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RE: Reflecting on 2017 and starting fresh in 2018

You’ve picked up a lot of how business works, your business plan can be a success as well. About smoking… It also is business: Well, not yours. You pay money to destroy your health and dull your abilities. No matter what you consume: tobacco or an equivalent.


It is definitely not a good trade. Giving money to destroy your own self... When you think about it that way it makes you question why people do it.

I did some an electronic cigarette for a longer period of time in the past, about 6 months. And I have to say I can not call it an equivalent to cigarretes. The difference I noticed while working out in the GYM, running, etc. is quite a lot! My lungs felt a lot better / healthier.

Well, the equivalent is your dependence… Sorry, but it brakes and destroys your high potential and doesn’t allow to roar it. Any smoking also limits freedom of those who are around… Join the army of nonsmokers ;-)