... but before I start to talk about me, I need to say a few words to someone special...
@Uffz: Honey, as I promised: I´m here!!! So you can stop peeving me right now =)
Normally I´m not this type of person who´s totally into social media. I´m not a big fan auf these "OneMillionFilter-Duckfaceselfie-mylifeisalwaysperfect"-Fakestuff and I really don´t need to know what my 1000 facebook friends did yesterday,are doing today or will do tomorrow. I never even had an facebook account. My friends are allways saying
What? How can u live like that? Marceli, what the f..k is wrong with you?!?!
But you know what? I´m utterly interested in exchanging knowledge, impressions und experiences regarding to common interests. That´s the really cool thing about social media. And this is why I´m here. Steemit seems to be something really different. And I´m very excited to give it a try....
Hi everybody, this is Marcelina...
I´m the girlfriend of @Uffz and I´m a german lawyer, too. Yes, we are a lawyer couple and as you may imagine: Our fights can be very special. And of course, I have the better arguments :) Anyway, ...
How I found my way to Steemit...
Well, Uffz started to get interested into various investments and found his way to cryptocurrency. I heard of Bitcoin before, but when he started to explain the Blockchain to me while we were on a two and a half hours walk, it was like
Him: "Blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. Blablablabla. It´s the world's leading software platform for digital assets. It´s using are using new technology to build a radically better financial system. Blablablablablabla. It´s undeniably ingenious invention. It´s based on blablablablablablablablablabla.
Me: "........ (Smiling and nodding in approval wihout having any idea what he is talking about)"
Honestly, I didn´t understand even half of it and the new cryptocurrency Etherium, but I liked the idea of independence and technical revolution. And I loved my new T-shirt he bought me right from the very beginning. Take a look:
What kind of blog you´ll find here...
Well, women often like to show their cooking skills, make up artistic or any other knacks, like singing oder dancing. If you´re having any expectations along these lines, I´m very sorry to disappoint you: Im totally talentfree!!
My cooking skills are limited to water cooking and making scrambled and fried egg. Last time I set a wodden chopping board on fire (I almost burned down the kitchen!!!!) Hearing me singing is like listening to a squeaking injured cat and my make up skills are medial. I´m able to make myself socially acceptable. That shall be enough. :)
So what can I tell you about?! Well, I´m the kind of person who periodically experiences a lot of crazy stuff. I often have something unusual to tell. I don´t know why, but I´m like kind of magnet for these things. These things can be very good and bad likewise. Anyway, I´d love to share them with you...
Exept my crazy life, I have a few interests. I´m a dog mom of this little stinki stink:
He´s a Rescure dog living a king´s life now!
And I love sports: Running an especially boxing! Yes,... Boxing!!! Not in a fancy fitness club in a smooth ladies class, but in a real boxing club which has it´s real shabby rocky style (....and smell!) and where you can find these kind of gang guys u see on the streets and are normally afraid of .No fluffy puffy workouts there.
Here! Take a look:
Fair enough, these are a few facts about me.
I´m looking forward to meet you here and have you by my side while I´m telling my stories.

Welcome to Steemit @marcelina :)
Make sure to participate in this weeks giveaway to get known in the community!
Here are some helpful tips to get you started:
Welcome @marcelina. Peppino is adorable! Looking forward to some lawyer drivel from a functional human being :D (Just joshing with the drivel talk, lawyers are people too). Enjoy Steemit, it is not Instagram.
Hahahahaha :), that´s the thing: Some of u won´t believe it, but lawyers are humans too. In the event of having any issues.... half price, my friend :)
seriously, the are many lawyers but not so many (hundreds in the whole world?) understand crypto. I would take that as a huge opportunity ;-)
(hint: "smart contracts")
That´s true. Most of them don ´t even have time to spend the money they earn... and I am not joking. My friends toll me about smart contracts. Big lawfirms have Meetings and discuss these topics already. We have to jump on this train too. Thanks for reminding me :)
You're welcome :-)
"Smart lawyers learn about smart contracts, dumb lawyers just..." :-)
Anyway, it is a very good sign people like you come here, Steemit (and crypto!) seems to finally outgrow its baby years .
Cool introduction, welcome Marcelina :-)
Anyway, Ethereum is great, but you might wanna check EOS as well
Thanks for telling me. Gonna Check it out tomorrow :)
I really like the spontaneous and sincere in every line written. It is a good argument to follow you and give you upvote xDDD.
Receive a warm hug and greetings from Peru !!! @marcelina
This is very nice. Thank u so much... WOW! PERU! This is really far far away.....
Peru is your home if you want to come with your family in the future !!!
Welcome marcelina !!!
Followed. Upvoted.
Follow me back guys, I will do the same 😘
Hi, thanks..... DONE :)
Preeve you? Me? Nooooooooo
Haaaaallllo Stink ❤️
Welcome to Steemit!! I am new here too! I will follow if you follow me!!
Hi, thanks. U got dogs too :) Nice. Got my follow1
Welcome to steemit Marcelina! Nice t-shirt! Steem on!
Thank you :) Nice gift, isn´t it? :)
Very nice gift! The only downside is that ETH is not in my portfolio, especially when I was looking at it when it was 7 bucks! Damn! Oh, well, plenty others are working out......
Welcome to Steemit Marcelina!
Thanks :)
Anyone that likes boxing and law is alright in my book @marcelina - a quality post and great start by the way! SUPA! I hope you write for the #Deutsch tag too! Spater ... @mindhunter :) P.S. I'll RS this post because of that boxing gym pic ... and the great pic in your Ethereum t-shirt too ... wanna swap it for a Steem one? ;)
Speaking German? Wie geht es dir?! :)
I speak the basics ;) My Polish and French is a lot better - your 2 neighbours! Ha ha! ... Oh! And Scottish Gaelic too :)
Dzien dobry, ja tesz mowie po polsku. :I I´m half polish :)
Tak! Cześć @marcelina! Ha ha! I knew those eyes looked Slavic ;) I'm just back from 3 weeks vacation in Krakow and the Tatra mountains ... in fact my next post is a pic I took in Zakopane. Where are your family in Poland? You do become more enchanting by the minute @marcelina :)
Do u know what it means, when a german girl says "Thank´s for the flowers"? ;) (Thanks for ur compliment) Well my family is from Gliwice, but most of them are living here very close to my place. I´ve been to Zakopane as a child to learn skiing. I always loved it there. Snow Snow Snow
Gliwice in Silesia - I know where that it is. Cool. BTW my favourite German word of all is also my favourite wild flower: Vergissmeinnicht ! :)
Hi, thanks. Very nice to hear that. Invested some time in my post to give you a good impression of who I am :) Would love to swap if u had a more girly size for me :)
I should start a t-shirt business @marcelina - I've had 100s of requests for one! Maybe I should start one online and post the link in every post :)
Looking forward to more of your tidy posts soon. Steem on!
Wow it's great to meet users like you who bring so much knowledge to this community, I think your post is excellent, nice pics, regards :)
Steem on!
HolgerWillkommen auf dem Raumschiff Steemit Discovery M-31 @marcelina! Freut mich das es auch Männer, @Uffz schaffen, ihre Frauen davon zu überzeugen auf der Steemit Discovery einzuchecken! Wie lange hat sie dich im Boxring verprügeln dürfen, bevor sie eingewilligt hat @Uffz? Haha, nur Spaß! Seid beide Willkommen! Ich würde mich darüber freuen, wenn du bei Gelegenheit mal über dein warm-up berichten würdest, da ich mich für Fitness interessiere, aber aus der Richtung der asiatischen Kampfkünste komme.
Hi, danke. Sehr cooles Welcome. Da freue ich mich gleich richtig drüber. Werde die kommenden Tage von meinen Aktivitäten in einem separaten post mit einem Video berichten. Freue mich über den Interesse. Welche Kampfkunst denn?
Ich müsste mal wieder zurück ins Dojo, habe lange Zeit ausgesetzt. Habe Shotokan Karate trainiert und möchte das Training gerne wieder aufnehmen. Zur Zeit sind wir aber alle noch etwas benommen und haben Schwierigkeiten in eine Alltagsroutine zu finden. Demnächst ist erstmal Qi-Gong dran und dann möchte ich gerne in einen traditionelleren Karate-Stil wechseln.
Das habe ich als Kind gemacht, also Shotokan. Dann hatte ich irgendwann keine Zeit mehr und war anderweitig interessiert. Aber jetzt brauche ich diesen Sport zum Ausgleich, sonst boxe ich den einen oder anderen im Büro um :D
LOL! Oder @uffz!
Sehr warscheinlich :)
Welcome! have fun!
A big warm Steemit welcome goes out to you Marcelina :-D
Upvoted and High Pawed!

Ahahaha, this is really cool :D Thanks
You're welcome! :-D
Welcome and I look forward to reading your future stories :)Haha -- I love that you said, "don't expect any cooking or make-up tips here!!" My kind of gal! And your dog is so dang cute; is he a wiener dog? I started using the hashtag #steemitdog for dog-related posts. Hope to find some of your dog pics there!
Hey :), thanks, your too. Well, no he is a PinscherMix. I am not sure. My neighbours got him from czech republic. We rescured him,´cause they did not treat him well. :/
Welcome to Steemit @marcelina!
I'm a bot-helper, and I'm created to help. Congratulations on the registration on Steem - you really like it here! If you like me, make an upvote of my comment and follow me. Your upvote will allow you to give more money to new users, such as you. Let's make Steem better together!
I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!
Welcome to Steem @marcelina I have sent you a tip
Welcome to The Steemit!!
welcome to steem it :) I am not a lawyer but I have always the best arguments too haha or at leats that's what always happen with my boyfriend ;D I hope you'll have a great time here
Hahaha :) very cool! They do not even have a chance against us.... :-P
Willkommen auf Steemit, @marcelina. Bitte verwende nicht den Tag #deutsch, wenn Du in Englisch schreibst.
Oki :) kein Problem
Hahahaha - that shirt - THAT "SHIRT" :D
you're an ethereum girl, that's hot <3