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RE: Quick Thought on Steemit Catfish

This post talking about not voting up #introduceyourself posts (while being in the #introduceyourself category) has 155 votes already. How many more will vote for it because they want to be part of those, sweet, sweet curation rewards?

Heheh. Kidding aside. Great post. I was tempted to vote it up but out of respect for the content, I will follow the wishes therein.


People chasing curation rewards will learn quick enough that they won't get much until they Power-da-fuk-up.

Yep. There are people I've noticed who are powering up their main accounts and their bots as well. It's going to be interesting to see how it all shakes out. This post is now up to 175 votes while asking people not to vote for it. As much as we'd like the world to be made up of rational actors... well, yeah.

I would love a feature to be able to disabled monetization on posts. It might encourage more sincere discussion. Ah well.