
That one is easy! =)

You start off on Steemit as a plankton. You then grow through minnow --> dolphin --> orca --> whale. Some people group the plankton in with the minnows, and some people group the orcas in with the whales.

Lolz, now I looked at it it makes sense. Not much of a fish expert. What is the best place to ask for help? The #help chat channel doesn't seem to get a lot of attention. Is it possible to contact other members (for example you) directly?

I assume you mean Steemit help? There is no IM service on the platform yet, so the best thing to do is just talk to people in the comments section. I'd be happy to try and help out where I can. =)

Atm I only have one question: can someone explain how to insert a picture AND a summary in the story ad? I tried this: but the result is that the image html ends up in the description. So I added a title to mask that a bit, but I see stories without doing that.

That link is over a year old, and most of the information is thoroughly outdated. As it stands, I am 99% confident that you cannot manually set the subtitle of your story ad. Steemit just takes the first piece of text it comes across, which is the subtitle of an image if that image is in your leading paragraph.

Adding a small header paragraph seems to be the best way to solve this one.