder nach hinten. Nehmen Sie Baby Schritte statt große. Um dein Leben heute zu ändern
Es gibt Dinge, die du tun kannst. hilf deinem Nachbarn. Tut eine gute Tat für den Tag
Du könntest in der Nahrungsmittelbank helfen. Oder du könntest einfach nur freiwillig arbeiten
Aber ich habe eine Frage für dich? Woher kommst du, du bist von der gleichen Stelle, ich bin Planeten Erde

I appreciate your words. But I think we live in different worlds. A region changes everything. I live in Buenos Aires. I need new air, you know?

You might like the place where I am at. I live in Canada. You'll always be welcome in my country
Tal vez te guste el lugar donde estoy. Vivo en Canada. Siempre serás bienvenido en mi país

Head up Girl!! You have everything you need to be the amazing person you want to be inside of you right now, while it may not seem like it at times. We are all trying to figure life out as we go. You're beautiful, loved, and have something to find out about yourself. Keep going after it and keep your mind's eyes on all that is good in your life. Do this and you will begin to see the number of those good things start to grow. You don't have to believe me, but what can you lose by giving it a try? Welcome to Steemit!!

Thanks a lot :)

well if that's you in the picture then focus on the positives.
you're young and beautiful and starting a new life the other side of the world is a very achievable goal.
just do it and blog about it :)

I will, thanks :)

Upvoted, keep your head up! where do you want to live, focus on your goal and you will feel better
will keep an eye out for your posts

Welcome. But... where are you from? because my English sucks too.

I'm from Buenos Aires and you?

Venezolano... y como hablas español para mi es mas facil decirte que cuando crees que nada vale la pena... siempre hay algo o alguien que hace que recuperes la fe en la humanidad.. eso me pasa constantemente a mi que vivo como sabes en un pais destruido y a pesar de todo siempre hay algo porque agradecer... veo que eres joven... y aunque tu foto me gusto.. espero verte en los siguientes post sonriendo para conocerte..

Hola, un gusto conocer a otro venezolano, tengo varios compañeros venezolanos y realmente te hacen creer que uno es afortunado al nacer acá, y es increíble la buena energía que tienen. Generalmente los momentos más tristes son cuando te sentís disconforme con vos mismo más que con lo que te rodea, como tu lugar de origen, familia, etc. La falta de curiosidad y de ambición que no te genera energía para levantarte de la . Gracias por tus palabras.

Asi... es.. vi que hiciste la presentacion en español y veo que aunque mi ingles es terrible te entendi.. jjajajajjaa..... disfruta steemit... el dinero vendra en algun momento... pero si no lo disfrutas te frustras... no te recomiendo leas mis post porque son muyyyy aburridos.... pero te voy a recomendar los post de @marpa realmente te diviertes con sus particularidades tiene un perro Waldo que es todo un personaje... voy a estar pendiente de tus post.. y recuerda espero verte en alguna foto sonriendo...

Why on gods earth would you want to kill yourself?

Because i don't have plans. I don't feel like doing anything

Why would that lead to killing yourself? Take up sport, play video games, blog, learn how to play the violin...