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RE: Hello plebs. Let me introduce myself. I'm the fuckin' British Prime Minister, and you're all my bitches

Theresa, you haggard old harpy! What a joy it is to see your uniquely repulsive blend of massive ego and reptilian sociopathy here on Steemit! I am weeping with laughter and my belly is officially bust! 😂 🔥😂 🔥😂 🔥😂 🔥 I have my special pleb-blend popcorn ready! This is going to be good!


Ah, @jaytaylor, you sycophantic peasant. Why are you wasting your time on here messing about, when you should be out working hard to pay me and my government 48% of your entire earnings in direct and indirect taxation? Poor people in other countries aren't going to bomb themselves you know!

Only 48%, Tezza? I'm sure it must keep you awake nights wondering how you can get your sticky, gnarly fingers on the other 52%...

I've got a plan. I'm calling it Child Tax Debits. Every one of your mewling offspring will be tax liability. Gingers, Autistics and Cripples will be double taxed. Maybe even triple.

Although there will be some tax breaks for parents who add pure Aspartame to their babies bottles.

I think this piece has my favourite comments of all Steemit posts.

I second that notion, @dannyshine - the comments are the cherry on the cake!