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in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Unfortunately, thanks to communism and what came after it, people in this region (not just my country, but whole region) became stupid.
Everyone looks for himself and don't care about anyone else...including nature.
If you ask some random people, they'll all tell you they love nature, trees, taking care of Earth and so on, but in reality it's something totally different.
For example, May 1st this year, some young people went to a national park to celebrate and cut down whole tree for a small barbecue. And no one stopped them, even though there was hundreds of other people around.

Some people here love communism and wish to return it, but it actually had terrible effect on us.

By the way (I found out this few weeks ago) that we had Lions walking around trough Europe earlier before, but we (the people) decided they are in our way, don't benefit us and decided to kill all of them?
Today we don't have a single European lion, what we can see in a zoo are African lions.


That's really to bad. I hope that your people will be able to learn from their mistakes just like I hope us Canadian's are able to learn from ours.

I can't believe those people cut down that tree in the national park for their camp fire... That sets such a precedent for other people (and the watching eyes of the youth). If everyone did that what beauty would be left? Would anyone even want to go camping in a national park?

Do you really think the lack of values and deeper insight is due to the ideology of communism or is it basic human carelessness?

Individually I have hope for humanity but I often feel that, collectively, society is such a let down. I think that this idea of raising people up at the expense of the environment is a mindset brought about directly by the problems we have within the money systems we use.

I think that they often incentivize the wrong behavior. It's to easier to maintain the current way that our society operates while making innovation even harder than it already is. When people don't feel they can win they often resort to taking short sighted short cuts of all kinds... If you have an entire society thinking this way then you REALLY have problems.


The problem is not in the ideology of communism, the problem was in too much freedom.
Everyone could do what ever they wanted to do, without getting punished for it.
For example, you could build a house on a public land, without any question or permissions.
You could enter into someone's apartment change the locks and live there for years and years without any problems.
CEO's were stealing with 3 hands from the companies they were responsible for and everyone knew that.
And dozens examples more.
Hard to believe but too much freedom can be a bad thing for people. Someone has to set some rules and pointers in order to keep the things going in the good direction

This is fascinating to me because I haven't thought to much about the consequences of too much freedom.

Your right about this you know... "Freedom to" needs to be in balance. It seems to me that this world balances precariously between the pros and the cons. By that I mean that so much of what people fight about is not so much about right and wrong but more about pros and cons.

The hardest part is when something has both positive and negative yields. That’s when things should be weighed out carefully. Is this a net positive to society and the environment or is this a net negative and yielding compounding bad outcomes to society and the environment. Usually something that is good for one section of society is less than good for another part of society or environment.

So I guess I have a question for you @lanmis.

So many people only think about “Freedom to”. They don’t even realize there is another aspect to this topic. What about, “Freedom from”? Since we are talking about too much freedom… Perhaps with your experience in Serbia you have some unique insight into this side of the equation.

Could it be that freedom balances on a scale between “freedom to” and “freedom from”? If so… I wonder where are current society is on that scale?

I'm not sure you're going to be satisfied with my answer on this, because it won't be exact answer on your question, I'll have to answer in my style.

I would answer with another question (just like politicians :-) )
How long we, the people, will put huge efforts it destroying each other freedom?
How long we'll have a need to put down someone else, in order for us to feel better?
How long will greed, selfishness and ego rule our lives and make us do terrible things to other humans?