Hola Steemers!
I heard about this platform a few months ago but till today I've never found the time to dig into it! So here I am! It looks like it is a place with nice people with similar interests as mine!
Nice to meet you, all! I am a User Experience Designer with a deep interest in technology. Yes, #UX... that kind of person that at work pisses developers off all day long (but also the other way round is quite common! ๐)
I am also:
- ๐ณ a #cooking passionate: I cook italian but I often try to fuse italian cuisine with recipes from all over the world. I often invent new dishes depending on the ingredients and on the influences (people I met, things I try and so on)
- โ๏ธย a silly drawings sketcher: I do silly #illustrations just for my own pleasure
- ๐ a #backpacker #digital #nomad : currently on a year leave of absence traveling in Central America. You know, #life is too short to be spent into an office!
- ๐ฎ๐น last but not least, I am an Italian #expat living in London ๐ฌ๐ง
More about me on my Instagram, drawings on Dropr, me as UX on Twitter
I thought of you from the top of the San Pedro volcano at the Atitlan lake... 3000m, my hiking record!
I am passionate of the #blockchain. I am using #bitcoins every time I can in my #journey even if it is not always easy (e.g. finding accommodations or restaurants that accept it). I have already visited the Canary islands, Andalusia, Mexico, Guatemala and I am heading to Nicaragua next week! #Steemit is fantastic to read about #crypto-news and other #backpackers experiences.
I am also a #videogames enthusiasts, especially smart #indie games.ย
I would like to share my #thoughts with you. My interests are so many and the time not so much so I may write about one thing. Still not sure if I want to write about UX, illustrations, cooking, #travelย or #gaming ! What do you steemersย think?
Thank you for sharing your journeys and your blockchain enthusiasm!
โ๏ธso good I have found this community where I can exchange opinions and learn
@lenerdie Those are some awesome pics. Your tablet looked photoshopped, but this whole verify with a pic thing is getting silly. Sounds like you lead a fascinating life!
I'm curious to know since you're a UX designer what you think of the overall UX for steem. Like what's good, what's not good, what's bad. Information like that could really help those of us who are trying to build addons, extensions and alternative interfaces.
Mind giving some feedback? Oh yeah, also I upvoted you! :) One way to seriously raise the odds of getting on the front page is to spend some time in trending and trending is proportional to the number of upvotes in total. So if you upvote your commentors, it helps you climb that ladder until the money fairy pays you a visit and knocks you to the front page :D
Of course I would love to provide feedback. I am always up to contribute to nice free and open projects. At the moment, as a newbie, I am finding my way into Steemit and I am trying to get how things work. Only with the understanding I can provide feedback. I think I will post something in the next days to understand more and starting a dialog with the community!Hi @williambanks Thanks for your welcome! The picture my tablet is visualising is a quick image I did just to say hello (I just load the image on the iPad before taking the pic). I could have drawn it but it was faster to do it digitally than manually :)

Youll definitely fit in here we really need UX designers to move forward. Every developer is welcome here as well.
Glad to hear! I will be more than happy to contribute!
hi @lenerdie and welcome to the best community in the Internet! 8]
glad to be here!

hola! a cup of grog for you! LOL

You have an amazing sense of humor!
Welcome Antonella! I have seen a lot of posts about traveling, although I don't like most of them... There are not that many posts about gaming and cooking... not sure if the whales will be interested!
Yep, I have seen many of them and they are very interesting. Gaming is tricky as - unfortunately - there are not many gamer girls around. But also cooking... OMG, I like everything! :D
You're going to find a lot of gamergirls around this place. But umm, I suspect not all of them are female :D
Hello Antonella ! Good luck !
Hi Nicole! thanks a lot!
Hi there Antonella! Congratulations and welcome to Steemit from your crypto-friends in Madrid.
Welcome! We love and mine Bitcoin. In Steemit we trust!
Welcome to Steemit!
Amazing cleavage, disgusting heart.
disgusting heart? it's more or less what you have inside you :3
I know.. mine's disgusting too. Wanna be disgusting together?
It is part of our dark side
Hi Antonella! I want to say welcome to steemit! I am also new here too, and you are the first person I am replying to. Love your post, and that picture from the San Pedro volcano is awesome. Looking forward to reading more posts of yours. How do you like he site since explorong it?
I think it looks good as experiment but it can be improved on the design side and the usability. It is definitely going to the good direction. I will collect my ideas and I will write a post soon
lol, the heart
I felt like the normal heart is way too girlie! LOL
I think our internals were supposed to be internals and not externals on display... It was somewhat weird seeing it.
well, at least I can tell you that I did not take the picture on my own. Nobody suffered for this!
That's reassuring to know... "no people were harmed during the making of this post", loooool.
Welcome to SteemIT!
Glad to have you here:) Welcome to Steemit!!!
thanks a lot!!! ๐
Urca!Ottimo starter post! Io prediligo cucinare torte a dir la veritร :P
For all the english readers: Wow!great intro! I like to cook especially cakes to be honest :P
Also, se vuoi puoi unirti al nostro gruppo di pesciolini di steemit, trovi il manifesto tradotto nel mio blog, metto un bel pollice su e ti followo :3
ahahah tu sei la prima persona che sento usare Urca!, dopo Goku ovviamente! Is there an italian community on Steemit? we can make something together!
Allora, pochi sono gli italiani, perรฒ possiamo, come mi รจ stato appena suggerito, di usare un possibile IT-Steem per iniziare il nostro trend italiano. Goku non si scorda mai, come il primo amore! sul mio blog trovi riferimento ai MinnowsUnite, che sono un gruppo di appassionati di steemit che vogliono emergere, aiutare e aiutarsi. Credo che con il tuo aiuto possa venire fuori una bella iniziativa per gli italiani. Sei la prima italiana anche che ha ottenuto questo grande risultato che tra 7 ore passerai a un livello superiore stile delfino, il tuo potere di voto sarร ampiamente apprezzato nel nostro gruppo :)
Keep Calm and Steem on! I've even made a small video-promo for the group. And if you need a good photoshopper/photomanipulator, I will be at your disposal.
Cool! mi piacerebbe fare qualcosa in italiano. Viaggiando non ho un buon accesso ad internet ma si puo' far qualcosa offline quando possibile. Si puรฒ' iniziare un thread IT-steem and verificare quali competenze abbiamo e come possiamo costruire la comunitร '. Che te ne pare?
Certo! Mi piace la tua motivazione ottimista, ci sto alla grande. Dimostriamo che anche gli italiani hanno l'iniziativa!
https://steemit.com/it-steem/@wisehammer/il-futuro-e-nelle-nostre-mani ho fatto il primo passo :3
Nice to get you in the community, welcome
Welcome to stemit...
Ciao Antonella - cool pics.
Thank you! I hope people will like the pictures of my travel. I am trying to understand what people like to see
Not Nutella, any suggestions for some good indie games to play.
At the moment I am playing Mini Metro. It is perfect for my trip because each game lasts about 20 minutes. Have you played it?
#UX - the logic behind the beauty ;)
The architectural part, as I love to say (within all the rest, of course!)
i like your post
thank you :)welcome @lenerdie please follow me @ikamili
I'm a gamer too and I've been to Lake Atitlan on January this year! Loved San Marcos Atitlan, Antigua and Semuc Champey! I've traveled from Panama to Mexico in almost 1.5 years and now on STEEMIT too! Here's my story :) http://steemurl.com/Z3GVYet8
Cool! I will read it. Latino america is amazing and I am learning a lot in terms of culture and personal development. My plan is to continue to South East Asia.
benvenuta su steemit ! :)
Grazie! ๐ฎ๐น
โญโฉโฎ(เฒ เฒ )โญโฉโฎ
such a poet! LOL
Yeah,im also one of the people who thinks that tablet looks photoshopped,i dont care about it actually.
We already have a lot of fake accounts here,i dont want to talk more about the problem that steemit is suffering of.
However,im not surprised you are using bitcoin-because it is a great way for any traveler to pay!
If the shop is not accepting bitcoin payments,you can simply convert them (btc) into fiat,and pay with it ;) I love bitcoin and it's network,it is just so great comparing it to any other currency (or crypto)
Very nice introduction! UX designers unite! I posted about you here! The cool thing about Steemit.... https://steemit.com/steemit/@mrprolific/just-who-can-we-meet-and-what-can-we-learn-from-the-people-of-steemit-the-amazing-people-on-steemit
See my second post here: https://steemit.com/travel/@lenerdie/get-out-of-your-comfort-zone-visiting-nebaj-guatemala-learning-to-weave-with-locals-and-much-more Hope you will like it! :)
Cool :) What games do you play? I prefer MMO's and play #clashofclans at the mo. Humble Bundle is really good for indie game bundles. The great thing is you get to pay what you want and split your payment between charity , the original developers and humble bundle. I managed to get "Terraria", "The legend of Grimrock", "Deadlight" and "Heroes of Might and Magic" for a couple of dollars a while back :) https://www.humblebundle.com
As I said on a comment up, I am currently playing Mini metro. I loved Terraria and I own a few humble bundles as well. They are fantastic!
@jimbo @thealexander Have a look at my post about my ๐ฎ fav games ๐ฎ: https://steemit.com/games/@lenerdie/my-8-favourite-indie-games-a-girl-s-point-of-view
Lucky you, I've only been to Mexico.
Hi Antonella :)
Hello!!! ๐