Let me introduce myself


Hello everyone here

You won't believe me, but it's taken me all day to get to writing this. I kept thinking this is kind of like when you have to stand up on a stage for public speaking and you get the stutterflies. I call them stutterflies because it's butterflies in my stomach and there's always a chance that I'll start stuttering and forget almost everything I had prepared. Luckily when you're typing there's no stuttering involved.

I found some tips by googling first Hive article and I'm glad I did because it took me to a whole series of articles I'd like to read. I bookmarked some of them as reference.

My name is Janiqua. Most of my friends just call me JD, you can too if you like. I'm in my thirties and am a new account manager for a small company that I love. I get to meet a wide range of people and even though I come across as a bit reserved, I have a lot of belief in my abilities and my client relation skills which continue to grow as I strive for better. Not necessarily perfection every time, but I try to do my best where I can, to build and grow not only my portfolio, but myself at the same time.

I'm a bit quirky and eccentric in some ways but it's never held me back (for long anyhow, lol). Some people like my oddities. I see hearts in flowers and leaves and sometimes I find water droplets that look like miniature footprints. I sometimes wonder if these things are little gifts meant for me that other people don't see. That's the whimsical side of me I guess.

I love salty liquorice, Ritter Sports chocolate and Hagen Dazs Duo ice cream with extra chocolate sauce. I run it off so I have only the smallest amount of guilt.

As a person, it probably takes a while to get to know me well and I'm definitely not the type to parade into the spotlight at social gatherings. I have a small group of amazingly kind and loving friends that get to see beyond the shyness and I have been told I can be fun sometimes. It's subjective I guess but I'd like to believe I am.

I came across crypto many years ago but was steered away from it by family (who I love very much) but who are rather old fashioned and haven't really kept up with the times. Through the years I started hearing more and more and it peaked my interest as time went on. The first wallet I set up I lost the keys to and still have no idea where they went, but luckily there wasn't much crypto in it. If the prices go up again by a lot, I might regret having lost those keys.

Oh, I guess that's something I'm working on. I'm rather forgetful at times so have to make notes. Many many notes. Sticky notes too, plastered everywhere. I keep an annual diary that I write all my duties and achievements of the day in. It does help, but you won't want to know how many times I've searched for my sunglasses and they were on my head.

Ok, fine, I'll tell you. 324,21 trazillion times. I think they secretly want to be an alice band. Identity crisis much? Maybe lol.

I enjoy being outdoors and my favourite colour is green. I wish I had green eyes because it would be like carrying some of the natural world out there with me every day. Oh well, perhaps one day if I have kids they'll have green eyes.

Like most of us, my favourite day of the week is Friday and my least favourite is ... yes, you guessed it - it's Sunday. Bet you thought I was going to say Monday right? I don't like Sundays because it's sad when the weekend comes to an end. I love my job but I love my "me time" more. Is that selfish? Maybe that's a bit selfish, but at least I'm honest.

I'm listening to my favourite orchestral songs while writing this. It's a stunningly sunny day here and warm, the perfect temperature. The out there is calling me, I think it's time for a run.

Hope to find some people here with similar interests, I'll be having a look around when I get back.




I stumbled upon your introduction post in my Friends Feed by way of a Re-Blog or Re-Hive (Whatever it's called...😏) thanks to @trucklife-family.

Well...... actually, I really didn't STUMBLE. Probably because I was sitting at the time.

ANYwayzzzzzzzzzzz... Quirkiness can - at times - be indicative of hidden genius😎

'Ritter Sports Chocolate'...?!?!?!? I love the ones that break into little squares, atop some sort of wafer. They've been difficult to find in stores near me these days...


Well hi there @angryman

Thanks for the comment. Glad that you didn't stumble for real. Hidden genius? I don't know about that, but quirky people can be fun sometimes.

Well, not only Ritter Sport, I have other favourites too. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post.

Ciao for now

Welcome to Hive JD, thanks for your excellent introduction post, I read a few now and then and think yours is one of the better ones I've read in the last few months.

By what you say here I think you'll have plenty to share with the community and I hope will enjoy your time here. I tell new people that posting with passion, personality and effort is the way to go. Comment on other people's posts in the same way and you'll be on your way. Your comments don't have to be super-lomg, just relevant.

Anyway, enough from me. All the best moving forward, and feel free to ask any questions along the way.

Edit: Delegated 50HP to you so you'll have ample resource credits for commenting.

Hello galenkp

Thank you so much for reading my article and the compliment. As I wrote in my previous reply, it looks like I have a lot of reading up to do to get into it and understand it all but I'll get there. Passion, personality and effort. Got it. I should be able to do that. Thank you for the encouragement and for the heart vote, that was very kind.

It was rather daunting at first, that's why it took me so long, but I know where to ask for help now if I get stuck along the way. I'm going to go have a look through the communities and see what there is that I could get involved in - it's almost like walking around a library and finding the right sections 😁

I think you'll do fine, just be yourself, have some fun and ask questions if you're unsure; it's better to ask than proceed blindly and possibly into strife.

I run a few communities myself which you could check out: WEEKEND EXPERIENCES and The Pew. Search will find them. There's a community that will fit almost every need so spend some time looking.

All the best.

Thank you very much, it's been a really nice welcome, I've been scrolling down the communities list and it's huge. Weekend Experiences? Oh I will look that up for sure. I like weekends.

Pew, as in church bench? Hold on let me go have a look

Lol, nope not pew as in church. You'll see.

Oh, thank you very much. I don't really know what that means, but it's another thing I'll look up tonight. I'm taking notes. I'm a quick learner, just have to work on the info retention part 🤣

Am I reading that right? You're on the side screen and it says 64,126 posts and comments. Whoa, that's a lot.

You need resource credits to permit commenting and because you have no HP to prove the RC I have delegated you some. It's not your HP and will come back to me eventually, but allows you the ability to comment which will help you build relationships and grow your account.

Lol, yeah I've been around a bit, made some posts and comments. I enjoy it though, and so continue. I hope you enjoy your journey also, it can be rewarding.

I confess that I went and looked up resource credits in an FAQ community but your explanation was just as good, far more concise. I understand it much better now thank you.

I'm already enjoying it.

Just had a look at your communities and I was like "Oh...ok, that kind of pew 🔫 not that kind of pew ⛪️". Sorry, for a second I thought maybe it was a church group. I feel a bit silly now.

I went to church once, got struck by lightning the moment I walked in. Never went back.

Lol. I'm not religious. Went to church when I was young, it wasn't for me. I like your Pew better. No offence to those that believe and all, each to their own. I've got some funny camping stories but they're probably better suited to your other community. Ever been chased by a hog while trying to barbeque? I have.

I got chased by a hog, that's why I ran into the church...and we all know how that turned out for me.

I jest of course...Or do I?

Welcome @janiqua-d. I've been around for a few years but I still don't know what the heck I'm doing, so best not ask me lol. I've come to cryptocurrency a bit late in life and a lot of it is over my head but I try my best. What I do know is, you will find your people on Hive. Enjoy!

Thanks @ellenripley

Don't fret, I know I've had some challenges getting to understand it all too and I'm not a techy so I doubt I'll ever know the whole lot 🤣

Welcome to hive @janiqua-d, I love that you notice the hearts in flowers as well and I believe they are a gift to us all, those of us who still really observe. Many people have forgotten how to do that, but we are born with the innate ability to see.
I only recently discovered salty Liquorice and it was an experience, but did enjoy it.
If you have any questions just ask. There are lots of great communities you can join.
I would love to know what you were listening to when you wrote this?
p.s I have also delegated you a little hive so that you can engage with the platform more xxxxx

Hi Aishlinn

Thank you so much for your reply, it was heartfelt to read. I think that so many of us are very disconnected from the earth these days and overlook so much, it's sad but the hearts and flowers are always there greeting our feet and eyes if we care to look. People like you and I are rare these days.

Thank you so much for the delegated hive, that will help as I'm knee deep in going through the communities. I'll definitely start posting in them regularly.

Lol yes, salty liquorice is an acquired taste but I think it grows on you. The first time I had it as a kid I was not impressed at all, now I love the stuff.

I've just added Le Jardin de Lucy to my playlist, that second song reminds me of the background music at my weekend job while I was still finishing school, that was a flood of really fun memories. I must find the album that used to play a lot and I'll send it to you, you might like it.

I was listening to a song called Eternity. If you listen to it, I think you'll understand. The high key piano notes that accentuate the melody and the marching rhythm get me every time. If my life had to have a soundtrack, this would be on it.

Thank you so much, have a fantastic end to the weekend.


Hola @janiqua-d tus rarezas son normales en personal que se buscan a si misma. Y el tema de ver cosas en las cosas es un fenómeno psicológico llamado paleidolia. Somos fenómenos. Genial ese día favorito y que no pues está allí igual se busca de disfrutar. El amor al tiempo libre no tiene precio. Te digo una vez entrando a Hive podrás aprovecharlo al máximo. Saludos y bienvenido.

Hi Evelyn

Thank you so much for your reply to my post. I did not know there was a name for seeing things in objects. Thank you for teaching me something new and meaningful today, I will remember that. I like some of my quirks although I think sometimes it drives other people a bit mad.

I'm very grateful for the encouragement. I think I will enjoy it here. Have a lovely end to the weekend.

Hi and welcome here Janiqua :)
Yeah, sometimes it takes a lot of time to write things down the way we want it ! Glad you join Hive on your favorite day haha ! and in my opinion, it’s better to not feel selfish about free time used for us, this is just healthy and super normal - I personally work for myself the most, so I guess it’s different !

I hope you’ll enjoy your time here :)

Hi there @anttn

It was nerves but I've had such a nice welcome from everyone that I've interacted with that the stutterflies are gone now 🙂 I am yet to meet someone who disliked Fridays for a good reason 🤣

Perhaps I feel it's selfish because everyone is always so busy that it seems like claiming a day here and there for myself is taking it away from the other things that need doing. Self care is undervalued but it's so important.

I think that working for yourself is more stressful because it's not an 8 hour day, it's a 12 hour day. Some of my friends run their own businesses and it seems stressful at the best of times especially the first year. Did you find that it eased out after a while and there's more balance?

Thank you so much, I am enjoying it. I hope you are having a great weekend?

I understand ! How did you discover Hive ?

For me, it has become really important to take time to invest in my life rather than in someone else's work... After that, I have a kind of total practice where I want to have a hand in as many things in our lives as possible, food, housework... I'm a " house man " and I write novels, we've seen worse ! I'm not really a good example, but I also make sacrifices to have this lifestyle :) But yes, I have indeed managed to find this balance :)

Again, welcome to you and I look forward to seeing your future articles, have a great week :)

Welcome @janiqua-d !! Great Intro post, so glad you took the time to put one out. It makes it so much easier for people to reach out and touch you. I am so glad you took that step and joined, I think you will like it here and there are so many different communities to choose from.

I like the introduce yourself as I can come here and find all the new people without having to bump into them on the blockchain. This is so much friendlier! Get out there and read some posts and comment on them. Galen already gave you a small delegation, so you should have enough Resource Credits to post and comment.

Good luck to you and if you have questions, ask! Anyone will help you! Feel free to track me down. :)

Hi @dswigle

Thanks so much for your comment, glad you enjoyed my intro post. I've been reading loads, there's so much good stuff and have met some really friendly people. Thanks so much for the offer of help should I need it, I'll remember. Have a nice day

Ola @janiqua-d, Welcome to Hive!

Excellent introduction.

Here you will find a very healthy network.
Where you have freedom of speech and receive a lot of support for your effortin creating content.
I hope to see you flying through the communities and staying forever in Hive!
Nice to meet you!

Boelter hugs straight from Brasil!

I invite everyone to participate in the communities: HiveBR, MusicHive and SkateHive.
In addition to being a content creator, I am a Moderator and Curator in these communities.
Let's exchange ideas and evolve together.


Hi @boeltermc

Thanks for the reply. From Brazil? I've never been there (yet), but I've heard and read that it's beautiful. I'll go have a look at your communities, thanks for sending the links.

Welcome to the hiveverse JD @janiqua-d
You reminded me of my introduceyourself post! I was thinking and looking around what and how to write.
Now this is almost one year ago, had a lot to learn but it all was worth it!
Have a great time here and if questions arise, please just ask :-)

Hi there @beeber

Thank you so much for the welcome. Well done on your anniversary coming up, that's very exciting. I hope to be able to look back in a year and say the same.

Much appreciate the offer for help, if I need it, I will definitely reach out.

Have a good day

Youre always welcome to stop by and ask :-)

Welcome on board
Explore the communities

Hi @midemanuel

Thanks so much for the welcome. I'm going through them now and finding all the ones I like, I think it's wonderful that there's so much variety.

I see you're a drummer and singer. That's wonderful. I can't play a musical instrument to save my life, but always respect those that do. Thanks so much for the reply to my post.


You are welcome...

Welcome janiqua-d!
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Hello ecency

Thank you very much for the welcome, I will have a look through the links you've given me and who would say no to the fasted desktop application? Sounds good to me.

Hello @janiqua-d! This is @chillwithshanna from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. Congratulations on making your first post on Hive and welcome to this amazing community!

By the way, how did you discover about hive or who introduced you to this platform? You might want to share it with us or tag your friend so we can thank them and this is also for your credibility as a hiver!

We have a lot of Communities you can subscribe to which are all categorized based on interest or topics. Share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.
Happy Blogging!

Hi @chillwithshanna

Thanks so much for the welcome. It looks like there's a lot to read, I've gone into the communities tab and there are so many I got quite excited. I'm definitely going to get going on reading that Newbie guide tonight and if I run into hassles will let you know, thank you for the encouragement.

I used my own photo edited in Canva, the same with my profile photo. I'll write that in my blog next time, sorry about that.

It's good to read that plagiarism is dealt with, a friend of mine's university assignment was once plagiarised by one of her classmates and she was so mad when she found out. The worst part was that the girl got away with it. It was so unfair because I know how much effort she put into it and then it was basically stolen from her. Even years later she still mentions it from time to time and I can see how much it pains her. That's definitely not something you'll have to worry about with me, my articles will all be my work.

Thanks so much for the comment and all the helpful links, I have lots of reading material for tonight in bed 🙂

Thats great, sure just let me know or you can also go to discord a lot can help you there. also, would you care share to us how you got on hive? ☺️

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