Awesome intro post you have their, and a perfect niche to tell your story about!
I used to work a lot in bariatric surgery (gastric bypasses, sleeves, gastic banding) back in the days so I know a lot of the ifs and whys around this procedure.. Its gonna be a journey for sure amigo, and one that will not always be fun and easy, but one that will improve your quality of life so damn much!
All the best for next week, and if questions...just give me a tag!
Thanks :)
Yea, its going to be a long road, but a road I need to take and now before its too late.
My biggest fear is dying and having them have to take a wall out to remove me or get the fire bridgade in to lift me out, thats a burden on our heroes.
And that is exactly your motivation for getting this THAT wont happen
As you write you are 32....whole damn life ahead of you man!