In December 2016, Marianne Bayard and I released the first 6 episodes of our original, Long Island based web series Killing it! The series follows Mares, a self-obsessed, wannabe actress, and Kaps, her artistic, optimistic bestie, as they make their way toward stardom or death.
Killing it! was selected for's Screening Festival at the IFP Center in Brooklyn, NY in March 2017. We’ve just finished shooting 2 new episodes, and are applying to festivals and contests in order to increase the quality and scope of our production.
The show is shot and edited in my small apartment in Lindenhurst, NY, and came out of a need for co-creator Marianne Bayard to have comedic content for her acting reel. What evolved was a forum for us to explore our real-life experiences in exaggerated and self-effacing ways.
By honing in on our own pain, humiliation, hopes and fears, it is our goal that viewers can relate to and enjoy our comedy.
All 6 episodes of Killing it! are viewable at
Welcome to Steem @killingit I have upvoted and sent you a tip
welcome to the community, @Killingit! Wish you much luck! Cheers! Follow me .
Happy to find you on Steemit - would love to stay connected! @killingit
So nice. you are talented @killingit
Nice, a new Steemian, more or less ^^ Hi @Killingit I hope you have fun here. don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) Cheers @chrisx
"By honing in on our own pain, humiliation, hopes and fears, it is our goal that viewers can relate to and enjoy our comedy."
Love this quote. Looking forward to checking out the series.
Haha Killing It! remember to use the 'introduceyourself' tag for only your first post.
Welcome to Steemit @killingit :)
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G'day @killingit! Welcome to the platform :]
Welcome to Steemit!
Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now
nice introuction. Followed. Follow me back 😘